Is this the future of black people in the US?
Afroamericans in the US of A
people must know
its called /fa/shion nigga
Is this the newst fashion trend in the US? I didn't visit USA for 3 years now so I can't know.
God I hope so
Black Americans proportionally have the highest LGBT population and white the lowest.
Even then many of our greatest Literary, Musical and Political leaders were gay or lesbian so really no one cares if they are informed.
>Black Americans proportionally have the highest LGBT population
I actually read about it yesterday and that's one of the reasons why I made this thread.
this is Magic Johnson's son, right?
Yes, he's the richest kid in his neighbourhood.
You know what's funny though? White people and white gay's especially continue the myth of the "Down Low" epidemic.
It's quite annoying really.
Transcend Earth and reclaim their astronaut heritage. Praise be to Egypt.
White gays that go vocal are fucking despicable. We got a black gay activist and a lot of whites ones here and the black gay is normal and most of the white ones are triggered deviants.
>Black Americans proportionally have the highest LGBT population
I don't see any Negroes in pictures of pride parades. That sounds like bullshit made up by projecting Black dykes or butthurt Sup Forumstards.
Blacks in the US are seen as the archetype of masculinity.
>I can't point at it with my finger and show it
>it's not real
you sound really fucking stupid
magic johnson both has aids and faggot son
he must have stolen a lot of watermelons in his past life
may allah save all kuffars
>spends decades making the hyper-sexual nigger meme
>feels intimidated and hopes it'll die down soon
Americans everyone.
>We got a black gay activist a
Pls go
Dawid Something, can't remember his surname, it's Polish though.
Yes :^)
>inb4 Carib user arrives
Live in small town in the colorado mountains.
Never see niggers or mexicans.
Feels good man.
Black communities tend to be religious and anti-gay. You probably don't see them because they'd get their ass kicked or disowned.
>black gay activist
In Poland, is that man insane? does he even know where he is?
Does he also have aids?