>One of the highest living standards in the world
>Isolated and safe from foreigners
>We have the most social benefits of all Nordic countries
What's your excuse, user?
One of the highest living standards in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't like the rain
its a non country
Everyone is inbred there
i am not an autistic loser
Why would you want people to go there? Have you seen the rest of europe?
>We have the most social benefits of all Nordic countries
Give examples.
>Isolated and safe from foreigners
But where do you get all your Chinese/Indian food?
It's an even more depressing and boring shithole than where I already live, and it doesn't even have real winters.
I like trees.
Unfortunately they don't have an english translation on their website yet, but each Faroese student is allowed, at a maximum of 6 years, to get around 6.5 million DKK for free from the state for their studies abroad, more than any other nordic country.
Yeah but I think you're just nitpicking. For example Finland has the highest minimum guaranteed income in Nordic countries, but I don't take it to mean that every other benefit is higher too. Still that's the first and most important things I think of when I think of social benefits.
how is the gf market over there?
Nitpicking aside, the faroese benefit not only from our own welfare system, but we are Danish citizens, so we also get benefits from the Danish welfare system, which is sort of a double up of the welfare, though often times you are forced to choose one or the other.
Go enjoy some of our models
what are you ethnically
are you not all seriously inbred
The faroes are slightly inbred, the only noticable difference is the ratio of genetic diseases here compared to outside, f.x. the disease CTD (carnitine transporter deficiency) is quite rampant here, with 1/1000 having it, compared to f.x. the rest of europe where it is around 1/100.000.
Other than that, there isn't much inbreeding.
Does Denmark have a natural resource that others don't have?
If not, I have no excuses.
i can't imagine living on a bunch of shitty rocks with rainy and windy conditions 365 days every year
but then again i actually do
Oil fields are predicted around the Faroes and Greenland. Once more of the ice on Greenland melts, the rare minerals there will be worth quite a lot to harvest.
>One (1) city
Your weather is terrible though
,how can you live their and not get depressed because of a lack of Vitamin D
What's it like being irrelevant?
Tórshavn, Klaksvík & Fuglafjorður
It looks so cold and boring. What do you do for fun?
whats this meme flag?
I'd live there
You should be able to answer that yourself
Everything you do everywhere else, go to the movies, work out, hobbies, clubbing
It's terrible 8 months of the year, the rest are fantastic.
Kek I'd rather move to Denmark
how much kebap lives up there?
Why didn't Scotland take back Faeroe Islands?
They could rename it to Skeggjar Islands. And force them to speak a human language. Maps would look better too.
do u have burger and gun
People know about Canada, people have to google wtf Faroe Islands is.
How is Torshavn like? Is there a decent nightlife? Also post faroese qts pls
> canada
Ah yes, life on the Faroe islands
Time to kill myself
The 2011 census, called Manntal, shows that 10% were not born in the Faroe Islands, but of these only 3% were born outside the Kingdom of Denmark. 6.5% of people older than 15 did not speak Faroese as their mother tongue. 33 persons said that they did not understand Faroese at all.[3] According to the 2011 census, 45 361 Faroese people (people living in the Faroes) spoke Faroese as their first language and 1546 spoke Danish as their first language.
I've only seen one kebap with his trashbag wife my entire life, and he was a tourist.
The united kingdom did actually, during WW2. Look up Operation Valentine.
Loads of burgers, not so much of the guns, though.
This is the island where all the native women who are smart immigrate to Denmark instead of being fish wenches so instead fishermen marry filipina women.
This is also the island with the most adopted children in the world.
So like women are leaving and people are bringing in new blood. what makes this so great?
does it have tough immigration policies?
Nightlife is fine imho. I've been to many major european cities, and its not really comparable to that, but if you enjoy partying with a group of friends, getting shitfaced and not worrying about someone kicking your face in later that night, partying here is great.
as for qt's, go to
there are a couple of faroese models
Sounds gud desu
Alright nice I hope that I can visit your islands one day
Wikipedia says the HDI of the Faroe Islands is 0.95, but that is complete bullshit.
The Faroe Islands barely made the PISA list in 2006, where we scored 409 in reading, 450 in mathematics and 417 in science, which is literally third world. In 2012, we scored less than Serbia in reading, less than Croatia in mathematics and less than Thailand in science.
I remember taking some shitty test, perhaps the PISA test and not giving a shit, so I probably helped lower that score, along with my m8s
>evil finland
Where have you been outside of Faroe Islands? There's so much more to do in my city of 2 million than there is in an island of 50k
>We have the most social benefits of all Nordic countries
i.e. "we're leeching off of Denmark haha"
Can i get any weed there?
Greenland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Brazil
I don't know how easy it is as a foreigner, but most of the people here know a lot of local dealers, so it's easy to get hookups
>Isolated and safe from foreigners
>the man in question is a Nigerian asylum seeker
Extrememely left-wing social justicey
That's iceland m8
Please don't try to rustle my jimmies
Shit, wrong flag, it's siesta time.
these numbers are fascinating
>What's your excuse, user?
The fact that the christian elite literally rules all politics and law on the island (you call it something specific). And that it's literally illegal to drink on Sundays and holidays from what I've heard.
How many whales did you slaughter personally?
