Which languages do you think sound good? Which ones do you think sound bad?
Which languages do you think sound good? Which ones do you think sound bad?
italian sounds nice
mandarin is too angry
Swedish/Korean have a wonderful sound
Slavish languages sound so angry lol (even for a German)
>sound good?
italian, french, japanese, russian (sort of)
>sound bad?
dutch, portugese, spanish, asian tonal languages in general
1. my own, perkele speech, german, most european ones
2. any african or arabic language, chinese
>Which languages do you think sound good?
RP English
>Which ones do you think sound bad?
Danish, Russian
Every slant Eye language sounds disgusting, Japanese is OK (no weeb)
Nordic language too
Arabic sounds like a Nigger dying on an overdose
Spanish sounds good
Russian too
German is great
Gaelic is nice
animu made japanese a meme language tbqh
Except I don't think portuguese sounds bad because of my obviously biased opinion
French is cool
Deutch sound ugly! :p
I think Russian sounds good, but I'm struggling with it. I can't into Russian for some reason. It's actually making me angry how I don't seem to be getting it. Other languages, no problem. Russian seems to hate me though.
>sounds good
Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Welsh, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew
Here's a pre-emptive fuck you
>sounds bad
Indic languages, Chinese, Kurdish, Turkish
I still need to learn an Indic language. Urdu or Punjabi would be useful here.
Japanese, english, mexican spanish
Spanish spanish (yeah), Italian, finnish, arabic
Latin sounds good.
Dutch sounds like they're making it up as they go.
all european languages sound cool
vietnamese is the fucking worst
Hollanti sounds like shit
i mean fuck off just kill yourselves hollanti.
I think Finnish sounds good too
Italian and french sound good
Russian sounds bad ass
German and chinese sound awful
pretty sure i'd rather chop my dick off than have to listen to dutch for one hour
sorry i have tourette
it's self diagnosed
Spanish, German
Swedish, French
Still sounds nicer than valleyspeak though.
nigga knows what i'm saying yo
valleyspeak is THE international chad/stacy mother tongue
>Which languages do you think sound good?
Italian, Spanish, Swedish and Farsi
>Which ones do you think sound bad?
Vietnamese, Arabic and Dutch
>sound good
German, Russian.
>sound bad
Korean, Spanish.
I can't really stand dutch and hebrew. For the rest there are no languages I've heard I particularly dislike. Romance languages (except Romanian) are top tier desu, no point denying it.
i came the first time i heard hungarian and finnish
first day on the job at my airport a woman tried to offer some dutch tourists some flu medicine for the trip back home, she had no idea the language sounded that awful naturally
I like the way Brazilians speak Portuguese. Hebrew always sounded pretty bad to me but Israeli accents are cute. Kind of like Russian for some reason, and Arabic too, which most people find harsh and ugly.
I hate Hindi though. Or Gujarit or Tamil or really any of those. Indians are cool enough people but their language(s) are harsh and brutal.
What do think about it lads? :^
I always wanted to learn finnish because its sound so good.
German, Italian, French, English
Dutch, Norwegian/danish, japanese, finnish, polish and all those slavs languages
Chinese, thai, indian, korean, vietnamese, swahilli, armenian, chechen.
Any mediterranean roman language, they sound very pleasing.
Morrocan Arab because it sounds violent and offensive.
Italian sounds nice, Finnish is cool, Greek is not bad.
Dutch is the worst I have heard, followed by Hebrew and Arabic. Those throat sounds are awful. Asian languages simply sound weird
Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Czech, Hebrew, Jamaican Patois, Scots.
Any Scandinavian language, Afrikaans, Vietnamese, Turkish, Spanish, any southern hemisphere English accent.
madjarski BLJEH
italijanski top tier
>people falling for the french meme
its a disgusting language with unnecessary grammatical rules because the people in charge of it are pretentious faggots
forgot Greek sounds very good as well
>tfw good sounding labguage
Italian, Spanish and French when spoken by women, Arabic when sang, Persian, Greek, German, Swahili
Dutch, Chinese, Southeast Asian languages, Turkish, French when spoken by men.
Why does Dutch sound so bad I mean I hear it all day and what makes it worse than for example English or German since they're related
it sounds really foreign to me because of some sounds
it fits better with someone screaming or being angry than with depressed music.
but it sounds really manly, like with these faggots
Dutch doesn't sound bad, it just sounds too harsh and like a fucked up bastard son of german and english.
Maybe the fact that I speak english and grew up listening to a fucked up version of german makes me biased.
any african language
other shit from pakistan et al
azn ching chong like chinese
basically the rest
It would've sound vastly better without the Arabic-tier G.
Just remove that disgusting KH sound from Dutch and it will sound much much better.
