Reminder that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States

>Reminder that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States
>Reminder that she specifically referenced Angela Merkel as someone she wanted to emulate

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I don't see a Problem with brown people in America.

Less wars then? That doesn't sound like her.

US doesn't have to import dindus though, they have enough domestically-made ones

>Reminder that she specifically referenced Angela Merkel as someone she wanted to emulate
oh lawd jesus help us all

She'll have our carrier groups shuttling refugees directly from the third world.

Reminder that she called Dilma the "global standard against corruption"

>Reminder that she called Dilma the "global standard against corruption"
Proof? No one could be that stupid.

But we're significantly stronger wiled than the Germs. No way we'd import a bunch of fuckups. People would die. Especially muzzies. Muzzy hate/discomfort is a real thing over here, no memes.

I love how Merkel was actually regarded as one of the better European leaders by Sup Forums, before this whole migrant crisis really got out of hand. I'd say the average user held her in a decently high regard prior to 2015 or so.

Finnish newspapers just said trump has 0,2% lead
who cares tbqh?

Sup Forums loved Merkel before october 2015 though. Even praised her as one of the only strong leaders in Europe.

Tell me why Angela Merkel is a bad leader without referencing immigration

>Sup Forums loved Merkel before october 2015 though. Even praised her as one of the only strong leaders in Europe.
Where? I never saw it here and Sup Forums just jerked off to Putin.

This is actually bad not because Merkel is "too liberal" or some shit but because shes head of the conservative party. So Clinton as a left winger would still try to emulate a right winger. Identity politics is the only thing the left in america have left really. Everything else pretty much shifted extremly shifted to the right and is just fueling the economic divide in the country

>Americans worry about brown people when they have guns and highly segregated white suburbs


I'd take Hillary over Obama.

Leadership in a time nobody in Europe really felt like doing anything
Also didn't really pander too much (Germany has no gay marriage, just a union, even told a syrian kid 'fuck off we're full'.
Also, only leader standing up/able to cooperate with Russia at the time. Germany was actually the one holding the EU-Russia relation together for the longest time and she was the only one Putin sorta listened to.

Why she decided to throw away all that away, who knows.

>Identity politics is the only thing the left in america have left really.
It's not like our left has more than Identity politics and muh econazism

> tell me why Charles Manson was a bad guy not referencing the murder of innocent people

kill them both