Poland is overrun

>1-2 years ago "ahahha Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians will flood us soon"
>Present Times:
>I hear eastern accents every day, few times a day
>phonecall, in easter accent "Hello, my name is mr/ms I work for a analitics company that helps company owners"
>walk near a construction "bladz, cvka"
>walk near a park, all the gardeners go "da, eto tam jeszcio nuzna"
>go to a store, people behind me talk polish mixed with some ukrainian/russian
>go to the old town, groups of girls walking past me, talking with eastern accents
I was supposed to be a meme guys. A meme.

Can we now stop, please.

I mean, I feel like in some dream or a movie because the thing I joked about not so long ago became my everyday reality.

Other urls found in this thread:


>my mothers russian friend came over
>she's from Moscow
>I visit my mothers place to say hi
>mother tells me I need to help her friends son and his wife and find them a good language school because they're moving here
>the russian woman tells me russia is bad now and they're kicking out all the young people from work first due to crysis
>they expect me and my gf to be friends with them

where the fuck do you live?
i literally haven't seen a non-pole in years



They're everywhere.

I'm not even memeing. It's something so alien for me, so surreal that I can't process it for now.

I just realized, we even have an audtion in some of our local radios, that's in Ukrainian, it's something like Ukrainian news in Poland.

what the fuck!?

>phonecall, in easter accent



You find it funny because russians are mutts, mixed with everything. We have been in 1 country with only Poles for over 75 years. No foreigners, and now it changes so fast.

I'm not mixed.

Sure thing Sasha Auganov Dżugaszwili.


Fug, you got part of my name and it makes me paranoid.

>mfw I see you

Fuck, sounds like the Right Sector is carrying out their 5th column plan.


da, eto tam jeszcio nuzna

I'll trade, give us some slavs and we'll send our somalis, afghans, iraqis and finn-swedes there.


>over 1 million of fresh hohol scum in Poland and counting

it's not even funny anymore...

>and they don't stop coming
>and they don't stop coming
>and they don't stop coming

Jebem ti mater, mi smo sledeci imigranti

t. Yugos

It's russians as well.

They even do yt mvoies about some random shits:


just hear his accent

We can trade muslims for Ukrainians and Russians, no problem at all, Poland.

deal with MNOGOHODOVOCHKA by p*tin

Also, why don't you happy? It's time for Poland to get braindrain from Russia and Ukraine

>that rural Polish
Are ukies and russians just peasant Poles?

>Poles invade literally every developed country in the EU
>Become the largest minority group in most of them
>cry when they get a few Ukrainians and Russians

No, Poles are just peasant Russians.

so thats why u flee to a ,,peasant'' country for better life?

>germans get t*rks and allahuakbarians
>poles get best slavs
>still whines

Don't ruin their moment of fame anglo cunt

That's historically inaccurate though.

all non-Polish hohols are Russians

Check muh flag. I do not flee. Only rats flee.

Are these quality immigrants? I'll take educated pycckis over sharias. Culturally we're not that distant, and it's not like Poland has welfare for them to abuse. Oh and Russia and Ukraine has lots of lean cuties.

Może być dużo gorzej.

>mfw I understand 50% of speech

keep farming these 100$ a month with dying economy you lost the long time war ruski

Good meme picture.

there are going to be reforms and economic stimulus hopefully it will work

By now it's over a million.

+15 RIDF

>Ukie qts will never come to Serbia
Fuck you Polan, stop complaining

check wiki to confirm

Fuck Putin, fuck you.

Make you happy hohol?

I never whined.

It's just all so fucking bizzare and unreal because it happends so fast.

I never judged if it's bad or not.

my gf is Ukrainian :")

They say it will be 4 millions soon and if Russia decides to go apeshit on Ukraine then who know :^)


What is a hohol/holol, not sure how it's spelled?

why? shes much cuter and pure than polish whores

Russian name for Ukrainians. Some wanna-be-russian Poles use it at times as well.


At least they're not muslims or niggers

hohol detected

beta cuck



would you like a normal grill
or a whore which wants only to drink (90% of my university)

Go for girls outside of universities. Any girl who goes to university is probably trash. This is a fact of life.

Buttmad ruskies

>Poles are just peasant Russians.
Never go full retard... you peasant.

buttmad hohol

buttmad hohol detected

Why do you flee to Poland and not fight for Ukraine?

Sterligov go out of here

> Any girl who goes to university is probably trash.

Dyarko wanna come to Poland? we still have place

It is a fact. You cannot debate it which is why you default to memes.

why don't you go to galicia and spread your ass cheeks for him there?

we live already in a 30k town with only Ukrainians :)

The west and east in some aspects did this shitty game with Ukraine, so now your country gets the result as a part of western world.

,,part of western'' what? we are only 6 times richer than you

I'm literally OP.

A dla ciebie polaczku-cebulaczku powiem, że ból dupki prokacapów to jak woda na młyn dla mnie :^)

why does he look finn?

Idk, it's a serious question.
Just fucking how those petite shy girls around uni's can be a white trash?

They are huge sluts.
t. guy who is writing a PHD work and gets to shag students

>Just fucking how those petite shy girls around uni's can be a white trash?
Because they always do drugs, drink a lot, have liberal attitudes. They are the worst quality of women.

Maybe in Moscow...

Just like Polish immigration in the west

>pro kacapów
FTFY, Grzegorz

>post on Sup Forums
>had sex
pick one

Roshia pls nuke

is Russia still butthurt about apples? i heard that u need a lot of them and u cant buy anywhere

Send me apples you monsters

You have much contact with them?

It's a normie board. Always was.

but u destroyed a whole truck from Belaruse becouse it was Polish monsters

> You have much contact with them?

I'm butthurt about apples 'cause Polish apples were bretty good and cheap

Then trust me, they are trash. All university student girls are the same sort of person. They are horrible.

MMMMM they are all yours if u come to live here

chuj mnie obchodzisz ale tak profilaktycznie to wypierdalaj do galicji, wnuku akcji Wisła.

>dla ciebie

zawsze powtarzam że podlasie to nie Polska, kurwa, jak można tak język kaleczyć...

Yes, we are starving without your apples I tell ya

how much are you paid, do you do it for free

ne kalech swoj jezik pan bolack

If I fail to emigrate to USA and normal Europe I'll probably try to go to Poland

>dziadek walczył na Podkarpaciu z Ukraincami po wojnie
>nawet w pewnym momencie został postrzelony
>cebulak ci mówi, że masz wypierdalać na Ukrainę
Jak ja lubię polaczków.

Wypierdalaj, ukrze

>sucks russian cock
>calls Poles Ukrainians
Behold, the Polish drone. Master and servant to himself, there is no higher authority for him. To hell that he probably didn't even finish a proper university, travel, or educate himself in the ways of the world, for him he is God!

Wow, that's tough fucking luck, Mateusz. It must be real hard living with your equals. I can't imagine the horror if I had Danes or Norwegians move in to my city, instead of nigs and sandnigs walking around in their sheets like we're in Baghdad, blasting their jihad-noise through their car stereo on full volume every night.

My deepest condolences, really.

And Poland still wants to annex Western Ukraine, so get used to it.

Wilno pls come back, if we're getting Ukrainians back then you're comming with us, want it or not.

shut up, Żmudź