crayon pop edition
she wants a man from brum
>Text her
>Get a one word reply
haha lads might kill myself haha jokes but seriously hate myself right now hahaha
more like crayon poop
*bellyslides into the thread in search of fish and the lads*
Have you lads ever thought about jumping from a super high building?
asking for a friend hahaha
Business idea:
>Move to some African shithole and become the warlord of my very own criminal organisation.
Pretty solid plan desu.
it's alright lad
big picture she is nothing
me and the lads
>Gay Village, Manchester
Anybody got any Veras?
me on the left
new callum aka westmidfatty
Racist scum off our streets
Lads anyone here ever get their stone island badge stolen off their jumper at school?
big picture she's the only girl who ever expressed an interest in me and now she doesn't even want to reply to my texts
was about two days into the five weeks of no internet before i got over the lack of /brit/
easy peasy
every time i get close to the edge i have this urge to jump
don't know why desu i'm not even suicidal
haha just be yourself mate
haaahaahahahaha fuck he looks like crabbe from harry potter
>le epic posh tory xDDD
evening, reddit
>Ethnic minority votes will swing it for remain.
>No one seems to be horrified if you point this out
>Several news sources are actually PLEASED with this fact
What an awful time that was
I never earned that one
Bloody left wing scum.
future gf just asked me to see the new X-men movie lads
hate superhero "movies" but i'm going to go anyway because she is qt
got any salmon?
haha do you own a length of rope i can borrow? haha
he believed the free trade meme though
>Gay Village, Birmingham
i guess minorities are more british than native brits uh
and by british i mean things that specifically align with mmy own political views
Imagine having your own Aoa gf lads
free trade isn't a meme
was told by a 4/10 girl today that I have an 'angelic' face, what did she mean by this
is she calling me gay?
Have mods fixed Fallout 4 yet
>There are still lads who don't use regional flags.
Utter fucking melts t b h (to be honest).
hold the door
a fallen angelic face more like
ho ho ho
need a shag tbqphwymf
keep a look out
the janny is about!
canny stop laughing ahahaha this is so terrible im such a fiend
The EU is prohibiting free trade from happening.
Never read Catch 22?
It's got a pretty interesting chapter where an Italian guy is talking about how winning a war seems to be the worst thing you can do for your country
greenlander thread it is.....
haha you cheeky so-and-so!
>reddit flags
feck off
hoe the dor
yeah got a great grass mod
fuck off danish cuck
Where hte fuck is scotland
>Walking along this public footpath every morning
>Every so often this young blonde bitch is walking her pug
>It fucking charges at everybody, the slag won't put it on a leash
>Hyper pug makes cyclists have to swerve, runs and pounces at you
>Careless slag seems to think it's just a bit of fun and doesn't even apologise
Well today I shouted at her, "put your dog on a leash bitch"
You will NEVER be as alpha as me, lads.
i would suck her cock every morning desu
>reddit flags
didnt read
designated shirt-lifting villages
Couldn't we do more trade deals if we left the EU?
Like if we wanted to have a trade deal with China tomorrow we could have one without the EU saying "Whooa hold on let me ask these latvian potato farmers their opinion".
Is there any way to get this more viral? Fell pretty helpless
>leash bitch
everything i hoped for
you're the cuck
>muh welsh steelworkers
stopped reading right there
Checking out your "beautiful" country on Google Earth lads
Where should I visit next?
Nobody cares paki
When I first started coming here I hated it, but I kept on coming because this place intrigued me. Now the only thing that puts a smile on my face or laughter in my soul are bantering with the cyber lads and getting (you)'s.
Really contemplating suicide desu.
We shouldn't have shown mercy to the krauts after the war, we should have left them at the mercy of the russkies and then there would be no EU, there would be no immigration crisis, and there would be nobody who wants to subjugate our nation to the krauts who we defeated in TWO world wars (and one world cup).
conspicuous by his absence
i've got egg on my face
listening to the songs my gf is sending me to listen to chill out to since i'm stressed haha
bit of Jefferson Airplane. very 'Nam.
Do you lads think that you'll still be posting on Sup Forums in your 50ties
Good grief I'm lonely!
Reminder that Cassette boy is a leftist on Channel 4s payroll.
fuck off tripflags
Dog is doing my FUCKING HEAD IN! Won't leave me alone.
Just fuck off.
the last post I saw him make was that he wanted to get hit by a bus
very worried
le epic XD
good post
>trusting Yanks
why, dude?
God no
But there would be a massive USSR
listening to blade runner ost. shit i want to live in a futuristic shithole.
fat fucking autistic mug blew a gasket at me in the street earlier
seemed to have a problem with my dog yipping and a-yapping and a-merrily tip-tapping
galumphing to and fro to greet our neighbours as we go
tell it to fuck off