Daily reminder:

Daily reminder:

Veneto is not Italy
Padania is not Italy
Florence is not Italy
Sardinia is not Italy
Sicily is not Italy
Terronia is not Italy

Italy is a fake artificial country created by a shortsighted idiot who didn't fully realize the consequences of his actions. It achieved the Renaissance under separation. It achieved nothing in unification.

feelin' like playing EU4 right about now tbqh

It really surprises me how you guys are still holding up. At least Padania or Veneto should secede already.

oh shut the fuck up

Italy is an excellent argument against EU.

m8, the folk over in Trieste and Udine are a good sight swarthier and louder than us here across the border in Eastern Europe. They're as Italian as can be without implicating vendettas and sawed-off shotguns under the pews during mass.

Udine/Venetian is a 100% Italian city, you slavshit subhuman. The Venetians built everything of relevance there.

Udine is a German placename (Weiden, which means churchyard or somesuch). But I agree, the people therein are by and large Mediterranean manlets, though it is also inhabited by some tall, pale Slovenes, since it's like 10km distant from the Slovenian ethnic border in Slavia Veneta.

those are all obvious things that don't need to be reminded

Give back clay, Slavshits.

Tujega nočemo, svojega ne damo!
Nič nas ne sme presenetiti!
Mi smo Titovi in Tito je naš!
Mi gradimo socializem!

I should ask the same thing of you

I want a slovene or croatian white tall lofty anti-italian cute gf, I'd betray Italy for her

It's too late to split Italy but it can be turned into a confederation, everyone in the North and in the islands would be happy, and in the center they wouldn't care

>flies over the uruk hai horde

Those are southerners, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Please quit memetalking you useless slav

"Padania" is just a meme created by some populist idiot in the 90's in order to get some votes and some sweet sweet taxpayers money, but unified Italy will not last 200 years. After the inevitable collapse of the European Union as we know it there will be no central power left to keep us from splitting into city states again. If everything goes right we might resume our previous occupations, such as fine arts, politic corruption and money jewing, without worrying about invasions because international diplomacy would keep us relatively safe

That makes me giggle every tiem

So is your mom

Is he a Southerner? No, he's a 1.65 m tall white Lombard aryan

I love the history and culture of Italian city-states. You should go back to that but with a customs union since you can't make mad jewgold by being trading centers anymore. Veneto should lead the way to this.

>le veneto meme

>yfw the Serene Republic alone during its heyday was more relevant than modern unified Italy is

Yeah, a lot of time ago, not today. All the other Northern regions are far better

No hate.

New papal state when


Roman awakening when?

You love Trieste too? It's a pretty nice place indeed.

why everybody hate napoli?


>mfw my ancestors were savoyards
>mfw they were the reason italy united

Italians are nigger

South tyrol isn't either ;)

Is Italy full? Thinking about moving there in the future.

how much happier would italians be if the country split into three (milan, rome, and southern italy)


>Is Italy full?
Yes but Finns are welcome

>Thinking about moving there in the future.
>from Finland

in that case just split them up into pre-unification borders.


le angry brainwashed kid

No one because that's a retarded way to split it. It should be split like this:
- Padania (with a non-political name though, and "Milan" is a retarded name)
- Veneto
- Tuscany
- Center (needs a name, which is not "Rome")
- South (also needs a name)
- Sardinia
- Sicily
Everyone would be happy except South

No jobs in binland.
Been to Italy (Catania, Sicily) already, loved it.
If the south is supposedly shit, I can't imagine how lovely the north will be

The South is shit economically, but all of Italy has great landscapes and architecture. Northern Italy hass less unemployment than Finland, but Finland is still richer

Allora non sono l'unico :3


falso greggione


Thanks anyway, amico mio. We'll see what happens.

How many blonde qts would I get if I moved to Finland?

>less unemplyment
Where in the north happens this?

>It achieved the Renaissance under separation.
And before that it achieved Pax Romana when unified by Augustus, and it stayed so for ~500 years.
We're more alike than we are different, and differences should be welcomed. I'm all up for federalism if needed.

So would you balkanize it to the extent shown on your map? Or just break it into north-south?

Exotic southern europeans can get all of them at once. I'm not even kidding.

average in the north is around 8%

finland is over 9%

southern italy 20% kek

What's real Italy?





>we are so shitskinned that white people think we are exotic


The core of modern italian culture is Tuscany. Even the language is basically just masterrace tuscan.

The rest of "italy" is just meme regions who contributed nothing to real italian culture. And this is way they're always mad at us godly tuscans, because we wuz da vinci and shjet, and they wuz cavemen


kek, when I visited Helsinki I met some other Italians from central Italy, I can definitely see why they see us as exotic, jesus, some of us can really look off