Why is he such a wanker?
Why is he such a wanker?
Bacon's for eating, not fucking
He's just a brit
Aligning with the left is a definite sign of mental illness and/or childhood trauma.
Wanker? I'd call him a tosser, myself
ok we get it you guys are loyal to the queen
looks like a bellend though
What did this poster mean by this post?
You hate him because he took a hard line on refugees and Canada has ended up taking 5 times as many as us lmao?
Fuck off Brit
Whites are a minority in london
I don't like him either, but honestly, he's a million times better than your joke of a prime minister.
Glass houses, my canuck friend.
60% are white though lmao and Toronto is the most diverse city in the world
We have freedom od movement with 500 million+ people and you still have double our immigration rate?
Sure thing, Mohammed
Ahh yes
He's horrible. What an absolute goof
>Butthurt when presented with the facts
>people actually defending this Goober
I'm done. Obviously this goobers shills have stormed this thread.
not very halaal that comment
I wish you cunts would fuck off with your politics.
Might wear my shorts today.
>wake up
>drink 1-2 cups of coffee
>shitpost for a while
>Eat breakfast
>take shower after shit
>get out of shower
>get dressed
>ready to leave the house
>need to shit again
I FUCKING hate this.
>p-please don't remind me of how fucked my country and its people are!
I think you're lost m8
/brit/ is over here:
My country is fucked but your country is even more fucked.
I just don't care about politics.
Jewish controlled shitskins will takeover your country long before they do mine, lad.