Good: English, German, Latin (old roman latin not "latin" latin)
Bad: Spanish,Portuguese,All chinese dialects,Arab,Hebrew,Dutch
Worst: French
I literally always think turkish sounds like italian
good: all latin languages except romanian, norwegian
bad: all the rest
I think all of the Germanic languages sound pleasant. Norwegian and Dutch sounds the most natural to me.
oh, i forgot celtic languages. they are good too
>absolute gibberish
feels batman
Those double vowels in Finnish makes the language sound magical though. Very easy on the ears.
engrish sounds good
mapuche is the worst languages in the world
French is pretty disgusting though.
Every time I hear a male speaking french I immediately presume he is Algerian or Moroccan.
You're probably one as well. With your faggot drake shit.
What a bullshit. French is a god tier language.
Italian Finnish Spanish German French Greek Hebrew
Dutch Chinese Korean
You have to be a minority to like Drake meems?
The R sounds like someone choking on massive cock. No offense
>Good: Hebrew, German
>Bad: Dutch
I agree that Dutch is shit Japan. But you should know that Dutch is a mix between Hebrew and German. And it's irrational to like those 2 and then hate Dutch.
>mix of Hebrew and German
Well now we know how the Dutch became a trading giant back in the day.
>sound good
Spanish, Italian, English, German when speaked normally, Japanese.
>sound bad
Arabic, Arabic, Arabic
Sound good:
Russian, Italian, English (maybe i'm just accustomed to it, anyway, it still is ), kinda, Lithuanian sounds funny good to us, I kinda dig nordic languages as well as fin/estonian too.
Sound bad:
French, Dutch,
All the arabspeak, asianspeak, oogaboogaspeak.
I like the sound of Chinese. Or Mandarin, I think they call it. Used to catch like five radio frequencies of chinese news and just leave it on for a while. Oddly soothing. And it felt like the same girl every time.
Serbian and a couple other Slavics sound pleasantly familiar.
Don't like the sound of Spanish. Something about it inherently pisses me off. Don't like Arabic languages because of their "KHHH" sounds.
Also French. And kinda maybe German.
How can anyone claim Arabic sounds bad? It may suck when retarded jihadists are shouting gibberish, but Arabic is a really beautiful language (if you set all political/religious shit aside)
>mandarin is too angry
taiwanese accent is nice but kinda feminine
Fun fact:
The dutch golden age started after we accepted Jew diaspora and gave them civilian status.
Within 100 years we had invented current capitalism, The first stock trading. And started the biggest company in history.
The resulting financial crash was so big that England overtook the dutch empire and Now new amsterdam is called New york and we all speak English on this site.
The hearing of Dutch is difficult for me
Dutch, Afrikaans, Norwegian, Portuegese, Spanish, Italian
Russian, Polish, Chinese, Arabic, Moroccan, Swedish
Also I like Finnish.
Languages can be divided in two categories, like most countries in Europe:
1. The Europe of Wine (France, Italy, Greece, Spain).
Refined, cultured, attractive and appreciative of the good things (art, food, women, etc.)
2. The Europe of Beer (Germany, Netherland, UK, etc.)
Octoberfest culture, HODOR looking slags, only eat to maintain vital functions, would trade a Picasso for a Heineken.
Wine is gay. And so are you.
>Dutch, afrikaans
Fuck off special snowflake. Flemish isnt even a language.
>being proud of being a pretentious ponce
Try picking up - good looking - women with beers.
Protip: You can't.
Thanks for the history lesson user. Didn't know the Dutch crash was that big.
italian and finnish sound great in very different ways when women speak them.
I have no problem with french people, but when I hear someone speaking freanch, I just want to punch them in the face. It sounds so fucking bad. It sounds like you are a faggot with mental issues.
No offense tb h
anything south east asian sounds bad
everything else
>finnish sound great in very different ways when women speak them.
I agree.
>I want punch them in the face
>no offense tho
Italian, Spanish, Yiddish
Dutch, Chinese, Swedish, French
sounds like you are the one with mental issues
Don't worry Pedro - we all have this kind of préjugés with foreign languages. When I hear someone speaking Spanish, I assume he is retarded and unemployed. No offense neither though, I have a very nice hispanic cleaning lady.
Women shouldn't be speaking russian. They all sound like butch lesbians, not feminine at all.
You mean German with Hebrew loan words?
Good: Russian, German, English, Finnish
Bad: Italian
Bлaдимиpcкий цeнтpaл...вeтep ceвepный..
I can't get it out of my head, this and a few other I've heard over time
Wine countries:
Spray water up their ass. Angry manlets. Corruption, protests, snobby and lazyness. Eat everything that moves.
Beer countries:
Unity, people are bros, blonde women, hearthy food, dependable and hard working, get things done.
You're just jealous of Fernando Martinez and his sex appeal.
English with a heavy Danish accent:
"Aimm from Dienmaak"
Everything else