Your cunny

what's your fav fruit (also veggie)?
plus; how much do you consume a week?

Other urls found in this thread: 023.jpga.jpg

Raspberries and blueberries my nigga.

mangos (and blood oranges)
sancking all day every day

Rosia - Melon-melon and green bananas

apricot, but cherry is a close second and I also really like watermelons and blueberries
cucumber and a vegetable that hasn't any translations in English, kek

>how much do you consume per week
I eat fruit everyday with my breakfast, and I eat veggies at least 6 out of 7 days per week

My favourite fruit would have to be the apricot and naturally, potato is my favourite vegetable.
I don't eat a lot of fruit but I eat potatoes at least 4 days a week.


Are potatoes a vegetable or classed as something else? If they are not then turnips, I love them so much.

I eat a lot of them. I like to mash potatoes and turnips together with butter.

>a vegetable that hasn't any translations in English
post a picture

>I eat fruit everyday with my breakfast
Wow! This Europe is strong!

not exactly vegetable desu, but hey 023.jpga.jpg
sorry I can't upload a pic, I'm not on my computer

I've been eating oats+yogurt+fruit and some tea or coffee everyday for the past 4 years, it is great desu

OP is an immigrant

I think it's fresh figs, I rarely eat them
I don't eat much fruit but I eat salad as side dish

It calls "lemon". Now you know

I thought it was "kitty" in Germany

Also tie between strawberries and watermelon

kek, I meant the green thing

>tie between strawberries and watermelon

op is arab from north africa


fuck off you dirty monkey

This is not even a food. What are talking about, Greece-chan?

I need over 70 million apples you russian piece of shit.

I'm also buying fucking apples once a week. You can eat them with me, too. Please, seat your ass in my kitchen and itadakumasu.

I prefer to my eat fruits with Greeks.
get fucked cyka blyad

Fine! I'll eat my apples by myself

I usually eat apples and oranges as snack food

I guess peas would be my favorite vegetable, but I'm not really that picky with vegetables. I also love pickles/pickled cucumbers, but I think that's technically a fruit

Do you have Polish apples? I want one.

You should rot under the earth like an old apple.

apples grow in greece oranges grow in greece and cucumbers too


Unfortunately, we only get them about one or two months out of the year. While I was in Afghanistan, I had around 10 per week while they were in season. The pomegranates in Kandahar are probably the best in the world.

rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero

pomegranates grow in greece too
I would kill your family for a cup of pomegranate juice.

That's one faggy looking pomegranate.

never really

I love raspberries and strawberries but i also like watermelons when it's really hot desu

Not really a fruitboo but banana is the best. No juices everywhere, very easy and fonctionnal to eat, best shape to eat and hold, no need for cutlery and I love the taste. Not acidic, smooth and sweet. the only downside can be the big strings, it requires a little effort if you don't want to eat them.

That's how they look like when you pick them from decoration trees.

say it britshit

into the trash with your shitty fruits

why? they are so good

lemon, every day about half, i have like a basket of fruit on the kitchen table at all times which i re-stock with what ever is in season
tomato, every day at least a couple in salad or just by themselves

>best shape to eat and hold

Wow even bananas grow in Greece. They are better than monkey bananas.


so good because they are full of shit, just like your hands

Yellow watermelon
Not so much

yes and they grow in greece too fuck germany


Nashi pear


Passion fruit is the super secret omega GOAT tier fruit

yes yes they can grow in Greece too. I googled golden apple first and yes there is an golden apple in Greek mythology.

Bananas, avocados, pineapples and blueberries, son.

I try to have at least two servings of each a day.

everyday all year
everyday when in season
>Figs, raspberries, pineapple
when they are in season

Mangoes, coconut and plumbs (different fruit to the ones in the op)

Now is mango season so we have like 7 buckets of mangoes that we
don't know what to do with.

Figs, melon, raspberries

The picture isn't clear, is it samphire?

I've never eaten a mango as it is, but I really like mango juice

>Swedish flag
Of course.

-Can't eat them anymore, I became allergic when I was 14 but it was my favorite by far

you all niggas made me thirsty. Im eating an apple atm

Blood oranges, figs, and black cherries.
I always have some fruit with lunch.


In the UK there are special fields where you get given a basket and can take as many strawberries you can pick, good times. They grow nicely here


google said that it can be translated to chicory, but there are many varieties.
My favourite being ζοχοί (zochi/ sonchus oleraceus).
But there are more, like farmakoulithres or vlita (there was no translation to that).
Zochi looks like that when uncooked.

Lychees and figs.
I eat fruit every morning.

Ah I see. Would eat. I've heard of chicory but it's not really something that's eaten here. Your picture looked like samphire, pic related. It's a strange juicy grass that grows in marshes here, you often eat it with fish

Two great choices. Lychees are awesome and I use figs in tons of dishes when I'm not just eating them by themselves.

We don't call it ananás, though.

Jack fruit, especially the unique red variant.

I plan on planting a fig tree. I already have a pomegranate one but got tired of them.

These. They're hard as shit to find around here though and when you do find them, they're expensive as fuck.

I never eaten that, but it looks nice desu


Although I think it's technically a berry

1) Flag
2) Grapes, but I'm not a fucking billionaire so mostly I just eat bananas
3) No real preference on the veggies, depends what meal they're a part of. Aubergines/courgettes/peppers are heavenly in a lasagna, whereas sweet potato and broccoli is delightful in curry, for example.
4) Shitloads because I'm unironically vegetarian

That's pretty common in Brittany too, under the name salicorne

>Grapes, but I'm not a fucking billionaire

Feels good to live in a wine country grapes aren't expensive


why is that mango green?

They're the fucking shit dude. They're sour and you eat them with lime and salt.


watermelon, durian, mango, mangosteen, rambutan, jackfruit, and oranges

Vegetables: I love broccoli and watercress

I eat a lot, because I'm trying to reduce my meat consumption.

we eat them as a sort of side dish together with curry and rice here. It is amazing.

>tfw i hate fruits

scurvy soon tbqh

Apricot, mangos, peaches, cherries, and melon. quite tropical fruits desu.

Aubergine is patrician

West France best France

1. Flag
2. Obviously Mango
3.I make sure to eat at least one mango everyday in the mango season, except that nothing much

Barbary figs but they are only available during a brief period in summer.
