Is this the worst country in the world? I can't think of any redeeming qualities of this place.
Is this the worst country in the world? I can't think of any redeeming qualities of this place
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It might be.
>be Muslim country
>capital is Islam a bad
lmao thats wrong
somalia is even worse
somalis are so awful there is no word in my vocabulary I can use to describe them
They are the rulers of the UK
Soon to be worth as much as Pakistan.
Among the refugee waves there are many pakis.Why do they leave pakistan?
The people are awful, doing business there is awful, the cities are filthy shitholes, and it is corrupt as fuck.
Pakistan is a nice squid country
to be fair, they do have a nobel prize winner in physics
their country went to shit after an islamist military general took over
Wait.. Islamabad is a real place?
I thought it just was a generic, anonymous, fictional place created by Homeland.
I even cringed about how cliché it sounded when I first heard it.
But Somalia is not a country. It's just in the maps to not have another empty area like the Western Sahara.
>argentinian education
Goddammit Sweden.
Islam a Bad Thing
Pakistan does have a redeeming quality, mainly that it has nice landscapes (pic related) and great mountains.
Somalia is worse.
Go back
OP is mad because he came home from school yesterday and found a Paki fucking his mom.
It's probably some Indian shitskin because nobody cares for these shitholes
I'm not Pakistani. Always Germans with these annoying posts.
Think about it, that beautiful landscape going to waste by being populated by pakistanis.
Nice meme
>non whites pollute our world
>non whites outnumber us
>non whites eat up all the resources
>non whites live in the best climates
You can find this landscape in Europe too but its 10x more worth because it WAS populated by actual people.
But well, we had a good run.
why are pakis so shit? every country surrounding them hates them and every paki in any country has been absolute filth, I don't even hate muslims too much but pakis are pretty much the only group here that I can say I wholeheartedly hate
I understand why you're doing this. You feel the need to overcompensate on Sup Forums because your government is running your country into the ground with its leftist policies. The bullying on Sup Forums really got to all of you Germans so you collectively overcompensate by calling out pretty much every post.
How can you be THIS insecure?
>posts km long Text
>calls other insecure
Ahmad pls
I think it's because Pakistan is a mix of tribalism, feodalism, authoritarianism and sunni islam. And it's poor and undeveloped. There's no way it could ever produce healthy individuals.
Oh god dammit
Are you that Half Pajeet in India ?
You are not better than muslim Curryniggers
Lol if you think I meant it as a defense of indians.
The Taliban are based in the mountains. Might be nice scenery, but...
>The Taliban are based
reported to M16
Pakis are disgusting. They smell like shit and sweat, their skin literally looks like shit and they're durkas. Their dicks are also small as fuck and smelly. No wonder they have to rape women all the time.
They're worse than blacks
I see some third world huts, some trees and a hill. Am I missing something?
It's like the Rockies, but filled with radical Islamists.
well, there's the CAR which doesn't even have a proper name.
>doesn't even have a proper name.
But that's no different from USA.
>Their dicks are also small as fuck and smelly
Speaking from experience?
What did you mean by this?
The highest peak in the Netherlands is only 1000 feet, and it's also the furthest point from the sea, so even an anthill would impress a Dutchman
t. Pajeet
>Among the refugee waves there are many pakis
no there arent lmao look at a fucking map and pay denbts
I hate India but Pakistan is worse
hello ahmed
lol, a significant percentage of refugees in europe are actually pakis, they're economic migrants posing as refugees, they pose as afghan or syrians, there's even several youtube videos where they're questioned about leaving pakistan, questions like "there's no war in pakistan, why are you leaving it, you're from karachi/lahore etc."
pakis are just not good people
t. Pajeet in loo
yeah it is not impressive for a canadian but it looks comfy as fuck for me.
>living in a forested area on a hill surrounded by mountains
>river flowing next to your house
it's my fucking dream tBh
look at a map do you know how far pakistan is from syria and the refugees you fucking moron
welp you literally are a paki and retarded
Don't hate countries or people in it.
Hate the people who com eto your country and make it a brown Reggaeton shithole.
hey bud leaf me alone ok, it's not my fault you don't have a map
These Shitskins arent even refugees, same goes for Syrians.
are you this retarded not to understand that most of them end up in greece en route to central/northern/western europe?
if they do this is the first i heard of it
do you have a linko for me brew
go blow up a train or rape some kids ahmed
kinda looks like a squid i guess
>only japan
based nederbro
lol the only thing they rule is how much a marked price can of coke will cost in their paki shops
It's only redeemed by the fact that it's not Bangladesh.
suck my donkey cock
>Radical Islamists
Islam IS radical
UK 2.0
Nazi is radical right wing love it
right here you fucking moron.
They lie when they get to Europe pretending to be from a war zone so they might get to stay there and not be sent back to that center of jihad and suffering known as Pakistan.
those pakis aren't even from the unstable regions of pakistan, by the way
Why are there over 180 million of them anyway?
same reason there's a billion Pajeets
Somalia used to be nice until the Soviet and USA fucked it up.
Fucking lost my sides, althrough I'm a muslim
Could've guessed by the flag
Sholom aleyhem! What are you doing in that desert, Shlomo? Come here, let's cuck those fucking white males! We need here more diversity.