What is this countrys name again?
What is this countrys name again?
I think the first letter was B.
I think the secod letter was E.
i think its Poland
No idea.
"Belarus". Was "Belorussia". We are not Russia, so Belarus.
Belarus have the most cute girls
It's that one country from that Southpark episode
Maybe it was created for a "Southpark" episode?
Oh yeah! Belgium
It's Benin actually, you have failed miserably.
I like this thread
White Russia or something
una bela
Russia is not Russia we are former Finland.
Yeah? You are mongols+tatars+germans+ukranians.
Newfoundland, Canada's number one meme province is pronounced "newfinland."
Also belorussians and poles.
Isn't the internet kind of restricted there?
Where "there"? It's porn forbidden in Belarus.