What is a special type of alcohol from you're cunt or you're area?

What is a special type of alcohol from you're cunt or you're area?

Pic related for the South West of England, Scrumpy Cider

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Also inb4 yanks with


Advocaat or advocatenborrel is a traditional Dutch alcoholic beverage made from eggs, sugar and brandy.

Bitter Campari, it has always been industrial but you make some God tier cocktails with it.

>everbody else is allowed to have cool regional specialties
>Americans aren't
Anyway, I live in Appalachian Virginia and we have moonshine, but it is mostly terrible and is only consumed for tradition or if you want to get blind drunk on your porch with friends without any frills.


Not a big fan of Scrumpy.

More of a Thatchers or Aspall man.


Minas Gerais, artisanal cachaça.

ps: cachaça is the same thing as rum, but no one here will admit that

Don't listen to those plebs. muh microbreweries are based

Whatever do you mean Poland?

It is though, proper cider is 6-8%

>plumbers giving their opinion

Is that Absinth in a glass of beer?
We call them "submarines"

C A C H A Ç A, made fom sugar cane.
Too bad it has a certain stigma here and people would rather drink overpriced vodka 2bh

Cider as well

(Much better than Breton cider, don't believe their lies)

>numale muslims bantering

Manx local cider is 12.6%

Quality stuff.

The stuff I had must have been trash, because god damn did that leave a bad taste in my mouth when I had it.

Maybe I'll give it a go again.

Nothing but good wine over here

Only premium vodka is expensive, I've seen (decent) vodka selling for as little as R$8 per 1L bottle.

There's premium cachaça too.

salt liquorice booze/vodka

I live in Pennsylvania and junk food is our specialty. It seems like every region of PA has its own preffered local brand of potato chips, soda or something like that.

Hangover of Cachaça feels like you are dying

Don't worry, I thought it was horrible as well.

I'm not bantering, you subhuman poles should think twice before posting because the opinion of a subhuman plumber isn't worth anything.


i NEED this

It does indeed.
That's why I prefer vodka, it's cleaner, ideally pure water and alcohol and nothing else.

Apples area huge deal in the US and I happen to live right by a farm on Long Island that produces all kinds of apple products. Not the least of which are several varieties of cider.

>he doesn't get drunk on potato chips
what are you some kind of communist

>Amish in charge of reading
Don't you have a barn to build, Isaac?


>mfw offering kilju to some asian teenage girls and they take one sip and you can see from their face that they want to die but have no idea what is the political way to react so they just stand there awkwardly
top kek

I live in NJ and we have tons of small craft microbreweries (because who doesn't in murrica at this point), but there is a distillery that makes vodka, rum, bourbon, and gin that's about 10 minutes from my house. All their stuff is really good too, not cheap moonshine shit made in the fucking woods.

I dare you to try to take my picture faggot
I'll berry you.

does this literally look like piss to anybody else?

if your piss looks like that you should see the doctor

You might want to go see a doctor, Seamus.

Wisconsin is known for having great beer. We have New Glarus, Capital, and Three Sheeps.

You should drink more water, Sean

>vodka from fucking New Jersey
pretty sure what Cletus makes in his bathtub isn't going to be much worse than that. Speaking of which you should leave the whiskey to them too.

It's not really unique to Slovenia but šnops is great. There's all sorts since you can make šnops out of pretty much anything. A few highlights include šnops made from lemons, walnuts, juniper berries, pears, apples and plums.

Cider tends to be cloudy if they don't filter out the "mother" web. The learned would rather keep it in though as it's very healthy.

>New Jersey
Do you even meme?

Question to Americans: if state beers are so good why do the piss national brands still sell so well? Is it just because it's cheaper?


Been looking for this for a while now. I heard they changed up the recipe because a lot of teens would get fucked up on this since it's so sweet you can't taste the alcohol.

he was comparing it to southern moonshine in the previous post.

It's called that. What's the problem?

I thought it was originally a German thing ?
We have this alcohol too in the east of the country but we call it "Schnaps"


it literally sounds like spurdo schnaps

3 reasons why:

1.) It's cheap and ubiquitous everywhere
2.) It's light and sweet taste is accessible to people who don't actually like beer
3.) Marketing dollars, supply chains, multiple breweries throughout the country constantly pumping this shit out and putting it in every store, bar, venue, arena, etc. (See #1)

it's an Austrian/Southern German thing that spread through these countries because of their empire and probably took on a bunch of regional variations.

Yeah it's because it is way cheaper and sold in every state. Alot of state beer is only local to the surrounding states, expensive permits to sell out if state and all that. For example New Glarus doesn't sell their beer outside of Wisconsin. When I worked in a liquor store people drove up from Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, and Michigan to load up on 24 packs of New Glarus's Spotted Cow, Fat Squirrel, and Moon Man.

