Be Australian shit poster

>Be Australian shit poster
>Go online and play Overwatch
>Playing as Junkrat.
>Excellent class
>Canadian faggot trying to act all cool
>start taking the piss out of him
>M8, you Canadians are always butthurt over everything
>N-no I'm not you faggot Aussie
>have vocaroo on my phone
>link him to a voice message found on Sup Forums on my phone
>Australian bantz intensifies as top blokes Gazza, Bruce and Ross chip in to shit on the leaf
>his anger hinders his play
>most Australian players start playing as Junkrat and target the Canadian player
>Canadians team members stop playing and just laugh as the voice message gets played again and again and the strayans put on OTT thick Aussie accents ripping into their PM.
>Canadian rage quits.

Other urls found in this thread:

another mentioning

>>play Overwatch
How much is Blizzard paying you to shill this trash?

I'm going to bed and if I see this thread archived with 60 percent or more posts being made by Canadians, I will fucking dox the next Canadian I find in Overwatch. I am so done with this shit. Goodbye you fucking faggots. I hate you all get a life.

>posting on Sup Forums
How much was Tones paying you shill for your country?

>play Overwatch


>going to bed

I do it for free

>Australians being able to play online gaming

Not buying it.

That's actually what I was thinking



Noice proxy seppo

>2 (TWO) Australian characters
>0 (ZERO) Canadian characters
Is it because they lack a unique culture?

I sense trickery too

You need to be 18+ to post here kid.

Trips confirm, overwatch babbies btfo

>mfw heals are always MVP

>Aussies having internet capable of playing outside of their Chinese containment servers

>Chinese containment servers
Well, then it's no wonder that he was playing against Canadians.

Dass war sehr gut

Overwatch looks like some weeb shit
You are a faggot


>OP bought overwatch

We have Mei

>warhammer comes out
>hey lets play the TF2 reskin


top wew

I don't get it, is this a recording from your game or what you linked to him?


god bless asiamerica

Isn't Roadhog American?

>buying blizzard shit

>playing Overpay

at least the porn is good

>playing Overwatch

Oh, did they actually add enough content to justify a $60 tag at launch?

It's 40$

>microtransactions up your ass
>20 tick
>12 maps
>2 game modes
>made by the biggest jews in the industry

no fucking thanks

Just a steaming pile of shit all around

What's "Overwatch"?

How are you playing Overwatch with 20kb speed?

I wish Canada would declare war on our sworn enemy: Austalia

Fuck off with the roleplaying you homo

Welcome to Sup Forums. You'd do well to find some way to develop a sense of humor if you plan on staying here.

Thanks big bro

THIS. Invasion when?

Fuck off Australian sympathizer

fuck junkrat and his wheel thing FUCK HIM and fuck australia

>Australians aren't allowed to say trash
Blizzshill pls go

Aren't aussies the funniest posters?
I can't help but kek every time i see an Australian post tbhonest.
Should be nominated for best posters 2016

Canadians are very underrated, they have a subtle, slightly surreal comedy aesthetic. Sort of like finns but less autistic.

Australian comedy is less cerebral, they revel in being working class scum, even when they're not, their banter is simple, catchy and easy to copy. It's funny, but I still prefer Canadian.

How naive do you think we are?

Thanks dad

Holy fuck how the fuck did you post that picture, did you start uploading this thread when overwatch was in open beta?

You fool, he's trying to lull us into a false sense of security. Don't drop you guard.

Canadians mentioned: turns into the most autistic shit on Sup Forums

Here's your prawns you cunt