Be american

>be american
>wake up
>get shot

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't ever shit talk based USA ever again, you fucking cuck of Australia.

top laughter thread

el em ef ay oh

>tfw literally heard 3 gunshots right before I opened this thread

I love you, based Canuck.

hahahah this nigga gonna die

>Anonymous 05/24/16(Tue)17:57:15 No.59826912

>be american get shot while sleeping

>be chilean
>brown spics blasting reggaeton at 4 am on tuesday

when does it end

g-guys, pls stop

>tfw mom found the suicide note and took my AR and shotgun away

>getting infringed by mom



>be a sheepfucker
>wake up


I gotchu senpai

>be australian
>wake up
>see your wife getting gangbanged by an emu, an abbo, and a muslim


>dingo eats your wife's son

>be kiwi
>wake up
>sheep gf is dead
>have to try and score some human pussy

le monke

Oh shit, it's a New Zealander flag.

Fuck, now they're going to ridicule for our stupidity again. Oh well.

I don't care.

>heard 3 gunshots right before I opened this thread
>only 3

Bitch get on my level. It's weird if I go a full day and DON'T hear at least 3 gunshots

>be french
>wake up
>never hear gunshots
I guess it's pretty nice.

>November 13, 2015

>tfw just heard 5 more

it's just some guy being stupid in his backyard, r-right?

In the US it's always November 13 :^)

Nah son, it's a warzone out there and you know it

>tfw reading local news and it has been a crazy month
>people are even shooting each other on the highway in traffic

And 7 more, they sounded much closer too

>be swedish
>be woman
>wake up
>drink male tears mug
>drive to safe space
>get stare-raped on the street
>kill self

They're coming for you. Rest in peace mate.

>be british
>be male
>take kid to airplane
>can't sit next to him
>let him sit next to a lady while i sit behing him
>he gets abducted
>turns out lady is a child molester
>she doesn't get arrested because "the child has male privilege"
>kill self

meme magic is real

what a fucking cuck
Fuck USA and Canada

>be indian
>be male
>get raped by woman
>she doesn't get arrested because it doesn't fall under the definition of rape
>kill self

>there are Americans getting shot RIGHT NOW

>there are germans eating sausage

>There are Germans eating kebabs RIGHT NOW

I wish I was born in Germany now

>there are germans being assfucked by refugees RIGHT NOW

haha look at this image i found on r/pics XDDD

this man is the canadian prime minister and hes alsoo a terrorist! LAWL!!

>there are americans being assfucked by black men AND getting shot RIGHT NOW

>be canadian prime minister
>wake up
>put on cool new hip hat on
>acidentally say "dATS DA BAWMB xDD" at airplane
>get mistaked for terrorist
>get shot
>wait this is the usa

the joke is hes also actually a pirate!



Sikhs are bro-tier you stupid fuck. Look how br-tier they are

>soft cunts don't hear lmg bursts mine blasts and tank fire all day long

Tfw joint corps excercise all week and my barracks are right at the edge of the fire grounds

>there are frenchmen slipping on baguettes and firing bombs RIGHT NOW

>be american kid
>find a loaded handgun lying on the street
>get shot
literally can't make this shit up

this is why we're making a wall by you and not them

shut the fuck up you unoriginal reposting reugnant faggot you're a disgrace,

>pepe face
>overused meme
>guranteed 300+ replies


>eric roberts

Do you have your own gun Americans?
Does your state allow you to own guns?


>he can't handle the frog


there are french people getting blown up after bieng raped right now

>american """"education""""