It sounds like snopp, which is Swedish for dick

it means penises in sweden language

So is it normal for state beers to be on tap at bars? Or can you normally only get them at stores?

It'll be on tap in the states they're permitted to sell to. But their bottle sales are much higher.

okay good, I want to be able to drink good beer in bars if I visit

Jenever. The English tried to copy it, but the recipe was a secret. The result was Gin, the English pronunciation of the first three letters of Jenever.

Yep. Lots of people doesn't like it anymore because they got themselves so fucking drunk with that salmiakki magic. I still like it and it would ridiculously easy to drink that whole bottle less than 10 minutes.

Here's another product from Koskenkorva. It's similiar to Jägermeister.

>The result was Gin
And it's bloody great in the right drinks too

The local beers are in bars throughout their distribution region, depending on the bar itself. Some shithole dive might have MAYBE one on tap, but mostly the Bud, Miller, Coors shit. I have a bar by me that all they do is stock local beers along with some popular craft ones from around the country, and they are constantly rotating 90 taps. Also, in NJ stores are privatized so selection is different wherever you go too, and some stores are better known for wine selection or spirits selection, and some are ones you know to go to for hard to find beers.

>Also, in NJ stores are privatized
Since when has alcohol not been privatised? What?

>tfw drinking a bottle of royal salmiakki and puking all over the place when i was 16

True, one of the few things where the rip-off became as good, if not better than the original.

Because of drunks and ease of access.

Piss national beers are for the plebeian masses. If you want real beer, you go to ale houses or breweries. Basically it's another subtle means of stratifying whites from plebs.

I think the selling of alcohol in some US states (usually blue law ones) is restricted to government businesses.

The US is a fucking mess when it comes to alcohol and where you can get it and who can sell it to you. Each state is different and within each state, there could be different jurisdictions in different counties or even certain towns are considered "dry."

That's mostly a bible belt phenomenon.

What is this communism? We have booze in every supermarket and paki shop off licence.
Land of the free my arse.

Not true, the store just needs the propper liscensing.


Here's how fucked it is in the states if you want to grab some booze and a sixer:


Apparently that's not the case in Pennsylvania: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_laws_of_Pennsylvania
>Pennsylvania is an alcoholic beverage control state. Wine and spirits are to be sold only in the state owned Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores, where all prices must remain the same throughout the state (county sales tax may cause the price to differ slightly).

Be honest with me, how many people drink alcohol after a meal that's supposed to help with digestion? Do you drink it?

>Wine and spirits are to be sold only in the state owned Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores, where all prices must remain the same throughout the state

I have never had an aperitif or digestif with the purpose being it to help me digest the food I just ate to shit it out easier later on.

look it up

Is this fucking for real? No wonder they have such pissy sports fans.

>americucks can't buy beer until they're TWENTYONE

For Slovenia, you should also mention cvicek. It's a sort of wine made with both white and red grapes, which gives it the unique light red colour . It's distinctive in the region of Dolenjska. It also has a rule that the alcohol percentage mustn't reach over 10% which is not alot for a wine, but it makes it more drinkable

And they have

Seems pretty gay tbqh

I did write it's not a Slovene-only thing.

I write šnops because that's how we call it and schnapps sounds stupid to me

Scandofags have to ruin everything baka

Scrumpy's pretty shit. The whole appeal of it is that it's dirt cheap and easy to make.

Mulled cider is much better.

I kek'd pretty hard at that.

It's our one true shame that still holds even nearly 90+ years after prohibition.

Can't really complain though since our liquor stores are usually pretty sweet. Just a pain in the ass to make a separate trip when you're buying groceries of the supermarket doesn't have an attached sister store.

Yeah, they must have a liquor license, like my grocery store does.

>Yeah, they must have a liquor license

>Wine and spirits are to be sold only in the state owned Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores

state by state laws, every one is different, and then even some counties within states are different

>MFW I'm 18
>Can't buy my own booze until I'm 21
>I just want to get buzzed after work
>Fortunately live in Wisconsin, so everyone has a really lax feelng towards booze
>Give my parents money to buy beer when they go shopping
>Both of them were able to drink when they were 21 so they think it's unfair
>Going on a roadtrip through eastern Canada this summer
>Going to buy myself first ever legal beer in Quebec
>Going to do buy myself another first legal beer when I turn 19 in early august when I'm in Ontario
>Load up on Canadian craft beer before returning to the States
Fucking love Canada to be honest guys.

Jenever or Gin before the Brits stole it.

Polandbro, have you tried any of the American craft brews? If so, which ones?


What's the difference between it and English gin?

We made the original, they copied it

just drink coconut cachaça, maricões.

This looks really refreshing actually

This shit here. Doubles as a magical female lure for some reason.