
At this point nige knew he'd fucked it edition

Other urls found in this thread:


she want a man from brum

Oggy Oggy Oggy!

Boris Johnson would be a based Prime Minister.


too bloody right

working on a new gimmick

multiculturism t b h

Toon 4U lads
Any Smiths fans recognize the video throw back?


Need a new TV series to watch.

Was planning on watching Marseille but the IMDB rating has truly slumped recently.


just me and the waifu lads


Reminder the EU hates democracy.

>The President of the unelected executive arm of the European Union (EU) has vowed to block all right wing populists from power across the continent, shortly after acquiring the power to exert “far-reaching sanctions” on elected governments.

>“There will be no debate or dialogue with the far-right,” the liberal bureaucrat told AFP.

>Mr. Junker’s definition of “far right” is somewhat broad, noted by him previously describing Hungary’s conservative president, Viktor Orbán, as a “fascist.”

>The Commission can now trigger a “rule of law mechanism” (Article 7 TEU) against nations it perceives as deviating from “the common constitutional traditions of all Member States.” Ultimately, “far-reaching sanctions” can be exerted, and a country can be stripped of all voting rights in the EU and have funding blocked.

>However, the backlash has already begun against the new, explicitly anti-democratic EU powers. Hungary’s Victor Orbàn has vowed to help Poland fight the Commission, and other Eastern, Visegrad nations are likely to join the growing coalition.


Opiate highs are second to none.

Bit shit when you go too far though and just want to sleep.

Sex is amazing too. Not only does it feel like heaven, you can go all fucking night.



Why is the EU so determined to start another world war?

Woah I didn't know John Milton was a metalhead

still waiting for that transphobic cunt to post a pic of himself laughing

The Americans

Boris Johnson, who once wrote and spoke eloquently in favour of Turkish membership of the EU, said only three years ago: ‘I’m probably about the only politician I know of who is actually willing to stand up and say that he’s pro-immigration.’

He has also called for an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
This raises the question of whether a Britain outside the EU, perhaps even hungrier than now for cheap labour to sustain its economic growth, would be any more willing or able to introduce real limits on immigration than it is now.

Source: dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3602912/MAIL-SUNDAY-COMMENT-Brexiteers-logic-begins-crumble.html#ixzz49OPbPS2w

Is there a nigs only mod? I wonder if they'd pull that down.

oi oi oi
(You're nicked sunshine)

verpiss dich uezs

ive read that the darkness in the past couple of >seasons fuck off yank is meant to convey the approach of winter, since adding snow to every set is too expensive

ITV weather


I feel like I've seen this post before, about 2 or 3 years ago

Me the cat


Kind of. They mention it in that article. There's a mod that allows to choose to be all niggers. It's "being looked into".

Too many cute lasses walking about in bigger towns
Don't like it one bit

Need to separate the day into uggo hours and qt hours

>music festival coming up on friday
>come down with a chest infection on sunday
>now have chest infection, tonsillitis, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting & mouth ulcers
>called in to work sick yesterday and today

ive paid for my ticket so i need to go, it probably looks shit enough to my boss though, i asked for 3 days off for the festival so ill have missed 7 days of work before im back.

My type of bloke tbqh


hi trump please mention finland please


>Britain First has announced it is to launch a “direct action campaign against Muslim elected officials” targeting “where they live, work, pray”.

>The militant, far-right group says politicians such as Sadiq Khan and Sajid David would now be classed as “occupiers” intent on taking over the UK.

Stop reposting shit from 2 or 3 years ago.

1 2 3
1 2 3 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 3

Is that the Chemical Brothers /LCD Soundsystem festival?

I know what you mean

I need to find out where all the 4/10s hang out

>Brexiteers all think this way and believe in this thing

I reckon it's so they didn't have to hire a lighting director and crew


Bates Motel

Anyone able to buy drink for me at the /Brit/ meetup in June?

Lost my ID ;)

I was directly replying to a post that said boris Johnson would be a goos prime minister you absolute fucking spanner twat

>huffington post

ah yes

>direct action

They going to walk into a mosque again?

good lord i hope i succeed in my quest for employment soon

Poleaboos dreaming ends

Your nightmare begins

R U 18?

The one thing that lefties say I truly hate. The professionalising of the political service is the thing that actually made democracy viable for the working class to get involved in. Would they really prefer for it to go back to a time when politicians weren't paid, and thus only the rich could do it?

Does my fucking nut in desu.


*Tony Hawk's underground instincts kick in*

got high blood pressure lads

i'm pro-immigration

would just like to see immigration controlled and the numbers balanced to a smaller more appropriate level.

also an immigration system based on qualification and merit would be top-tier. especially for doctors and the like. oh and they would have to speak english, and not expect any kind of benefits for at least the first five years, and can't bring in more than two children with them.

so yes i am pro-immigration to a degree

>slags that watermark their nude pics



>The one thing that lefties say I truly hate. The professionalising of the political service is the thing that actually made democracy viable for the working class to get involved in. Would they really prefer for it to go back to a time when politicians weren't paid, and thus only the rich could do it?
>Does my fucking nut in desu.


I too, am developing my very own gimmick.



>i'm pro-immigration

he's insecure because he's knows his political opinion is retarded and now sticks to it on faith like an SNP supporter after being comprehensively proved wrong several times

no that's electric picnic (great festival btw) but that isn't on till september. this is the gig im going to

My house

If you clicked the link your see they're reporting on a press release

Get annoyed sometimes with runts like you who dismiss everything because of which news site its off without even clicking the link


>an immigration system based on qualification and merit would be top-tier. especially for doctors and the like.

of those who feel that britain might be great

How much codeine would someone normally take to get high?

I believe in a thing called love

yeah well i think youre a fucking cuck alright
look at your blazer for starters
youve got an actual briefcase
your shoes are clumpy, your hairs a bit gay, and that badge!
i mean the badge alone


do you disagree?

So every post that doesn't sound like the ravings of a retarded mong gets fedoraposted now? Not a fan of this gimmick desu.


how many of you have NEVER stepped foot outside before

me with the leaf blower


wouldn't that just create a new upper-class consisting entirely of brown people?

literally what's happening here except they use their money/power to bring in their entire hometowns as well

never even left the hospital i was born in lad

Hahah of course I just look younger;)

Do you have a problem with younger boys?:P

i am still nourished via umbilical cord

Haven't heard of any of those acts
Suggestions on any to try?

Just you wait lads! My gimmick is going to be the greatest gimmick on this general. Can't wait until it's unveiled desu.

I'm a prefect and you can't talk to me like that

Longest I went without leaving my house was 2 years.

good post

I'm outside right now

got called demented in greggs the other day

don't really care about the article desu just pointing out the huffington post is a cancerous media

Ah yes very impressive.

>watched this week's GoT
>The actress girl's tits gave me the feel

just want to feel another human tbqh

Cyber nat tier

am wheelchair bound so


I'm quite adept at levitation

ground is dirty and i don't want to touch it

Why's that?

Canada's immigration system is alri 2bh. a lot better than ours anyway. and it's a decent country too, memes be fucked.

*pulls on your tie*
prefect that nobhead