Was the moon landing real or faked?
What about the dangerous levels of radiation?
Will the Russians and the Chinese ever sset foot on the moon?
(Or hehe... the Indians after 2030? )
Was the moon landing real or faked?
What about the dangerous levels of radiation?
Will the Russians and the Chinese ever sset foot on the moon?
(Or hehe... the Indians after 2030? )
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Landing was real, photos were faked.
If it would be fake, the Russians had figure it out. Image the shame for the US when they revealed this during this time.
>Moon landings
Real. The live feed of Apollo 11 may be fake though.
>Levels of Radiation
Dangerous, yes, but Nasa didnt care that much at the time: it was all about beating the Russians as fast as possible. So they did it the redneck way, balls out, into the unknown and fuck it all.
>Russia ever setting foot
Probably never
High probability
Poo in loo, so I doubt it
A bunch of students actually found all of the flags that were planted on the moon via telescope. Their coordinates were posted for all to see.
Why the hell do foreigners think the landing was faked? We even have a mobile recon lab on mars ffs. Human beings are going to be sent there to terraform the planet within this very century. Are you going to think that's fake too?
Most people think it was real m8
As far as I'm concerned the only people who think the moon landing was fake are Americans. Everyone accept it as an historical fact.
>Why the hell do foreigners think the landing was faked?
Are you saying Americans are uncapable of such uninformed idiocy?
moon landing is a big controversy but only in america
personally i do not know any foreigner who didn't believe that it happened
There was a huge drought in Russia at the time and the USA was supplying them with wheat.
And there may be other reasons for a mutual agreement to keep silence.
Funny though that the Russians, who were much more advanced than the Americans when it came to rocketry and space exploration at the time, never send a manned flight to the moon.
I wonder how astronauts would survive crossing the Van Allen radiation belt anyway.
The whole thing seems very dodgy.
>personally i do not know any foreigner who didn't believe that it happened
Then you do not know enough foreigners. Here it is a mixed bag, some believe it, some have doubts.
>Dangerous, yes, but Nasa didnt care that much at the time: it was all about beating the Russians as fast as possible. So they did it the redneck way, balls out, into the unknown and fuck it all.
And risk having your astronauts die on live television? For the whole world (read: the Russians) to see?
>A bunch of students actually found all of the flags that were planted on the moon via telescope. Their coordinates were posted for all to see.
The flags are way too small to see through a telescope.
The whole thing seems to fantastic. Getting stuff like that to work on the first try.
There's some clips on Youtube where Neil Armstrong talks about removing "the truth's protective layers".
Yeah, it's a funny world. When you get deep enough, you'll really see what a slumber most people live in. Then you have all the rest, JFK, 911, central banks.
Pic related, they flipped the stars in 2000. It's so in your face...
>And risk having your astronauts die on live television? For the whole world (read: the Its Russians) to see?
That has happened more than once.
What does that mean ? I it supposed to symbolize something when turning the stars ?
Yeah, there's a subtle difference. A sort of ying yang thing. Of course it's not there inherently in the stars, but it's in Western magical tradition. The downward pointing is considered satanic.
>Funny though that the Russians, who were much more advanced than the Americans when it came to rocketry and space exploration at the time,
They were only more advanced up until the mid-sixties. By the time the moonshots came around America was ahead on both fronts.
or, we actually did land on the moon (like the exhaustive documentation and evidence proves we did) and the republican party changed their logo to make it more modern and visually appealing, and you're a memepill fedora tipper.
You're conditioned to say things like that, to get applause from the studio audience. The party line might land you a comfortable position.
the thing is that the fucked up things in the world are happening right in front of us. They just made a blockbuster movie about how a bunch of Wallstreet pencil pushers crashed the global economy. there is no man behind the curtain and even if there is you're accomplishing nothing by being this weird dejected person constantly swiping at phantoms.
oh yeah, and Snowden, to me was bigger than finding out 9/11 was an inside job or at least as big. It confirmed all our worst fears about government surveillance. And no one cares. and that's fine. life goes on. the fucked up things are happening in plain view
if there was reason to believe that it was faked the soviets would have pushed really hard to show it as so
The vast majority of moon landing denialists are foreigners, usually butthurt edgy Latino's or Islamist's.
satellites can see topless women from space m8
They didn't get it on first try, Apollo 1 blew up and a few more just did flybys. Apollo 13 almost didn't make it.
>Landing was real, photos were faked.
>Euros are so asshurt regarding the US that they'll believe the most ludicrous conspiracy theories only shared by creationists here in the US
Can't fabricate.
you can't reason with these people. you could show them the flags through a telescope so they could see with their own eyes and they would say telescopes are a jewish trick
>Will the Russians and the Chinese ever sset foot on the moon?
>(Or hehe... the Indians after 2030? )
but why?
surely they have the ability and resources to fake such a thing as well?
>accomplishing nothing by being this weird dejected person constantly swiping at phantoms
I'm not constantly swiping at phantoms. The way to do it is to relax, and maintain a sort of distance to it all. And have a little compassion for the man behind the curtain. Hi NSA!
It's absolutely 100% real. As a physics student I can tell you that it would be impossible to fake.
Also watch this video from a movie director. He will explain how faking the moon landing was impossible with the film technology in 1969
>telescopes are a jewish trick
proofs they are not?
There is no moon it's just the back side of the sun.
>telescopes are long
>jew noses are long
fuck off schlomo cant fool me
>le disney kids science man
>le reddit atheist negro
ecks dee theyre both hacks
tyson is a joke and nye shouldve stuck to kids TV
Didn't know bill nye was popular in Ireland
no hes not (or if he is i never heard of him, then again i never had tv)
hes still an idiot though.
The flags launched from a satellite to the moon lad
>Indians in space
Hate to be the guy in charge of rinsing out the capsule when they get back.