How will you feel when we end up staying in the EU?

How will you feel when we end up staying in the EU?

Safer than if we left, tbqh.

Don't pay attention to polls.

Really happy 2bh. Might make me regain some faith in humanity. Brexit is a vote for bigotry and smallmindedness.

This is not b8.

I want to go abroad and get a degree for free.
So okay.
We can pull out later.

Or, we can riot and take RWDS to the EU parliament. I like this idea.

nice bait


Pissed off

Not too bad. I want change, but the fact that major establishment figures like Gove and Boris are supporting it means that it would not change much.

if you leave what would change for all the eastern european immigrants/slaves?

Sent to gulag

honestly hope so. 95% of lithuanians in UK don't have college/university degree and barely managed to finish high school.

They stay in their shitty communities, don't integrate and just commit crimes, they're fucking scum. Same with poles and other eastern euros.

Cucks will go
>they're white and christian so it's okay!
But honestly eastern euros integrate less than pakis and I have no idea why.

Because our culture is now fucking cancerous.

How is our culture cancerous?

Fuck off pole

i've heard that there are a lot of people who would like to raise lithuanian flags on our national vacations but they are afraid that other lithuanians would see it and come in rob their homes.
Like honestly most of people from my country who left for UK were really fucking stupid. Of course i personally know people who got accepted to Oxford. But you know. Same goes with all the syrian refugees. There are normal people among them. Like 5% at most.

they will continue working and contributing to the cancerous britbong society while Nigels like this will sit at home on benefits, gulping his own piss and mumble some shit about his lost empire

bad, pls go

>How is our culture cancerous?
Nigger if you somehow manage not to integrate the people from the second world who are the fucking easiest to integrate everywhere else then it's probably your culture
Nobody can integrate muslims, only britain seems to have massive problems with eastern europeans

Literally nothing is going to happen. UK will stay in the EU, just like Scotland stayed in the UK. They're just a bunch of whiny bitches that always have to make a fuss because they're special snowflakes. Kind of like Greece, actually.

I don't understand why people like him
get all angry when told their immigrants are scum. Poles here are scum and live in absolute shitholes, yet Poland is a beautiful almost first world country full of normal people.
That isn't it at all, it's to do with the volume of them that came at once back when Blair opened the floodgates.

Why bother integrating when you can live in a mini Poland?

Apart from Catholicism and language there are NO barriers to integration due to our culture.

Why the fuck are you all defending these cunts when they're fucking leeches who fill up our prisons?

>it's to do with the volume of them that came at once back when Blair opened the floodgates.
>implying only Britain had massive waves

>Why bother integrating when you can live in a mini Poland?
For the same reason why they do so here, superior culture, contacts outside of their community and jobs and success they bring

> there are NO barriers to integration due to our culture.
Except the pandering to muslims to the point that you voted a muslim mayor for your capital

>Why the fuck are you all defending these cunts when they're fucking leeches who fill up our prisons?
Because that is only a problem in the UK and you'd probably have more muslims in there if being a muslim wouldn't be a valid excuse for being a criminal in Britain
>girl gang beats up old lady
>kek, matey, they were drunk so it's alright

where in poland did you go to

>Poland is a beautiful
No it's not.

>full of normal people.
Not really, no

Binge drinking
everyone is European-tier secular in levels and yet American fedora-tier
hookup culture
PC yet not

And so on.

I'm British. I honestly wish I wasn't. The sooner I leave this country and its people behind the better.

>getting this mad so you resort to the muslim shit
Never been desu just watched documentaries etc, is it a shithole? Some of it looks nice.
Where will you go? Every western country is fucked.

Proves many cheated husbands vote

I'm voting in, as is the majority of the country, so I'd be happy.

I haven't decided yet.
Fuck, the West is screwed.

The only thing that will bring the West back is religion. Plebs and societies shouldn't be atheists.

I'll just go to Russia.

>i'll just go to the most atheist cunt in the world
Unironically think you should move to south america