>tfw my parents are forcing me to marry my ex who I fucking hate
Why did I have to be born an arab
>tfw my parents are forcing me to marry my ex who I fucking hate
Why did I have to be born an arab
you're in germoney, you're free now.
just get a job and tell the cunts to fuck off
Easy with the bait, Brudi, people might take you serious. Our reputation around here is already fucked, let's not add fuel to the fire.
Good news: if you go back to Turkey you won't have to deal with that shit.
fuck you too Pierre
fuck you too Hans
>German flag
I am not surprised
Talk to them about it and say you don't want to? this is either a proxy bait thread or you got some extremely shitty parents if they force it upon you.
Well, you could talk to one of the many organizations that help immigrants escape oppressive traditions
Just kidding, that would be very islamophobic have fun with your shit marriage haha
>german flag
>ignores that in germany we have this nice new thing called the GRUNDGESETZ
I'd like to but I'm dependendant on them
I'm not baiting man I wish I was born german so I could tell my parents to fuck off
The thing is, we've had something in the past so my parents thought I want to marry her, they even arranged shit and stuff
>You will never be born in a secular family
ice the bitch
>but I'm dependendant on them
Well its your own fucking fault for not being an independent adult but a dependent man-child.
>I could tell my parents to fuck off'
Ok jetzt mal im ernst Türke warum kannst du das nicht ?
bis du etwa unter 18, oder waum bis du abhänig von dein Eltern ?
I'm 24 and I still live with them, I'm still going to the University and I'm afraid that they will kick me out and stop helping me out finacially if I don't obey
Wie schon gesagt, ich bin 24 und studiere noch im Moment. Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern weil es einfach viel billiger ist und ich keine Lust auf Mitbewohner in einer WG habe.
such dir eine Zweck wg ist super gechillet und werd mal erwachsen etweder ausziehen oder zwangsheirat was is dir lieber ?
Rape her. Hard and repeatedly. She is legally your wife. If the German authorities say anything, tell them that this is your culture. Then, say the word to divorce her three times and throw her onto the street with no belongings. Make sure your male relatives are ready and prepared to repel the counterattack of her male relatives.
As i said try having a talk with them about it,arranged marriage isn't bad but when it's forced it's a completely different story,youd be surprised at how much parents actually care,better act now before it's too late though.
I don't know how it works in Germany, but in Croatia (my home country) your parents literally can't expel you or stop financing you if you are a student (probably up until 25 or something, not sure). I heard of this before and had it even confirmed when my (now former) roommate sued his parents and got his parents to finance him via court order.
Only correct answer Inshallah