I love China.
Do you love China?
I love China
I don't.
No Chang go home.
I like the chinese that rarely come to Sup Forums (if they aren't proxies that is)
I dislike the chinese that visit the coast of the US as tourists.
I dislike the chinese government's policies on media.
So that's 2 out of 3 in favor of dislike. Sorry china.
I love the REPUBLIC of China.
thats not a country....
Nope. I hope they end up in flames like the USSR. Free Tibet, Taiwan, Honk Kong etc.
don't know much about them
at least i dont wanna be runover with tanks and become into 2D....i like animu though
I find ancient China fascinating, but I'm not particularly fond of the PRC.
I like democracy
I like the commie party of china, its fucked up but im sure it has potential
Fuck China.
a unique opinion, dangerous in these parts
The non commie version yes
If they allowed free speech, and stoped their draconic media practicies I would agree with you.
Yeah thats what makes it its strength.
Its a party where candidates selected by exams think how they should lead the country.
Yes, the Republic of China is a great nation.
Yeah... Thank you Chinese tourists.
They're pretty based desu senpai
How will China turn out if the CCP dissolves
The CCP owns the army, they serve the party and is the instrument of the party.
So long as they don't try to take OUR CLAY, I think they're pretty cool guys. Chairman Mao greatest ally, and whatnot.
Beautiful country, beautiful landscapes, cool traditional wears. But shitty government and don't really like chinese people in general
Well the USSR dissolved pretty peacefully
But Russia stole Chinese clay
China's ok. I wish the Chinese girls during my time at university would've spoke to me but they just kept to their own race in most cases.
China dissolved and reunited a thousand times already
there is no practical difference
Nope. They might be dangerous.
Life could've been so much different.
There are good things in China, even though they've got a lot of horrible stuff too.
Once they start respecting one another and their environment I might actually start liking them.
>USSR dissolved pretty peacefully
And its also thanks to Reagan?
t. Zhang Xieng
Stalin cries every time.
Sino-Soviet split? So, now you're China's bitch?
Where are all the Chinese posters? Is Sup Forums blocked in their country?
How much do you guys get paid?
I wonder? I hope the US paid me to talk shit about other nations.
>Once they start respecting one another and their environment I might actually start liking them.
things that will never happen
I get paid in your hatred and mistrust
You welcome, Xi.
I think that most of Chinese come to Sup Forums with their own flag is the propaganda troops who are sent by CCP to improve their image and make you believe their propaganda.
If ordinary Chinese can access to Sup Forums, Sup Forums must filled by Chinese flag.
So Chinese flag in Sup Forums are basically assumed to be "special, peculiar" Chinese.
"Impressing somebody favorably" is their business.
WTF I love China now.
There are a few Chinese with Sup Forums passes. The rest can browse Sup Forums, but cant post because Google Captcha is blocked.
Source; just came back from traveling China.
A, and also, it is impossible for Chinese to use bitcoins so easily and to buy stuff using american accepted credit cards.
And also, there's language barrier and their very own brand of maymay-filled -chans.
I recall huge bitcoin purchases being made by Chinese.
Has the government implemented something so they can't be used?
Most bitcoin services do not offer their purses in CHina anymore.
Shit was pretty bad, since I wanted to buy a Sup Forums pass for my shitposting purposes when I was in China.
great civilization, great people, great country
I like it
t. Autist
Chinese mostly browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Also, they need a Sup Forums pass to shill like the rest of us.
I've been to China, the smog is fucking real. But I have a tremendous amount of respect for the Chinese for working extremely hard to build up their country. Not every country has the willpower and drive to do that kind of thing. These Chinese kids told me how much they studied for their college entrance exam and I felt pretty bad since I coasted my way through school.
Xiaomi is also highly underrated, they make some good shit.
Uhhh, yeh. 'Worked hard' to build up the country.
In conclusion, it sounds like Chinese who can post on Sup Forums are 'someone special' differs from ordinary Chinese.
Am I misunderstanding something by lack of
English skill?
I like its history but don't like its people.
>le debt meme
Literally meaningless in 2016.
I say the same for Korea.
mainland chinese all deserve to be gassed, everyone else is fine and the history is neat.
I agree with this.
It's so freaking obvious when this Chinese post on Sup Forums. Their language is very awkward, and all they post is those shitty "Asian friendship threats."
t. Xi zetiang
i took a course on chinese politics in grad school this spring and it's literally made me a full-blown CCP fanboy. i know it's dumb but they're just so good at what they do.
