
fertile slovakia

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choco you had one job

this must be the work of svätopluk

comfy morning desu

>when the forecast is wrong

>started playing England in EUIV
>comfy as fuck expanding on British Isles, far away from all the trifles of continental politics (i wish there were more islands like that)
>started reading Plato's republic
>my first philosophy book
>its fun how simple it is, Socrates is just having talks with some dudes about "What is justice"
My daily dose of blogging is satisfied, i can go on living now


>(i wish there were more islands like that)
Japan, Indonesia, Carribean, that's quite a lot

Is ass the greatest thing known to mankind?
>inb4 nigger


Yes, it is.

>Japan, Indonesia
enjoy being 5000 years behind with technology
enjoy being colonial sissy bitch



>enjoy being 5000 years behind with technology
>enjoy being colonial sissy bitch
it's no fun when you just blob around, going against the odds and prevailing is what makes the game fun


i like my games easy but creative desu



give sprats fashist



Post v4 memes plox

Could anyone tell me, how so, that Hungary is in the V4? That is, is there any logical or cultural explanation behind this? There are certain justifiable explanations behind our connection with Slovaks or Poles. We have a lot in common, sort of. But Hungary? Who the fuck are they anyway? The word ''Hungarian'' aka Maďar is being used as not so nice swearword in our language and that's all I know about them. Shouldn't they rather be in a coalition with Balcan sand-niggers?
And don't pull the Austro-Hungarian Empire on me.


that is quality offensive m8


10/10 gif, shit text

nic e
s aved

hungarians are slovaks in all but the language and name

and svätopluk



hello southern slovakia :^)

Marian is a woman's name m8

we make food you steal
thats all you really need to know about us

I'm trying to have a meaningful conversation you fuckwit. You can either join or continue posting memes and whores. Also go fuck yourself Pepik.

Are Slovaks Hungarians in denial or are Hungarians Slovaks in denial?

yeah ok let's not do this every day

hungarians are slovaks in denial

>Marian is a woman's name m8

it is but with 2 n-s

Thank (You) for the (You)

So you are something like the Mexico of V4? Right?

>shitty tumblr gifs

i just do it for the (You)'s desu


kotleba is a tranny m8

I take it as ''Yes''

> known professionally as Marian Rivera, is a Spanish Filipino commercial model and actress
other way around

need some veggies with the (You) or is it ok in itself?

Kotleba's still a faggot

fascist with a name Marian? Laughing stock m8

>some random spanish tranny has name Marian therefore Marian is a female name



>t. Marian

why did this post made me hungry


I want to fuck a horse

Got rated 6/10 on /soc/

>t. knedlig nigger

alright slovak faggots


>Marian triggered

>Marian is a given name, either derived from Marius (male) or Maria (female)

Is Austria the Albion of the mainland?

>t. every Hungarian

the name is Marián not Marian

>implying my name is Marian
i have a different meme name


Majestic creatures, aren't they?

You make me sick.

>not centaur monster girl
You're a faggot and cigan.

>Is Austria the Albion of the mainland?

hapburgs get continental europe
perfidious albion gets the seas

don't make me post pics to convince you

this guy knows what's up

u better shut ur whore mouth ok????
t. S. Batory

>this guy knows what's up

I meant this guy

You mean this guy?

who's the guy?

no, that guy



>ľudovít štúr
>lajos kossuth


>great moravia symbol: double cross
>hungarian kingdom symbol: double cross

>slovak folklore
>hungarian folklore

when will magyars stop copying us?

meme of the year did kuna make it?

no stur
they are the slovaks
(genetic mixing)

who is pribina btw

can we just stop this shit flinging already?

But Great Britain wasn't a bunch of pussies that jew'd other people into killing themselves, they were glorious explorers and magnificent conquerors who brought the light of civilization to the world

>But Great Britain wasn't a bunch of pussies that jew'd other people into killing themselves, they were glorious explorers and magnificent conquerors who brought the light of civilization to the world

sure, why not?

the nitra guy

Even after getting into culinary arts and years of exploring restaurants and food services all around the place, home made spaghetti with eggs, marjoram, oregano and ketchup is still the best food

got two pieces of chicken meat
should I marinde/grill it or throw it into the oven?

>fertile slovakia
Explain this meme

> home made spaghetti with eggs, marjoram, oregano and ketchup is still the best food


>should I marinde/grill it or throw it into the oven?
marinade in tin foil for an hour or two

25 mins at 160


>they are missing out on life because of "muh pleb ketchup"

I prefer mayonnaise


you make bolognese with ketchup ?


Bolognese already has pretty strong taste on its own, no need for ketchup. But ketchup is good for literally anything else as a sauce - spaghetti, eggs, sandwich, schnitzel, anything fried

and how is he similar to árpád?

done, thx m8

>But ketchup is good for literally anything else as a sauce
but the bolognese is the sauce in spaghetti