Why is every non-nordic country so dangerous and hostile

Why is every non-nordic country so dangerous and hostile.

Why can't they just act civilized.

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>Why can't they just act civilized.

aren't finns famous for drunk stabbing?


we only stab people we know


your race is just tired of rape and steal for centuries

>civilization = autism
thank god for not being civilized


also, IS not WAS

stop lying and remember where you are

>tfw can walk on the street without being harassed
>tfw can walk alone in the city in the middle of the night without having to fear anything
Foreigners will never know this feeling

i do

germany is nordic though


Nordicks are about to be culturally enriched

We have very low crime rate if you can tolerate the rockets

Why is every nordic country so cuckold and pussys.

Why can't they just act like men?.

that's just scandicucks

Oh I get it... she doesn't want to seat near him because he has cancer :(

>>tfw can walk on the street without being harassed
>>tfw can walk alone in the city in the middle of the night without having to fear anything
Not for long, white boi

saying "No crime in palestine" does sound nice desu

i do

Know the feeling as well la, although whether or not we're Nordic is often questioned.

I've been wondering the same for quite a while. Why is it that nords can act like civilized people and everywhere else people act like fucking animals. I guess Germany is fine too. Also that's coming from someone who's been in pretty much every country in Europe and in a few outside Europe.

>tfw 500 km short of being close to any nordic country
>tfw my country has no mountains
>tfw still butthurt because of 3rd generation russians still living in my country

Nordic is an arbitrary concept created as part of the European integration policy and to distract Finns from their true heritage. If it wasn't for "M- MUH NORDIC CO-OPERATION" there would be no mandatory Swedish and other such bullshit.

I do.
It's called having a penis you retard. Half of the world knows that feel

i think every european country has areas where it's completely safe to walk around at any time. then again i'm 1.9m tall (no bait here manlets) and built like thinner version of zyzz.

>tfw I can walk out at every time of the night and be safe
>tfw I can leave my card unlocked and nothing will happen
>tfw I can leave my door unlocked at home and nobody will come in
>tfw never have been even closed to robbed

Northern Portugal small city ftw.
God feels so good.

oh no, not finland!

It's not at all arbitrary and Nordic cooperation is a great thing. Pakkoruotsi will disappear eventually.



My area is safe as fuck (as is most of Italy, really).

what do you mean by dangerous and hostile though?

>brasil mdle
>my cunt midle
>bolivia midle

nice map, is your?

el peruANO...

>It's not at all arbitrary

why is he so sad?

Because the cute girl decided to sit next to the smelly neckbeard instead of him.

You wish my man, crack head are my friends.


>Finns from their true heritage
Being a part of Sweden?

I hate our fucking country, I got robbed literally half a block away from my house by football hinchas.
Not even poor-side of asuncion, I swear if we throw a napalm strike on a Cerro vs Olimpia football game the crime rate will drop by about 70%.

>Sweden - a nord
>not dangerous and hostile
>da fugggg :DDDDDDDDD

Being a part of the Khanate of Greater Finland

I don't fear anything walking alone at night, for my knife is big and sharp and my traumatic pistol is accurate and hard-hitting.

>Khanate of Greater Finland
Hahahhahahaha ok, sounds great

its because non whites are expected to be violent monkeys while whites are expected to act civilized and be their white saviors #fact #lookitup #blownawaybythetruth #stereotypes

>nordic countries

You mean new syria?

>non dangerous and hostile

The swedes are non hostile, its the cunts that come from shithole countries that fuck shit up

But it's the Swedes who give these people the resources to be non hostile.
You can't give a monkey a knife and blame them when they chimp out.
You guys should know better.

fucking peruvians every time.

Then tell your people and nations to stop labeling and selling them as swedes.

Free Anders