Ok guys. Summoning all southern euros in this thread.
Where should be our support in the upcoming islam vs europe conflict?
Shall we support the arab world and join the jihad or aid the northern euros against them?
Honestly i can't decide.
South europe
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do southern euros hate northern euros so badly anyways?
Who told such lies?
لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله
Why not just stay neutral?
portugal brownfaggot thinking he be european loooool hold my beer keeeek
Sup Forums did.
>Sup Forums did
Jesus Christ Canada...
It's usually the other way around but we hate them like most people hate that rich asshole prick at school.
They are basically anoying nerds that know nothing about reality but even tough they bragg how they are social justice warriors and how they volutarize for "right causes", etc...
Neutral is a cowardly thing to do
I meant southern euro posters you fool
So literally "success breeds jealousy" meme is true? lel
I don't mind them being successful. I just hate how hypochrite they are.
I mean, they act like they are all a bunch of goody-two shoes, indie pop kids who are all about love and friendship while on the inside they are all a bunch of racist and xenophobic people.
At least in southern europe people are openly xenophobic and racist without fear. We never were hypochrites
Northern Europeans have problems but the common people didn't exactly vote for mass immigration of shitskins. Their politicians they elected almost in every case snuck this by them on a scale too fucking ridiculous to have even anticipated. Southern euros aren't exactly being spared this bullshit either, Italy and France has massive immigration issues too and done stupid things like when Italian authorities ban wine and covered up naked statues for the Iranian presidents visit. This shit is a plague on all of the west.
Based Australia will be drinking beer and turning back the boats while you cunts struggle. Enjoy not living on an island nation plebs.
knowing italians as i know the "cover the satues sexual organs" thing was a veiled insult to them (like they are a bunch of closet homos that get aroused with statued penises)...
Italians are very sneaky.
France isn't southern europe.
I wish that there were more national identity in northern european countries instead...
The media always talk in a very positive way about northern euros and people are always saying we should be like them, hard working and not corrupted.
On the other hand they see us like subhumans and even a german mainstream newspapere wrote a racist article about greeks.
Has it ever occurred to you that the negative vibes you get from northern euros might come from our stupid "elite", just like your own "elite" says a bunch of stupid shit?
I don't think the average German thinks of you or the greeks like a subhuman
Our elite never said anything racist about you. And racism against southern euros is pretty common in your countries.
>this victim complex
Think you've gotta support the muslims.
Not just german, but also austrian.
>Our elite never said anything racist about you
That wasn't my point. My point was that politicians and the media especially spews stupid opinions all the time and that it's easy to misinterpret as the common opinion in a population.
>And racism against southern euros is pretty common in your countries
It is? I love southern Europe personally and I love the social culture (much more lively and open than here), and the people I know feel the same. Of course this is just my experience, but I can't recognize the image you are painting.
When I was in England I hangout with a lot of English dudes who had a lot of Spanish friends working out of hostels.
French mock the portuguese all the time and treat them as they were inferior, meanwhile they worship african dick.
Yeah, french people are very racist, they treat us like if we were portuguese.
Also there are tons of southern euroes studying in the different universities and schools in Copenhagen where I live and I've never heard any of them say that they felt like they were being mistreated or looked down upon. If anything the average kebab might feel like that, but that would mostly be prominent outside the bigger cities.
It says they were attacked because they were Spanish but they didn't even arrest the kids doing it? How do they know this?
plan C: go on the offensive, annex north africa and MAKE MARE NOSTRUM GREAT AGAIN
>One of them was described as around 5ft 7in
When will they learn?
wow rude
Racist attacks against spaniards aren't uncommon in UK andIreland.
I did not know this. I see you both as white Europeans, only Spanish are more tanned.
>Honestly i can't decide.
of course
>wrote a racist article about greeks.
It's not racist if it's true, stop being such pussies
Europe of course
the sad thing is Greece and Portugal won't exist in a few decades,we killed ourselves.
Southern euros are the racists against northern euros
>ITT southern inferiority complexes
Jesus Christ guys, get a fucking grip
If you're so upset about northerners calling you corrupt losers, stop being corrupt losers, until then you'll have to live with reality
Join Northern Europe, aid against jihadists, then die from endless debt to the bankers
>Pic related
>the year is 2025
>the southern vs northern europe civil war broke out two years ago
>be me
>leave my room after 13 years of living off welfare not watching the news
>am surprised by how different everything is
>see the news about the civil war
>see a gang of southern militans
>they spot me
>they chase me
>i hide behind a door
>they seem to be confused, having never seen a metal door before
>they eventually blow it up
>be desperate
>have a great idea
>throw some money on the floor
>they bow down to pick it up
>they start fighting each other for the small change
>i run back to my room living off welfare
Unfortunately they won't take your work ethic
northern euros are cold and not as friendly as us
It already was in Yugoslavia. You supported Albanians though
That's a meme
Yugoslavia isn't Europe
Then what it was?
>implying you'll have any money left after paying jizya and contributing to the local Mosques
u so silly Hans
Que periódico? De todas formas aquí en España se ha pasado de la admiración a los seres de luz a odiarlos a muerte por alguna razón.
Y me parece bien la verdad
we are not part of some shitty place called Europe. We are part of the glorious Ottoman empire whose land spreads across 3 continents
The winning side, senpai
they do think less of them
>A bunch of netizens taking on IS
don't make me laugh.
