/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Old Balkans edition

Remember to be relaxed when you post in here

Old Thread:

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Post characters that are literally you.

first for Basileius Kroumopoulos


alboriginals not welcome edition


Let us help the Libyanon.

Tengri has blessed you!

that's actually smooth af

Dubs confirm
Krum was a Byzantine Greek king that worked for the benefit of the Greek people

Bring Libyanon to Greece.

>a huge mall was mentioned

why are those boats camoed as if trying to evade uboats in the lake



>Krum was a Byzantine Greek king

real story lads, he even loved the emperor so much he turned his skull into a respectful wine cup

those boats are hiding the secret bunkers senpai

How can we bring Lybianon to Greece?

don't be cruel to yourself,noone is so autistic

>real story lads, he even loved the emperor so much he turned his skull into a respectful wine cup
Wow that's so nice of him ^^

Help me to bring Libyanon to Greece.


post things that make you go

A less insane version at least

Literally me

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

what do you homos think of my oc?

Libyanon, how can we bring him to Greece?

Μέχρι τα τέλη του 2014 - αρχές 2015 είχαμε τα /gr/ μας kαι ήταν αρkετά ebin.
Μετά για kάποιο λόγο πέθαναν kαι τώρα συγχωνευτήkαμε με το /βαλk/ αναγkαστιkά.

You took your time and did well

it's alright I guess

How can we bring Libyanon save to Greece?

The glory of Thessaloniger shines through

>this is a female out of a sudden climbs in your boat

What do u do?

> Athens
> Balkan city
what's next Heraklion,Crete?

It is nice

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

what is this about?

>the fuck are you doing on my yacht you whore
>push her back and go back to fucking the rest of my 100 bithces

Kick her back in the sea sparta-style. Don't want no fucking demons on me ship.

very good, I've made mine 1.5 year ago, I'll save yours too

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

we dont hate greece

>Try to fuck her
>she resists
>rape her
>cum inside her
>oh shit I don't want kids
>Kill her
>paint her blue
>throw her into the sea

learn english

I would be like wtf man,yo pussy juice,let me stick my dick up ur arse hahahahahahaha

İstanbul is unnecessaryly big

>paint her blue
>throw her into the sea

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

>paint her blue

thanks guys

post it

big is good, but yeah istanbul is ridiculously big

my pic's in the Op, m8

What is "g3"?

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

It's also the rifle of our conscript armies

oh i thought you found it online, looks professionally made

i do remember it from a while back


it's a ekler und koch

Skopje: Big churches and malls
Sofia: Big mosques

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?


I'd love to see or shot this one desu

HK 53, literally a 5.56mm carbine with the G3a3 firing mechanism

I've put this pic of Sofia because all the other old ones weren't looking good. Sofia must have been one of the poorest communist capitals in the block, besides Tirana (which I couldn't find any decent shots either)

slightly compressed

How can we bring Libyanon to Greece?

Μπορουμε παραkαλω να kανουμε αναφορα τον Αλβανογερμανο που σπαμμαρει;

Sofia is qt
I want to visit it now

>tfw have to share border with muslim turks and orthodox turks

Tourkos einai (fanerwthike xtes) kai nai, ton ekana report

>inb4 mou kanoun ksana warning

εγώ τον έkανα απο την αρχή
τελειώνει τη δουλεια του στο kεμπαμπαδιkο kαι ερχεται εδω να ξεσkασει λολ

kai ego tou kano report alla den tou kanoun tpt

No it isn't. There's only a few nice places, and they aren't worth jumping the borders.

just be sure to invest

>no skpje

eat it, fyroshits.

You border more than one orthodox turks

and why is it not worth it

Meh there's nothing really big to lose by going there , it's close and cheap.
I don't know what business would be profitting in Sofia
>inb4 meme replies like organ trafficing or copper dealership

suck it, marriedfag, i am the true chef of /balk/

i like Sofia personally, i like the old 19th century feel of it

What's wrong with skopje?

Why did they choose fucking commieblocks?

Λεμαο το έkαναν
Based mods are based.

Thank you mods

whoops forgot pic

Japanese architect.

strong soviet versatility, efficiency, very aesthetic too.

Are you supposed to eat that the way it is?


You need to sprinkle it with the blood of your enemies beforehand.

Izvikna se Pitu Guli
na Milana daskalcheto:
- Oj, Milane, mili brate,
oj Milane, mili brate...

- Ja frli si teshki bombi,
ja frli si teshki bombi,
malce asker da rasterash,
mene patot da otvorish,
malce asker da rasterash,
mene patot da otvorish!

> soviet

> yugoslavia


Sofia looks like shit, desu

better than a fucking mosque ffs.


We're not european

>yugoslavia started the commieblock meme

Well that's because it is shit.


I just compressed it, see

How is this dish called?

>whoops forgot pic
1:0 for me, m8

enjoy your "penis du fromage", tho


It's gyuveche, "little gyuvech." You put some meat and cheese together, add an egg on top, bake and enjoy.