People are leaving en masse and the beta men keep importing Thais
how's the twink market over there
>This is what danes literally believe
None, I've only participated once though.
We prefer lvl 19's, but we tend to get some 60 and 70 twinks here and there.
Too cold
You're luring us with social benefits? How about work? Do you have any work?
Lol try again in the next life, the last person to get murdered here was killed by a croatian immigrant, so there are a lot of butthurt people
>You should be able to answer that yourself
Learn something new every day
As for your question relating to work, I work in my sparetime and I am now doing my final exams to finish my studies.
>We prefer lvl 19's, but we tend to get some 60 and 70 twinks here and there
Why do people regard a depressive NEET life in a depressive frozen shithole with such high regards here? Do people here just want to waste their lifes doing nothing?
You work in your spare time...Work what? Don't tell me you catch fish. I am fucking done with fish. I've been living next to the sea my whole life, own a small fishing boat as well. I would want to do something else and return to fishing when I'm old and rheumatism is killing me from the moisture in the air
Can't be too specific, small country you know.. But I don't work with fish.
The most important question is, how is the internet speed?
People here are control freaks to a certain degree and not having things their own way heavily discourages them, too much discouragement for the average individual. What one sees as fast paced life in big, noisy surroundings, another sees as a loss of control, even over their own lives. A general helplessness, no matter how trivial sounding. A calm surrounding, "depressed, frozen shithole" as you say, provides a slower tempo, a person can "catch up" with his surroundings. It provides a sense of control, quiet and reins
Implying you're not the only faroese in Sup Forums
Yes, my question was a bit hasty...
If I'm not mistaken we're 3 active users:
1. The Christian Fundamentalist
2. The Self Hating Faroe Islander
3. Myself
I mean, you have a nice flag, I like the purple.
But I'd need to learn a language that is almost useless, do you even get fibre there?
Apart from slaughtering whales, what do you guys actually do for hobbies?
Isn't your economy mostly tourism and fishing?
Not as if you need to be smart for that.
for me it sounds like giving up living 2bh, if you can't control things fight for the control, not give it up and try to find some place where you can control something kek
You need to be a cunning, cheeky bastard to catch fish, man
Are you rich like other nords
Går du ind for en Færosk grundlov?
>for me it sounds like giving up living 2bh, if you can't control things fight for the control, not give it up and try to find some place where you can control something kek
That's very "life coach" of you, but the average person is not built for resistance. It's still very hypocritical of us to armchair this issue, while probably doing the opposite. I know I like to take the easier winds more often than not. People here are extra sensitive. It requires dedication to come here every day (or whatever interval), argue, insult, stereotype people you know nothing about and defend your "ideals" against theirs, the people that mean nothing in your life. That's fucking meticulous, man. It means you're channeling your effort and energy in this place, meaning you're drawing it from somewhere else. My life is complete shit, by the way, it's literal inertia right now
Where do you draw it from? Where should your attention be, but it's here?
Do you guys like monolingual Amerifats?
I don't want everyone to hate me.
Don't bother learning the language if you only intend to visit, almost everyone speaks fluent english, like the other nordic countries.
We do exactly the same as everyone else does, hobbies, work out, movies, clubbing & socializing
Jeg ser ingen grund til det, er selv unionist.
How are the British seen there?
And what of the (friendly) occupation during the war?
Just tell me something, what about the internet (the most important thing in this life)?
>but the average person is not built for resistance.
lol, then how have we survived until now? how have you predecessors lived? how have thousand of generations that died in harsher life conditions than yours have lived their lives if they are not built for resistance, of course they are built to solve problems, everybody is, that's how the human race has thrived until now. If you believe that the average person cannot thrive, you don't believe in humanity m8
Positive vibes brother, scots are the ones who've had the biggest influence in the faroes, but englishmen are also well liked here.
Mixed opinions on the occupation. A lot of british soldiers made false promises to the faroese women to make them go with them back to britain, and most of them were never heard from again. Sort of a sore point, best not to bring that up if visiting.
I'm Scottish.
Where do I sign up?
But none of those women are alive now.... who will you really upset if bringing that up?
I think that the faroes is one of the few places where people literally wouldnt care if you were american, neither positive or negative. American politics haven't really played any role here since the beginning of the cold war.
From 10/1 to 50/5
>lel we fugged your great grandmas and let them be single mothers and broken hearted
3rd world tier desu
First of, the key parts in your post is "predecessors" and "died in harsher conditions"
I think that civilizations are carried on the backs of not many people. The problem solvers are not the majorities, the people were getting more and more meek through centuries, and I also think your view of survival in harsh conditions, the way you describe it actually, is very gym-motivation tumblr-ish blog...
The relatives of those who lost a part of their family. It's not as bad as it used to be, though.
Check out:
When are you coming back to mother Norway?
>calling others 3rd world
desu ~
I'm trying to look for Faroe qties on youtube but I can't seem to find such content, its all environment shit.
my excuse for what?
A danish chick and a faroese qt
here are a few faroese models, if that's what you're looking for
>depressing terrain
>depressing weather
>ugly buildings
Woah what a shit hole.
What are you? Are you part of the "viking sphere"? Are u closer to nordics or britbongs/scots?