Any beliver?

any beliver?

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No,only nerds who roleplay being conservative

i HATE swedes for not belive in judea power. FUCK I HATE THEM i wish them death.

any /belieber/? :3

Yes, but I don't go to church. I pray every evening.

me too

Justin is so hot *-*

>Posting pleb tier Bieber

nah, but I love the cultures that grew out of all the major religions though.

isnt the majority of people who live in Santiago isn't white?

Isnt the majority of Santiago black?

name a cunt who isnt christian in Europe.


Czech Republic

80-90% of pinoys are christians (100M pop)


20-10% too few.

Remember to let your people know that secularism is bringing the downfall of the West, too.

yes. it's just a faith though, it's not absolute "I KNOW HE FUCKING EXISTS", it's just a placebo if you will, a hope that there is something after death.

I would rather believe in a creator rather than that atoms, molecules and shit were just there in the very beginning. like the absolute beginning. I find that slightly more impossible than a creator. just slightly.

again, it's just belief. not an absolute. hope.

my sides.....

The downfall of the West is not about shitty religions, but becoming shitskins.

Israel is ME
Turkey is EU
get rekt sandnigger

ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahababbbvgahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahah ahahahahahahahah hahahahahhabshdhagdhaggahahahahahah


Which became possible because atheists don't reproduce and they didn't want to lower their qualities of lives or lose pensions.

I actually want 5 kids after making enough money 2bh.

You would be an aberration - but "making enough money" will stop you from having more than two.

Unfortunately, Western society punishes responsible parenting.

>to be a believer

>Ukraine is still a country

Christianity is a jewish invention that has ruined europe and also created islam.

Yes OP. I am Catholic.

One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

>ruined Europe
Go back to fucking sheep, harping on about your faggot gods who drank the semen of hanged corpses and living like niggers.

t. united kangdomz

European culture has been replaced by middle eastern jewdom. These days we seen the second jewish invasion in the shape of islam, this time all traces of the original europe will vanish.

Thanks, sir Mohammad.

Nah my family is big, i can work and my brothers, parents or wife will take care of them. My studies are finished soon and my current gf wants 4 kids.

[Spoiler] I'm not a shitskin [Spoiler]

way truth and light

And that was when countries stopped being Christian. Countries became great AFTER they became Christian as they were unified and not focused on dying in battle but could actually get shit done intellectually.

Take your dick out of the sheep and long enough to be able to tell this much, or are you just salty because women don't want to stay in your country so you blame God for it?