When can we get rid of this retarded meme nation ?
When can we get rid of this retarded meme nation ?
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>his flag is a toothpaste brand
you first
When your entire continent ends its economic, military, and cultural dependence upon it
>The dutchman calling his betters meme nations
I think I shit myself from that one.
Its the same russian leech living of welfare in europe while glorifying his shithole of a nation over the internet
>being this butthurt
Just admit it , American is synonymous with retarded , every child on earth knows that
>over a literally who people
Go back to counting your shills you drowning jew.
that burger looks amazing except for the crisps, what's up with that
eating chips (read: yes potato chips, NOT hot) with a burger sounds like something poms would do
by the way that's a nice shot of new york , do you know what was it called when it was first built you amerifat meme autists ?
>do you kow what it was caled when it wasnt relevant?
Kinda good once you get past the crunch. Fries are better.
>getting cucked by the british so hard they rename new amsterdam and name it after a town full of chavs
I know you're butthurt that England took over your land but you gotta let go of the past man.
atleast USA isn't cucking an entire continent by letting in hordes of muslims
This is as smart as It gets for an american ( both the trump guy and the giga cucks ) , how does it feel to be the laughing stock for the world ? when I saw the vid a month ago I realized how much americans are retarded and I lost a couple brain cells halfway through.
>full of chavs
You're one to talk, Sven
crisp sandwich? or do you mean chips? I'm confused, do you Aussies do it like Americans or like us when it comes to crisps and chips stuff.
chip sandwiches exist here but we never eat burgers with potato chips we eat them with hot chips (fries for yanks)
ebin simply ebin
Is this actually true, what do you call a bag of walkers?
to be honest we also call both of them the same thing
walkers (the brand) is called smiths here (owned by the same parent, but it doesn't have the trademark walkers / lays logo). We call them chips here.
Kek dont forget their colonies in South Africa
what.. so Americans call it "Lays" you call it John smithy and we call it "Walkers"... hmmm.. strange.
Start the European Race War, I am serious
> Race War starts
> America wants to join
>America doesn't know which side, country is split into 3 parts
>The South and Northwest for whites
>Northeast for "refugees"
>West Coast for "refugees"
Literally just explained how you can balkanize America, now do your job
Never, god bless Americlaps, I love 'em.
>He thinks cucked western Europe will ever descend into a war.
>more specifically he think it would be a war centred on race.
You bloody nutcase.
York is a decently nice place, fuck off
that it is.
Make it descend into war
>laughing at butthurt means your butthurt
Mainland is none of my concern, I live on an island, I'd like to see mainland Euros do something about the problem they face today but they don't seem to want to pull their fingers out their arse... It will never happen they submit to everything, it's why we're leaving.
This video misses an important detail, she needs to be excessively fat and watching some reality TV show in her rundown trailer at the trailer park.
You still get pakis like we get mestizos
fuck you and fuck america
Did we bomb your village 10 years ago, Abdul?
are you proud of bombing innocent people?
t. mohammed
>Keep Crying
that's pretty edgy
I am white you retarded American
I want to see your face when you die
But this is just banter and Amerifats take everything too seriously, right??
that's also edgy
>want to see your face when you die
If you are white, you speak awfully like a mussie.
civilians are innocent, regardless of their religion
Why are you using "muslim" as an insult?
let's be honest here, islam is a very stupid and backwards religion
Because they're religious retards, it would be the same as if I called you a Christian.
This, But ahmed won't get it.
I bet he goes to train stations to welcome his kin arriving and preparing for the next raping session.
>German and calls us nazis
We're going places with this thread.
I am an atheist
>atheist but defends religious stupidity
I snickered a little.
Once a mussie, always a mussie.
What's wrong with defending minorities? You xenophobes are acting as if every single muslim was a terrorist
>this thread
I had no idea we were this powerful. kek we don't even have anything to do with the Netherlands.
