Smug anime girls edition
normies welcome
/balt/ + /ausnz/
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When will be Nazi edition?
>286 replies in the old thread
So desperate to include your chinese cartoons in the OP, pretty pathetic 2bh
Not after the austrian loss..
Agree that it's a bit too early
Thread before that only reached 320 or something
tfw told to kill myself for my shinto beliefs 8 every time i post
Didnt they want to recount the votes?
Normies are having a picnic..
You dunce, it stops being bumped to the front page at 310. That's the only time to make new threads
Turn the other cheek
Not sure what it means ahhahaha
Famous normies invited all non famous normies to a picnic
>Tfw suddenly everyone who had connections or is one of the members of the parlament starts doing something for the country
Oh wait.. The elections are near-by.
Sveiki draugi.
Sveiki cipari.
:O 44/doubles=22
Labas Latvija.
Ej dirst, mauka.
Apsišik stačias
Zootopia is a very interesting social commentary on racism in modern society
>tfw hung out with bullies so I wasn't bullied
you have to be an idiot to get bullied
My friend was a chad so I wasn't bullied
My hair is a different colour to most other people so I got bullied.
Guess I deserved it
>tfw friends dad was a mental case ex prisoner and everyone in our town knew him so nobody would ever mess with us
>he wasnt a bully
Watching these e-"""""sports""""" events are hilarious, especially the big finals. They try so ridiculously hard to make badass promos for these 5'7'' fucking nerds and then it just ends and we get a live shot of them anxiously standing there looking at their feet
I can finally be a Balt.
Iceland mentioned
Iceland? More like Faggotland with those kind of numbers 2bh
great thread
I was a bully in grades 1-3 and bullied in grades 6-9.
>Iceland has no military
Why is it a country?
It's not
Can't have our esteemed guests unresponded to.
They've got big strong America and England to protect them, just like in WWII ;^)
Hi Theodoras.
T-thanks for the (you)
here have one too
this is true to be honest
I was bullied in early grades, but still I had no problems in finding friends.
Thread theme 2bh
Was it bullying or just banter though? I have this feeling we misrepresent bullying statistics because we don't fully understand the banter culture.
well you know calling some names and laughing out of you
that sort of stuff
Just kissed a girl lads
How alpha am I?
>kissing mom
Hi! Someone told me this is average in Australia. Can someone confirm?
We're not relatives
Sounds a bit gay if I can be real with you.
Okay then, how big was her penis?
I'm not the guy who kissed the girl to be honest ask him
Oh sorry man.
How big was her penis?
I don't think she had one
Tbh something was pressing against my thigh but I hope it was just her phone
Smh desu senpai
Good for you I guess. Personally I wouldn't touch a girl without a penis and whose pronouns aren't he his him.
>something was pressing against my thigh
It's never her "phone". Congrats user.
so basically you are gay
we normie general now
Last I checked it's not gay if he's a girl.
Damn Columbians. Trying to infiltrate /balt/ in the disguise of a Lithuanian.
>he's a girl
yeah right mate :DD
That's banter, bullying is beating up the scrawny ginger
Ooh no you don't, back in the box you rat
You know it ;)
no they say those words to ridicule a person I was in that situation and I know what I'm talking about. Kids are cruel
I'm lithuanian. u just dyslexic
>being allowed guns
good one
>no they say those words to ridicule a person
Yes you're supposed to ridicule them back, that's how you make friends
>pretends to be a non-normie
>posts the reddit frog
Exactly. Banter is about giving and receiving. The setup matters as much as the punchline. In fact it's probably the ultimate expression of love.
like I said I had no problems with making friends I had really great friends in primary school and high school and I wouldn't want to be friends with some stupid assholes who make fun of me.
It's a dank meme you dip
>dank meme
>dank meme
Sound ike you were bum buddies with a bunch of gaybos to me 2bh
t. normies
This is a dank meme safe space
>jimmy carr haircut
What's wrong with dank meems, draugi?
So what's the story behind the aussie-baltic friendship? I'm curious.
is it too late to say that banter is really an internet meme and the people who talk shit about you literally hate you?
Sup Forums will talk it up too much for some reason. it really boils down to point scoring unless you're already good friends
not really
Banter is just something people say when they lose an argument.
Australia and New Zealand were once connected via land bridge to Estonia and Latvia, making us unofficially the fourth and fifth baltic states; it remained that way for some 49,000 years until around 1240 AD. At the time Catholicism reigned supreme in the European mainland and it was decided by Pope Innocent IV, with aid from Emperor Frederick II of the Holy Roman Empire, that the land bridge was to be flooded for fear that such an unholy alliance of the Baltic states and Australia + New Zealand would unleash an unstoppable wave of memes that would ultimately destroy the world as we know it.
This general is a small way for our peoples to rekindle that long-lost and largely forgotten connection.
It's a joke taken too far, just wait for it to die off.
I get more "1970s homosex child molester" vibe 2bh
We're never going to split c;
>bullies trick you into bullying a small bully
>get bullied by a bigger bully for bullying small bully while other bullies laugh
well i mean if someone drives past and yells 'nice shirt cunt' and speeds off that's what "banter" is but the reality is the person is just being a mouthbreaker
99% of it is from cars to pedestrians too
>Not voting in Antanas Mockus
Disappointed tbhq..
You're new so you don't know about the past unions like /balt/ + /finland/ that used to exist. They all die off eventually.