Post yours

Post yours

yours but the colours are reversed desu (except for russia lmao)

Why do you love Christian countries like bosnia and Macedonia?


I killed 7 Iraqis and 14 camels in Iraq yes I did 2004 2005 those were the years i'd go back and do it again if they let me

How haven't you been killed by a suicide bomber yet, Faruk?

in your mind?


>hating japan and korea

why is GonĂ¢ve Island yellow? What makes it worse than the rest of Haiti?

Nice bait

>Hating Russia even though you are in the Netherlands

Butthurt cucks

oy vey shut it down

America 2016 is pretty fucking cucked.

We are like Western Europe where a battle between the cucks and retarded nationalists is reaching a fevered pitch.

Cucks are winning.

But you have the guns.

t. Sup Forums



Only in some states are gun rights better than in Europe.

Also, owning a gun is a sign of being an insecure loser or a nigger.

And if Hillary wins, gun rights are going to be fucked. We are one supreme court justice from losing them forever.

>haring Syria
>liking America
>disliking Russia

Is this a Russian cuckold?


>Supreme court cannot amend constitution
Gun control can increase but you need congress majority to amend the constitution. Only then can America completely lose gun rights. With a republican majority, I don't see that happening at the moment tbf.


Check his flag fag.

>hating the USA

guess two invasions were not enough

>and 14 camels

>Supreme court can't

Uhh.... Chicago V. Heller

Read about it.

Well it's an okay opinion. I don't know why you hate Syria though. It's fighting to not fall to the real world equivalent of Tusken Raiders.

Why don't you check his map?

Oh because that worked last time. They should be thankful for pic related?

Probably the only white person in this thread.

The case sets the precedent that guns are used for home defense.
>precedents are extremely hard to change.
I doubt the current congress would allow extreme court judges that would overturn a precedent on gun usage to be appointed.
>muh guns
Are safe for now. I am no prophet though.

First time I've gone through the effort of making one.

Why did you kill those camels, you monster, you know they have feelings and stuff?

>and 14 camels
You monster!

Something like this.



Why do you love us?

I enjoyed all my trips to England a lot, no matter where I went, and the people I met was great. More than that, I love your history. Besides, you gave us industry, and now I enjoy computers. There are many reasons tbqh.

Thank you based Norwegian.
I love your women and your high quality cheese slicers.

Why do you dislike us?


>I doubt the current congress would allow extreme court judges that would overturn a precedent on gun usage to be appointed.

That's why Kennedy (a repub) voted against Heller?

Hillary will nominate 2-3 SC's in her first term.

Gun rights are fucked.


Good choices

I want Trump

>Liking any country besides your own
That's some mighty faggotry

>Doesn't want to gas at least 90% of Africa
>Literally the only person on the earth who is neutral on Saudi Arabia
>Loves Israel

Are you a Jew?


Why do you asking?

Yet in four years you'll be screaming the same thing.
>I disagree.

I'm lazy right now for painting, so here u are my America map

Thank you for never giving up against nazis (inb4 someone will comment and tell me hitler should've won)

Norwegian opinion about Russian aggressive expansion: -74

r8 pls

Explain Syria and Iran

Explain Angola and Mozambique

Thanks Brazilbro but why don't you like Ireland?

>only in some states
the only places where owning a gun is harder than most (as there are outliers but those aren't all of Europe) European countries is D.C. and maybe NYC

Explain B E L A R U S u faggot

they're cool. Also, I feel compassion for Syria. I

they speak portuguese

Only a retard would secede from the UK.

Portuguese Colonies just like him

>no feet
One job

I see, of course.

what about guinea-bissau?


I just don't have anything against them. Should've colored it grey, but, meh.




>dislikes Canada
10/10, excellent taste

why do you hate alaska

At least we don't have to worry about one mexican coming here


>great posters

Post that video pls

what reason could you possibly have to hate America?

I'm missing Africa. Will do that tomorrow. Not much I can comment but the obvious Ethiopia, Maghreb, Congo (kingdom) and probably genocides

Forgot to repaint it I like it..


here you go

Indian immigrant detected.


why do you like sri lanka?

Oh shit, did not see that. I am neutral towards Sri Lanka, as I am quite uninformed in regards to that country, other than the fact they were in a state of civil war for many years.


>liking Russia

I like all Europeans except for A*bos and Br*ts

*7 iraqis and their 14 wives



> implying crimea/abkhazia/south ossetia aren't Russian cores

and yet you like Belgium...

I'm not denying that Russia has owned these lands in the past. But they should let it go, it's not part of Russia anymore. Besides they have too much land as it is.

>mfw Iraq hate france, the only nation who actually refused to take part of Iraq war
But I guess you hate us because we're catholic/west people. How stupid.

>Loving Latin American

you know they are western and christians too? and they are not friendly with mudslimes.

it's been less than 150 years

Sandniggers get out REEEEEEEEEEEE

green for the prophet's robes
red for the messiah's blood
blue for the crater ocean trump is gonna make

>Falklands part of Argentina
Nice joke, you made me chuckle.

Canada said no too but alas


Really? Didn't know it.
>Canada real bru

Why would an Indian love afganistan?

Hitler should've won desu