Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド

This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!

#Previous Thread ---Useful Links---

>desustorage.org/int/search/subject/Japanese thread/
Real Katana
How to Learn Japanese
100 most common Japanese words

Please declare before making a new thread, and put the next link.

Other urls found in this thread:


not THIS hungry skeleton again!

Dammit nigel stop using this alien skeleton


whats the deal of being rich in japan when your house is smaller than my kitchen ?


butifel ethnic japanese pure blood woman

>not liking hungry skellingtons

2sp00ky desu


british """"""""""people"""""""""""

Why can't you use this instead???




i will next time then, i like the op picture best though, her bony hips, that slight bit of sweat on her collarbone, her small delicate breasts, her posture - shes so perfect, if i have an east asian waifu like her i will die happy

How many times have you used this picture?
Please be creative. it's getting stale.







what are some other beautiful thin japanese models like tao okamoto and rila fukushima then? any decent japanese qt websites, not jav btw

Look for volleyball players.

there litterally thousands of アイドル out there

give me NAMES




Japanese thread?
More like Japanese are in bed

hi how are you what are you up to my friend



>wasted months and maybe years trying to learn japanese in my youth because anime and videos games
>now I'm actually going to Japan and I can only remember the odd word or phrase

yeah, in my experience you need to practice saying actual sentences out loud a number of times if you want to remember them

whats wrong? who are you staring at?

apparently in peru, staring at someone means you want to kill (or rob) them, so i'm guessing he's looking at himself.

I bet they're all fast asleep in their little futons having really tiny dreams.

My pants is all wet. it feels a wee bit uncomfortable.
I hate the humid season.

>sit for a while
>shirt gets all wet and sticky
i hate this shit

story of my life

in summer its unbearable




what's that do...
wait is that even a dog?

74% here

im done with my reps. i think i will smoke a joint now

>ywn have a relaxing washdown after the gym by a busty japanese soapland maiden


some time pure is cause of tragedy.
have a pure and strong heart and wisdom.
be strong when you are lonely.

that would be great but i was talking about my japanese reps

>ywn be told you can't learn japanese by a busty japanese highschool maiden

Warcraft movie is great

it's not out yet though
how can you say such things


yes japan is very hot and sweaty

that is why Japanese women must go barefoot all the time and air out their smelly feet

I want to eat her toenail clippings

omg yes







what online games do you play?
maybe we can play something together


>90% here


I was at the world premiere tonight

i love sole cleavage

it is??? brb gonna shitpost on Sup Forums

>White or Black?

why do we want to touch a female ass all the time?
how many erections do you have per day?

How do we get the Japanese birth rate to drop even further?

Plastic Surgery and Prostitutes.

poor korea. (T ω T)


should i order a chocolate and banana pizza at 4:30 am in the morning?

i'd love to sniff her feet and asshole, and tongue-punch her fart box

wtf man the last two things sound disgusting

buy anime goods as much as you can.
it makes anime industry enable to make good quality anime more.
The good quality anime makes Japanese males loser who aren't interested in real women.

this coming from a german is very surprising, youre the japanese of europe when it comes to sexual depravity

give it a rest with the east asian hate, id have a wife from china, sk and japan if i could

renting apartments in tokio without bargain, weeks laters all the apartment rents will go up
by this, less japs would like to spend money on kids

by making japan more expensive, couples will choose to not have babies

Overwatch is gud

I don't think EVA was good (overrated shit tbhfam) but look at all the lonely losers who think it was.

if you say so pajeed

You like such a customer.

yes I take her! thank you sir nigger pimp!

To anyone who is from or had visited the anime islands, are Japanese really as inhospitable as some people make them out to be?

Do laws of physics work differently also?

no what i meant was many of the bdsm memes and bondage you hear about comes from germany, also ive watched public porn in germany like in one video where a woman takes her underwear off in a shopping centre elevator and took a piss in it

only because we got some crazy porn producers doesnt mean everyone is like that

why do white women look so much more appealing in old paintings than in present real life
a chinese banana I used to know went to japan last year and told me everyone was friendly and accomodating

Eva is being treated like Dragon Ball. The both are a bit overrated.

the term - racism in japan - have around 6 million results in google
all jvlogger had suffered discrimination in japan

well everyone says the same about japan

jvloggers are predominantly insufferable autists though

this disgusts me

what's considered a good anime in japan?

imblying you wouldn't eat out a hot asian girl's asshole if it smelled like vanilla and strawberries

when I went to korea and japan i wanted to rape all the girls i saw and touch their butts. will you do the same peru?


the problem is that they don't smell like vanilla and strawberries

I like japanese who live in France like Hiro


>literally wanting to eat, taste and smell shit

not my cup of tea tbqh senpai


Every otaku has different opinion on it, so it's difficult to say. The pic shows viewer rate of anime.