Playing american version of Sim City 4

>playing american version of Sim City 4
>trains and roundabouts are disabled
>crime is always red, not matter how many police stations I build

>playing Indian version of Sim City 4
>sewage levels of certain streets is off the charts

>playing german version of Sim City 4
>get invaded by brown mountain gypsies

>Playing as America on Civ 5
>Discover Gunpowder
>Citizens randomly get shot

>playing australian version of gta 5
>people won't stop calling me "m8" or "cunt"
>get nervous and shot myself

>playing greek version of Sim City 4
>start with debts

>play as Italy on Fifa 16
>2-1 down at half time
>come back after break and all my players are on the other team


post of the day
upboated ;-));^^)

>playing australian version of Gran Turismo 4
>all the cars are spider

>playing with abbos on Age of Empires 2
>you cannot advance past the stone age

>playing french version of CS
>terrorists always win
so sad but so true

>German version of Sim City 2000
>"You can't cut back on immigrants! You will regret this!

no bully pls


>playing Russian version of banished
>everyone starves

>playing australian version of Sim City 4
>the prison population is equal to the total

>playing EU version of Papers Please
>no Reject button


>playing californian version of Sim City 4
>always running out of water

>playing slav version of Fallout 4
>everything looks exactly the same

>UK version of SimTown
>"You've unlocked the Asian paedophile ring"

>playing Norwegian version of Sim City
>every Christmas it sends one of my trees to an English city

>play austrian version of anno 2070
>can only play eco faction

>playing american version of GTA San Andreas
>the only way to eat are fast food

>playing Dutch version of Sim City
>water tower breaks
>floods entire city

>playing Danish version of Zoo Tycoon
>giraffe dies
>food goes up

>arab version of aoe2
>can only create petards and demolition ships

>play belgium in victoria II
>get arabian rebels

>playing Danish version of Zoo Tycoon
>can't win unless you build an animal brothel

>play Chinese version of Turok 2

>playing British version of Alexandra Lerdeman
>it's a Cooking Mama reskin

>Play simulator
>only available in german

>play as Iraq on Fifa 16
>half of my players blow themselves up in the first 5 minutes

>playing american version of pokemon
>you choose black or white

>play Finnish version of medal of Honor
>nazis are allies

>play finnish version of hearts of iron
>mannerheim is black

>Playing Vietnamese version of Arma 3
>It ain't me starts playing

>playing german version of HoI
>swastika is disabled

>play with my dick

>still forever alone

>playing american version of pokemon
>"Are you a boy, a girl, neither, both, a bit of each, something else, haven't decided..."

>playing irish farm simulator
>no farms

>playing a EU civ in Stellaris
>Stagnant Ascendency, fanatic xénophile

>english stole muh potatoes

>playing Polish version of Kerbal Space Program
>game crashes

>playing canadian version of battlefield
>kill all the enemies
>they win

>play Call of Duty
>suddenly the phone rings and I'm called for duty

>playing german history simulator
>get choked on swedish feces

>playing french Rome Total War

>white flags everywhere

>play Jewish version of the Sims
>character refuses to use the shower or oven

>playing germany in victoria 2
>remove undesireables
>israelis suddenly stops posting

wats ur steam name

>play as an Australian in an RPG
>get -50% damage against bird enemies

>Play Sim City: Cumbria Edition
>working nuclear plants spawn radiation

and the french forfeit

>play Australian version of Stellaris
>Avian empire vassalizes me

meme status: created

>Playing German version of Contra
>Everyone is robots

>playing Romanian version of Civ5
>copper creates extra happiness

>takes highway to germany
>gets citizenship

>play Argentinian version of Alone in the dark
>my character is invisible

>Play Portugese Aoe2
>Malians are the only available civ

>play polish version of GTA
>always drunk

>plays american economy simulator
>economy goes into a bubble and crashes

>playing french version of Parappa Da Rapper

>parappa is black

>all is well

>"game not for sale in the US"
>it contains easter eggs

>playing civ 5 as the french
>calais is constantly under siege

>playing venezuelan version of Civ 5
>toilet paper is a luxury resource

Good one m8

wtf man thats hitting below the belt


>plays Australian hunting simulator
>dies after leaving the road

>playing korean version of Fallout 4
>Dogmeat is in the inventory

>play german version of crusader kings
>recieve over 200 courtiers from travelling merchant

>Playing Swedish version of crusader kings 2
>getting cuckolded by someone makes you like them more

>play Australian version of GTA V
>arrested irl

>Playing French version of Cook Serve Delicious
>set nationality to British
>try and add something that isn't warm beer or roast beef to my menu
>game crashes

>playing german version of contests
>gives 12 points to Israel

>playing American ck2
>you play as the leader of a Jewish holy order


The Korean version wouldn't have dog meat because the food in Fallout is supposed to be strange/disgusting.

you talking shit about warm beer?

>playing Japanese version of video games
>all the characters look stupid, fight unrealistically, and they're always clogging up Sup Forums

>playing Ethiopian version of don't starve

>playing democracy 3 as Russia
>never loses with single-party-democracy

underrated post

>playing french version of frogger

>nothing changes

>play victoria 2
>greece goes bankrupt
every time

>playing NHL as Finland
>get silver

>play ck2 as Slovenia
>get conquered by Bohemia

You can already do that as there is a mod for Russia and it has rigged elections. You just win until the end of time.

>playing polish version of call of duty
>campaign ends after tutorial level

>Playing Polish Mario Bros
>Is a plumber

>playing Canadian version of Doom
>elbow demons to regain health
>unlockable costumes ranging from Pakistani to Han Solo
>end goal is my 72 virgins in heaven






you piece of fUCKING sHIT