Do this for your city/area/island etc

Do this for your city/area/island etc

this tbqh

t. Texas
Connect your based circles through eas' Texas and you got a winner.

How is staten island like

Smelly working class new jersey tier waste land, there's nothingspecial about it. The least notable of all the boroughs.

I have one for the whole country.

>houston to corpus christi
>not shitholes
Let's be honest here, you're not fooling anyone




So there's pretty much only one area that just white people live? I nearly lived in the part of Long Island that's a lot further east than Queen's. What's that like?

Why is Eketahuna full of fags?

There are whites in every borough, but mainly Manhattan. Long Island is fairly diverse and segregated by race and class so it depends, where exactly where you supposed to live?

The inner city should have "rich white people" or something like that.

Rental apartments were never a thing so the inner city is a quite nice place opposed to other western cities.

A place called Huntington


Here you go.

I know Huntington, it's on the north shore in a very cozy place by the water. My friend owns a pizzeria there, its absolutely beautiful.

Huntington is very white, upper class, it has a nice downtown with tons of great places to eat. It's nothing like NYC at all, it's much more suburban and filled with trees and has an amazing view of the water with parks and historical areas. Huntington station further south is less nice though but it has a good mall. You're about an hours drive from Manhattan there, you really missed out by not moving 2bh

Type 1 if you agree

>those straight roads
Memes aside it looks pretty nice, had a quick look on googe maps as well. I would have been 10 when i would have moved so didn't really have control over it. Think I'd prefer the inner city itself at my age now though.


Here's Oslo, Norway




fucking this

This map is pretty old but still holds up


>like to drink

Se ti vejdi, de še nejsi bil pri nas!

Two minutes of effort version.

Isn't the end of the 1st avenue full of blacks? At least I saw a lot of them over there.

>boner springs
Why the nope zone?

Do the "unpleasant' people pay the rent or are New York, London, etc not so expensive?

>>boner springs
see also: Peculiar, MO
>Why the nope zone?
It rhymes with "ziggers might murder you".
Still, they have the best barbecue so it's worth the occasional risk.

There are a lot of them? I thought it was the "white zone" of the US.

South-East district of Moscow


There are bad parts of London that aren't too expensive, they live there and create ghettos


Actual KC is about 30% black, a multiethnic island in a sea of white farmland. At least we got BBQ out of it.

whole country

Sounds pretty shitty

It wouldn't be my first choice of a tourist destination. We have google fiber and BBQ and sometimes our local sports teams win things. We do seem fond of fountains and boulevards, if that makes a difference. But generally; yeah, we're flyover country.

Louis CK seems to think you're one of the shittiest most boring cities in the country


It's a gag, like when Jon Stewart shits on Arbys.
>I always have a great time in kansas city. the crowds are great. I also love shitting on kansas city on television. I honestly don't know why.

I'm sure the city has it's charms to someone who grew up there, but it doesn't appear to have much to offer tourists.

Now you know the true meaning of irrelevance.

>I'm sure the city has it's charms to someone who grew up there
No, not really. See above.

I have one for the whole country.

Is do not go here a black area?

Why is it the same in every country

>don't go there, there's bosnians


where are the FARC and coke areas

they're limited to some hidden bases in the amazon jungle now.
>coke areas
''Do not go here''


it's funny to think that a thousand year area still has areas with nothing

There is stuff but it's not a mediatized area. It's just country, forests, cheese areas. It's beautiful but there's not much to do I guess.

Isn't the south full of Arabs too? Marseille especially?

Other than that the big empty nothing in the center of France seems comfy. When you go to a town there, will it be 99% French?

>portuguese gangsters

No need, I live in an exclusively white small town. Well, I guess we have some Russians and a rapefugee center.

the typical greeting in marseille is done with an ak47

Yeah there are three "arab centers", around Lille (where I live), Paris' surburbs and Marseille.
I lived on the north coast, I knew only one arab in school. No blacks, where the fuck are all the black people? In the small villages, it'll be 100% white.


Sounds comfy.

Don't understand why everyone apparently wants to live in Paris then. (though it's not that much different here)

Because there are jobs and plenty of "city things" to do in Paris. Artists will go to Paris for example. Some shops are only there. Museums etc..
Pic is Lille

>lower east side

Last time I checked, that was little Tokyo.

too lazy to translate


the redder the better

Prix de quoi?

mètre carré


that study counts the number of times 12 year olds went to the dentist.

I like this thread

>Average number of decayed, missing or filled in teeth of a 12 year old


This study just shows which country has the best candies ;_;

because Britain has the lowest number of 12 year olds going to the dentist as shown by the OECD, they also have the lowest number of reported teeth health issues.

I thoughts artists in Lille was a meme from Adèle / Blue is the warmest color.

[citation needed]

A fucked up tooth is a normal tooth in the UK :^)

With color coding

>so long as we keep the age cutoff at 12, we can make a chart from 0-3 that paints us positively!

there are enough japanese people to warrant a label?

I can't seem to find it at the moment but in the meantime there's this, too.

>I can't seem to find it at the moment

Where is chechen, azeri, armenian, midle east ethnic zone?

wait, found it, they only have an excel file for it so I had to take a picture myself.

Not even joking the last time I visited a dentist was about 10 years ago, my teeth are fine.

Few thousand I guess, they all work at the European HQs of Canon, Nikon, Yakult etc in Amstelveen.

That graph doesn't prove anything you originally said.

we're not even bottom, and only 0.3 behind the US, for example.

Comparing your graphs, Poland actually has the same visits as us but over 4 times the reported dental problems, as another example.

Your arguments have no basis.

This graph has nothing to do with it

To become a dentist here you have to be the top 1% of the population

Its extremely hard

This graph also means nothing

Brits visit the dentist LESS and have BETTER teeth

You are literally supporting Brits here


No but they don't look like Léa Seydoux

>That graph doesn't prove anything you originally said.
Sure it does, low number of visits to the dentist = low number of reported decayed teeth.
>we're not even bottom
So? The countries below you aren't even in the original graph.
Yes, they have issues worse than you.

Also look at Netherlands in both graphs. Despite having 3 times as many visits as you, they barely have any more reported teeth issues. Wouldn't you think that's a better example of teeth health?

Either way, your low number of visits to the dentist would make sense for your low number of reported teeth issues.
>and have BETTER teeth
The original graph is just the reported number of decayed teeth. It's not like every country had the same number of visits to the dentist, and would you look at that, UK has one of the lowest rates.

How do I move to the Dijon Mustard & Wine region? Surely a place with this sort of label has amazing living conditions.

You don't compare the sample mean to the population in statistics, this is stupid, you are stupid.

>Wouldn't you think that's a better example of teeth health?
Grasping at straws here mate, it's almost impossible to disprove your original assertion that we have good teeth simply because we don't report our bad teeth.

We're a first world country who poach dentists from around the world. Poland is an example of a second world country, and as you'd expect, they are much, much worse than us for teeth health. The bad teeth meme originates from yanks in the 19th century.

I'd love to see where Columbia fits into this picture.

It's pretty nice yes.

We can go there together~~

Same here. 70% whites, and 30 % Russians and Refugees