Swedish video game developers

>swedish video game developers


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I find it quite funny that someone actually made that mod

That's just sad.

inb4 the world finds out there's not a single female character in the entire STALKER series

whatever happened to the stardew valley mod that turned all the white characters into something else, except for penny
they made penny transgender because ginger representation or something

>It's tough call, what makes this bad but killable children mods on Skyrim OK?

>I think as long as its clear that mods are not endorsed by the developers (and it is), then developers should not get caught up in evaluating the morality or appropriateness of mods.


Humans are literally unplayable without it, every single human is a black female

i had to force myself to play reptilians and genocide all the humans
not playing this shit game again anyways

So they couldn't take it down from a popular mod site but decide to advertise its existence to those that didn't know about it.

Good work all around, people.

>Swedish video game developer

Someone wanna make a mod that makes all leaders women/black/Asian and see if it gets removed as well?

Based czech developers

Let's not give them ammo. As soon as they realize there's more non-whites than whites, we don't know what'll happen.


the czech republic is really one of the best countries in europe when i think about it. cool culture, not huge sjws and wasnt hit as bad by communism as say, the balkans or the ex-USSR


>medieval POC

Reminder that this is what the majority of Americans aged 20-35 believe.

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites, and progressive millennials of the following type:


Yeah, good luck recognising your governors when half of them are called Ooga Balooga and Hino Minihito.

Political correctness has made me racist. Those fucking comments are infuriating.

what's really funny is that you can actually play the game as genuine genocidal facists and purge entire species from existence but you are not allowed to roleplay as white humans for some reason because that's just going to far kek

Cant they just name the mod, handsome humans and do the same?

>"Meanwhile the mod that makes all the men black and the women white is still up and running, and has even been awarded Mod of the Month by Paradox"

I find the lack of Scandinavians in GTA5 really problematic and disturbing.

Scandinavians were one of the largest immigrant groups to America, yet there's not a single cheese slicer in the game


That's great

>American flag

makes sense

I don't believe that shit lad


Racist! We've found the racist. Crucify him on twitter!!!

They're just trying to avoid controversy m8


>Those comments
holy shit i don't even.

I'm going to die here.

>still reading goy gamer
Literally click baits and Destiny articles with occasional shill review

How the fuck is it "discriminatory"? The mod isn't forced on people it's voluntarily installed for fuck sake.

All in all Paradox is a great company but this is just bullshit

I love Dan Vavra! Can;t wait for Kingdom Come!

notch is great.


>Yep. I await the "but I want to play how I want to play" vs "Sure, but isn't that a tad racist". I mean sure, it's not like anyone in history has ever wanted a white only emp.....oh, right.

to be fair, it wasn't the "white only" that was wrong, it was the "killing everyone else"

a videogame is just pretend play, nobody's attacking poland

I see their logic desu. Who shall I genocide if all people are white?

hahahah btfo :D:D

Sweden is probably the most embarrassing country to ever exist. They used to be cool tho



No one believes that shit even black friends of mine don't.