
smooth sailing edition

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more like 4 virgins kek

ananas not welcome....

Balkan Cigany


this is awesome desuu

new budapest project titled Budapart


geddit? :---DDDDDDDDD

no starbucks/10

t. modern girl on my iphone

>generic blocky glass shit


looks quite meh

So creative

How about this?

Height of bad taste.

I don't understand what you faggots want

its not like you will find better anywhere

Its designed by Danes and going to similar to this

Unlike super creative new offices in Pressburg...

Ah yes, famous danish architecture

coconut a best

They are meant to be practical and not draw attention

desu lads do you think /v6/ would work out (add croatia and slovenia)

Noice, they're building this in Kraków now

idk why they aren't here yet

we aint more than a meme so why not ?

Mom bought me this to """"clam"""" my nerves how shit/10?

we ain't joining you losers :DDD

Almost everyone here is a normie ybh

dude I remember buying this thing for someones birthday.. cant even remember how it tastes like

also your mom is cheap twat, it was like 50% off very recently

absolute dogshit


They are both awful. It really feels like the only decent European architecture was built before the war and everything built after is just copypasted glass+steel American dogshit, commieblocks and experimental eyesores.

Its year 2018, European Union is falling apart
new referendum is made:
>Unification of V4 into Visegrad Federation.
vote YES or vote NO?

My feelings exactly. Hungary stopped aping Russia, now it wants to ape the West and build buildings more suited for a cyperpunk dystopian movie rather than a normal city.

t. Design expert


it tastes like shitty bleach desu

Eurovea is butifel


Stop posting russian shit

Isn't that just poor man's Becherovka?

It looks like ass, you can find generic ugly shit like that in literally every American city.


This things is gonna be built above Masarykovo nádraží. Dont know how to feel about it desu

(but we need some better politicians and valium for jobbik)

into the filter

autism strikes again


if dubs I won't study anymore

A zautizmus ismét lecsapott :DD
Meg a triplák is :DD


>It looks like ass
your mom looks like ass, have you even been to eurovea?
the riverside looks great


Hipster out of ten

Yes, I want pollands economy to pull us up desu

Get it?

Yeah I have, it's garbage. You probably never left Pressburg in your entire life if you think it's unique or remarkable in any way.

yes I want Czechs votes to push legalisation of dude weed lmao

Looks nice

looks like it's being flooded


whoa whoa, keep intolerance out of this forum


It is

Pic was probably taken during floods

>You probably never left Pressburg in your entire life if
in my entire life i have been 10 times to blava, tops
>implying something has to unique or remarkable to be nice

>brown eyes

a kysz

my dream 2bh
>tfw even my dream is a meme

>keep intolerance out of this forum
That's why I wouldn't want to join a union of xenophobia and illiberal democracy

I'd be for integration with the European core (we're using euro after all)

lads at least we don't live in Warsaw lmao

come on, i was so proud of it, and not one post of recognition

blue eyes would fuck up the colors desu


So you're from some eastern bumfuck where the biggest architectural marvel is the local kulturny dom from the 70s and even copypasted crap like Eurovea manages to impress you. Even worse.

that v4 flag is quite meh тбх

y croatia

i wish i do

t. Peter Weisenbacher

no one is virgin this isnt r9k

dream -> meme -> reality
That's how meme magic works

you made the classic mistake of falling for the German jew and incorporating €

i saved your pic but i've seen it before


that pic

>So you're from some eastern bumfuck
he shoots, and he misses
>even copypasted crap like Eurovea manages to impress you
show me the building that eurovea is copypasted from

impossible, i just drew it

>t. virgin

it sort of looks like this which probably inspired you

I meant the styke. Shitty glass glorified stripmall.

oh, it's you
go away

here have (you)
I like your trolling

how is that anime with that girl with a badge over her eye who keeps thinking she controls magic and shit (they call it 9th grader syndrome) called?

>Shitty glass
i know for a fact that Eurovea's riverside window elements are of high quality

Manchildu Filmu 2


>tfw that's my flag in someone elses oc



Yeah, that blue thing on her looks retarded i had an urge to make it better, and i failed horribly

>quite meh
More like "fucking horrible", but that's a part of its charm and meme power.
I think picrel with these stiny flags scratched wouldn't look so bad.
also fuck off with cyrillic memes, you know that almost nobody understands it here
good post lad

At least Slovaks can walk to a bar in their comfy villages because they have pavements. Americans have to waddle to their car to get anywhere in life.

That's the reason for the high alcohol related accidents in the US.

best flag

Dear diary, today I have for the first time experienced an entirely unpleasant and creepy job interview, and - also for the first time ever - I sort of wish I do get rejected. The entire company felt like a giant scam and/or some kind of an Amway-like cult and/or a pyramid scheme. I don't know if my luck means I will get rejected like so many times before, or that they will actually offer me the job, and then probably brainwash me or something.

too eu