Is it not obvious?
Either this shits are delusional, or they are on chinese payroll?
Their comments are so corny and awkward. Nobody speaks like that on Sup Forums
And I feel so paranoid wondering if it's the same asshole posting under different flags (proxyfag)?
They all speak the same awkward english, and suck China's dick all day long. I think you would be doing much better trying to convert FB or redditors. No one on Sup Forums gives a shit about China.
China is great country with honor tradition for thousands of years. Chinese people are strong willed and work very hard with great loyalty in order to bring China to prosper for now and into the future.
Having a fantastic time in there so far
i want to go back to before Sup Forums convinced Sup Forums that anyone with an opinion was a shill
They were okay when they were still a kingdom, giving importance to honour and all that chivalry stuff. Communism messed them up so bad that they would sell poisoned food to their neighbour just to make money, even poisoned baby milk powder. So sad famalams.
PRC is false China
nobody likes china, bruce lee.
Why would you not love China? They make our stuff and do it for pennies on the dollar. You can bitch all you want but you wouldn't want to pay $500 for a toaster oven built by some overpaid and over entitled union worker., now you can get one for $50.
I like Taiwan. want to travel there on day
i just thought of a great movie screenplay where an autistic electrical engineer tries to assassinate a trump-like character because he's afraid of this. it would be like The Manchurian Candidate meets Rainman
Been to China.
It's largely shit.
Only had fun fucking grills.
The Bubonic Plague came from China.
so... no. I despise them. They are inferior
China doesnt need your love
China shall continue to grow larger regardless
And have big plans too
>Sours relations with China
Nobody, and I mean no polician in the US is in the side of China. Whatever president you get is going to be against you and your folk, Xi.
A lot of component manufacturing is indeed made in China, like in other places in the world including the US.
Chip manufactury is mostly done outside of China. Intel, AMD, and the major chip producers make their Chips outside of China.
Demand won't plummet. We are a capitalist system, there will always be someone to fill a hole in the market. Where there is demand there is money to be made.
>Become fully operational
You make it look as if we are totally vulnerable to anything the Chinese decided to make. They will be commiting economic suicide on whatever it is you propose China will do to hurt the US.
>Almost no in-house manufacturing currently
Except that some of the greatest Chip manufacturers are in the US. Intel only has one site in China.
Bought a chinese coffee maker, the thing was pretty much dead 4 months later.
Nah, you get what you pay for, and slave labor generates shitty products.
They want to get big to compensate their infant size penises.
Have you ever talked to a Chinese person yet? They are like children, even in their 30. They never grow mature. They aren't men, they are dogs.
The Chinese shills are on full steam today.
China's days of being the top producer are soon to be over. A bulk of the production is being moved to other asian countries with much lower standards of living, where companies can continue to exploit the poor.
There is no reason outside of money to remain in China.
First, this Electronics producers aren't chinese, they are mostly American. If they don't save money by paying Chinese peasant labor, they won't stay in China.
Second, China is a big bully trying to squeeze American companies out of their intellectual property. You guys aren't innovative at all.
Third, China is propping up local business and giving the foreign that they steal to these corporations in hopes of developing their own products.
Chinese companies are little babies that are given everything by the CCP. They are eaten alive in the foreign market.
If you truly care about your job as an """""Electrical Engineer""""""""" then you want those manufacturing jobs back in the US.
ITT extremely diverse opinions
idk who to listen to anymore
>IDK who to listen to anymore
We are all against China. Only a few shills, Western Asians, and Chinkweebs are defending them.
I hate current oppressive CCP, but love their ancient culture.
And this is our interpretation of a Chinese warrior in their 2nd century.........
Why is she wearing a sailor uniform from 19th century Britain...?
NO. The common sentiment here is that the Chinese are the new imperialists. We'd rather stick with the Americans.
fuck China 2bh
I lav spen
I think China has a positive influence on the world and is well run. I don't like the food, the culture, the music, or generally speaking, the people.
love em so much they even built a wall to avoid us
Capitalism, Liberaldemocratism China (Taiwan): yes I love yeah
PRC is not "China"
Taiwan is not Chinese
Taiwan is Taiwanese
Fuck off KMT shill
The idea of white men going to China to fuck girls disgusts me.
Let virgins be virgins. Allow others to deflower them.