It's OK to defend your own kind, abdul.
You can be german, and still be muslim.
If those minorities believe in something as stupid as a religion, I have no problem criticizing that religion. I'll remind you that some of the worst movements in history started with minorities (including Mr. Trump).
>I want to see your face when you die
Has a new meme been born?
This. Just because they ar e
doesn't mean that you have to defend their retarded believes.
The whole point of going to germany is to rape white girls, and for a better life. If they go there, and turn it into the same jihadist shithole that they come from, then there is no improvement.
But you are not better than Trump
I'm not a muslim
Also, stop trying to defend minorities or stupid religions.
If you think the SJW girls will jump at your dick for it you are wrong. They are jumping to arab dick.
We have a lot of people like him here. Fucking human trash that what they are.
Yes, ALL of those millions of refugees just come here rape our women, sure thing.
Noooo!!! Someone from the new-left has arrived. It's time to give up any attempts at a society ruled by reason and let religions take over so we can relive the dark ages!
Just because I think their religion is stupid? So I'm not allowed to disagree with their religion. This is some BULLSHIT.
You can disagree with their religion and beliefs but using "muslim" as an insult is something different
I use religion as an insult. If I say you believe in a religion, I'm saying your a dumb fuck who believes in a fairy tale. Given, the refugees can come over here, I have no problem, but I'm not accommodating their damn religion, we already have too much religion as it is here (in Spain).
You can rid yourselves of us when you can provide for your own defense and stop importing our films, music and television. This will never happen; Europeans are drained of all original thought and re therefore incapable of creating original media.
>we already have too much religion as it is here
good thing I live in a 85% atheist area
Muslims are fine as long as they remain less than 2% of the population.
I think we would if you didn't get pissy every time we tried and used your little bitch, GB, to stop anything we try to do.
I'd like to point out that it's the U.S.'s fault my country's still in damn NATO.
Jeez, Dutch people are constantly angry on a borderline autistic level. Calm down, dude.
Two questions:
1. Are you denying the objective fact that rape rates have risen astronomically since the refugee crisis began?
2. Do you have some magical system that filters out the morally reprehensible migrants?
Meanwhile, I live in basically a catholic heaven (-_-)
What does geopolitics have to do with Spain importing the latest season of Big Bang Theory?
just try and get rid of me you irrelevant water park
Watch those numbers dwindle and die before your very eyes as the Muslim horde breeds with your women
You're only paying attention to the parts that benefit you. He was talking about defense too. We would be less dependent on the U.S. if we could, but the U.S. likes the extra revenue.
these ameribear memes make me lol
Yes there are some rapists and jihadists among those refugees, but they represent like 2% of them. You have prejudice against every single muslim, even though only a minority commits crimes.
We actually have a big film and music industry, just because you don't know anything that happens outside of America doesn't mean it is nonexistant
besides the jewish thing this is exactly how I think
Yes ameribear was a great success, you're welcome user *brohoof* /)(\
As soon as you voluntarily leave an American website
Have fun on Krautchan I guess.
P.S. I know it's you, Belgium, shitposting under the honorable Dutch flag. Put your question mark in the correct place while speaking English you filthy non-country subhuman.
where is the protestant version of this?
Non-Americans, are you even trying?
Damn furries.
Sorry to break it to you Hans, but one bad apple ruins the bunch. If you know a way to magically filter out the rapists, please let me know. Otherwise, I guess you can just learn to accept that your wives and daughters will never be safe. Although I'm pretty sure you wanted it that way, you sick perverted cuck
>believes in stoning gays
>keeping women locked in a shed
>doesn't support evolution as a theory
>supports a fossil energy-based system (for the glory of Saudi Arabia) that pollutes and shits up the globe at large
>opposes birth control, shit out 6 kids, and then those 6 kids move to Western countries and continue an irresponsible population boom
Why would anyone hate Muslims?
They both look pretty badass to me.