Southern Euros dislike Northern Euros and particulary Anglos people because they are obsessed by depicting them like if they were some kind of "brown people" and obviously mixed with northern africans and middle easterns, pic related.
>the year is 2025
>be me
>it has been 2 years since I've left my country to fight the north
>me and some southerner lads walking in a random street in Germany
>we hear a TV playing in a living room
>we see a person
>it's a fat Turkish lad
>we try to take him to safety, he's not involved with the war
>he runs in his room and bangs his door on us like a retard
>we blow up the door
>Turkish lad is throwing money at us
>we try to pick them up
>the Spanish are cursing at the fat turk, one is telling us to drop the change
>he runs back in his room
lol this is such a fucking minority opinion
i think you are the only euro to feel this way
If you support muslims shits and they win mankind is forever doomed, it will dull out and live on this planet until it dies and mankind will never reach the stars. Going muslim is going hollow.
The same thing in Spain with you.. People here dislike Germans, french and nordic countries.
No in Spain is very common, people dont like you here, Sadly but true
Southern euros displaying some next level insecurity complex. This is Asian tier.
>Honestly i can't decide.
I knew you were shit but this much of a shit? Shiiiet.
Do Southerners think that if Northern countries used their military against theirs, they'd last more than a week?
People here don't really dislike Nords.
Now if you want to see some true inferiority complexes, like not even asian tier but nigger tier, go on Sup Forums and witness how insecure whites are at us southerners.
without UK on your side we would win
What military?
>Northern countries used their military
>their military
you mean UK's military? I'm sure you don't seriously mean German's """military"""
Why do white people (northern and eastern euros) hate us southern eu this much?
Leave us be and get a life goddamn.
Not seeing that at all, literally a southern euro thing to think of yourselves as non-whites or "other"
>literally a southern euro thing to think of yourselves as non-whites or "other"
only because of the constant alienation from asshurt whites
if you don't want me in your club I ain't gonna identify as such
What does this have to do with insecurity?
Can you explain this?
>What does this have to do with insecurity?
You're a bunch of special snowflakes see
>constant alienation from asshurt whites if you don't want me in your club I ain't gonna identify as such
Can't we just hug and be friends :3
You should shut the fuck up.We along with the spaniards are the people that are the most anti-muslim in the world.Our country was a fucking vassal of the papal states,we were created to kill muslims...
>this damage control
top kek, insecurity would be getting mad about it or keeping at it like you're doing
we've got our own identity, if we can't be considered white, alright then, it doesn't matter in the slightest
I got no problems with northern Euros, most of the vitriol usually comes from north frankly.
>>this damage control
Pot meet kettle
>we've got our own identity, if we can't be considered white, alright then, it doesn't matter in the slightest
wew. I think only you consider yourselves non-white.
>I think only you consider yourselves non-white
perhaps it has something to do with calling us non-white almost constantly?
memes lad, just memes. Nobody in real life thinks Italians aren't white.
The damn EU army being formed, for unknown reasons, as we speak
well IRL among common people "whiteness" is mostly fairly simple i.e if you are European and somewhat white-ish skinned you are "white"
but I'd say that the situation is not that simple on the euro-anglo-american side
I mean to be fair IRL most people couldn't give a shit about whiteness in the first place anyway, especially in Europe
Why even care what "white" is?
Nobody cares except Sup Forums memes
Southern Union when
>but I'd say that the situation is not that simple on the euro-anglo-american side
It is. We think Italians are white Europeans. I don't think anyone is disputing this but I remember when Italian immigrants came to Toronto in the 70's they tried their hardest to differentiate themselves from anglos calling them racists and "wonder breads".
you know, the truth is that when you call us shitskin it really hurts. And we want to be in the cool white people's club too, but since we can't, we resort to anger and envy, and we are arsemad at northern europeans.
So please, don't call us shitskins; if you're a kind person, don't do it please.
It's memes fool, Sup Forums posters purposely say things to provoke anger.
Is this about people saying that if your Italian ( with tanned skin) your not white?
This doesn't make sense to me
you don't have to be white you just have to be civilized
well perhaps they were aware of how Italians were considered in the US when they migrated there back in the day and assumed a defensive position from the beginning
Don't be sad, friendo. People just do it for jokes.
But i wont, since you asked so nicely :3
Besides, i'm dating a Bulgarian so that would be kinda silly anyway
Bigot, its their culture, their allowed to
>Where should be our support in the upcoming islam vs europe conflict?
Europe, duh
>Shall we support the arab world and join the jihad or aid the northern euros against them?
are you retarded
Remember when the Irish weren't considered white either? The people who literally can't stand in sunlight without turning into lobsters? It was mainly because you guys are both catholics
France is a joke though
>We hate rich people
Well that explains everything
>their allowed to
Kek, southern europeans look like that though
>Swedes will go extinct in your lifetime
Feels great lads
Being honest, it seems like they are allowed and even encouraged to by SJW rhetoric ect.
>Believing that Muslims are our friends
>Forgetting the most essential pillars of the Spanish and Portuguese nations.
we know, just don't be mean about it
Europe of course, why should I dislike my continent because 4 autists say in Sup Forums "keeeeeeeek not white suthrn yuroeps"?