Weed edition

Weed edition

what a bloody racist

Might have a wank to poleaboo

Drinking a cuppa Britain's finest

Good lad

Make sure you finish in his shoes
It's what he would've wanted

doing a poo

Does that man behind him have a gun too his back? Is Trudeau being held hostage?
NWO confirmed


So what should i do lads? Walk home or beg ny brother to come pick me up it's around 30 minute walk.

Oh, there goes crooks.. He just dropped all the plates.. Silly blackman.

Looking forward to working a warehouse full of big burly white men

>literal mental illness happening close to me

feeling a bit triggered desu

Weather is nice enough for a walk tbqh

nice thread, rasheed

If 'nice enough' means sweating my bloody balls off for half an hour while i have cars going 60mph almost clip me... Then yes, it's a lovely day for that.

doing a poo

just filter all filenames with "CAM"


>those big brown hands

Watching a show about these girls that reenacted heathers

Pretty good

real thread tho

1) qt 3.14 girlfriend who is really sweet and kind, but a bit dull.

2) qt 3.14 girlfriend who is a bit more of a lad, but not as kinda and caring.

Take your pick.

This. This is /pakibrit/. OP forgot to label correctly.

I have 1) and I can confirm it's pretty sweet

From my experience, 1 is the best choice. 2 just leads to heartbreak.