How do you react if you see a foreigner speaking your local language?

How do you react if you see a foreigner speaking your local language?

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If I saw someone speaks fluent Japanese, an image of Ken-sama would be automatically popped up in my brain.

Second gen immigrant.

not possible
not a single person speaks Estonian as their second language fluently

Then, how do you think of someone who tries to speak Estonian? Does it make you comfortable?

meh, it's okay

depends how well. if well i don't think anything of it.

If I found a foreigner who spoke like an Ozarks hillbilly I'd absolutely shit myself.

I keep minding my own fucking businesses.

appreciate his effort and continue stealing his wallet

i either smile or cringe depending on how bad is it

Why would you react in any particular way?
Is it a trick question that I don't get?

I'd like to believe I speak it pretty well. I did my bachelor's degree in Estonia

I pay attention to understand by the possibile accent where he she is from

I'd probably strike up a conversation, if it was appropriate.
No I don't care they answered my questions a hundred times by now.

I don't just appreciate it, I expect it

this guy gets it. I always talk to people in french, unless they explicitly ask me if I can speak english with them.

If it's another Slav I expect it unless they're tourists. If they're Western Euro I appreciate it a lot, even if they sound very funny. I was buying groceries earlier and two American guys were speaking fairly decent Polish to the cashier and he kept trying to respond in English. I thought it was an assholes move to do that since they were clearly trying to practice their Polish and be polite.

For some reason Anglos can't speak spanish for shit I reckon spanish is a romance language and that might be the main reason for their struggle, but latinos tend to speak better english in general.

French, italians and portuguese people sound a bit better when they try to speak spanish.

This, It's nice they try to learn spanish but I cannot help but want to laugh everytime I see a gringo trying to roll an R

It depends.
If it's just surface level Spanish, then I don't really care much.
If they are actively trying to speak it but they're clearly not very good at it, I slow down and keep my speech as clean as possible. I appreciate it when people want to learn Spanish.
If they are fluent, regardless of accent, I feel like they are much closer to me even if they're foreigner. Even more so if he has the same accent as me -or tries to. But I guess the accent thing is the same for everyone else.
There's a guy I know who is Peruvian -full native- but speaks with the same accent, tone and jargon as me, which makes me forget he even isn't Spanish.

Invite him/her for a beer and tacos

I don't care for it.

I laugh about them, call them retards and would go away.

Punch them in the face

Don't like it. They can go back to wherever they came. Except for Canadians, British, Australians and new Zealanders. They can stay

not suprised

don't really care. as long as they're respectful of american ways of life and culture i'm fine with them speaking our language.

It depends.
If they're speaking to me I'll try to focus to understand what they're saying (foreigners usually have accents thicker than broth) and then try to guess where they're from, if it isn't terribly obvious.
I'll try to help them too btw, I'm nice like that.

if i am in a foreign country, it feels good

>I did my bachelor's degree in Estonia

I really appreciate it and would be really happy.I dont expect foreigners to even know our language at all.But it only works with African,Arabs,Latinos and White people though.Theres a bunch of foreigners who speak pretty okey Malay on youtube and get an easy mere 100k likes just because of that.

I see this almost every day, in fact most of the world's English speakers speak it as a second language. It's wierd seeing two foreigners from different countries communicating to each other in English, or when I go travelling and meet people at hostels, I may be the only anglophone but everyone uses English. Feels comfy man.

Answer in english to him

What if they're just a normal guy that has never even watched anime? I think I may be the only non weeb that learns Japanese.

give me some words to vocaroo and rate my pronunciación pls

Probably to work at the consulate or embassy.

I'm always a little surprised by how many Aussies know Japanese. Several people in my office do, and they're all middle-aged white people who can barely operate computers.

A few days ago a German woman started talking English/Swedish to me, asked me how to fix something with her phone and then how to say "I'm going to speak Swedish" or something like that
It was cool how enthusiastic she was

pls no bully, it's very hard


I can only roll r in the back of my mouth but my friend who speaks Spanish natively says you're supposed to do it with the tip of the tongue. Wtf am I doing wrong. I can't figure this shit out.

Am I retarded?

Never really met a foreigner

I would try to speak a very simple French to him

Ok so try to feel your upper mouth cavity, right behind your teeth, you'll notice there's a point in which it suddenly "deepens" if you will, as in, it sinks upwards, that's the spot you need to be touching with the tip of your tongue to properly roll the R's.

you're not the only one
I only watch/read the stuff because it's literally the easiest and well nigh only japanese media I can get in the US.

I will keep trying mexibro. My Spanish is pretty good considering I'm ultra gringo and a shut in, but I live around lots of Hispanics. I hope to one day become completely fluent.

When speaking portuguese anglos always struggle with the gender of nouns, they mix everything up.
Aside from that, they mostly speak an understandable level of portuguese.

Spanish speakers don't even bother speaking portuguese, they just speak plain spanish, and most brazilians reply back in portuguese as well, that way we can communicate without the need to speak a foreign language.

how easy is it for you guys to understand each other?

I've read all different things from different people. Some say there's no issue at all, everyone understands everything with only the loss of a little nuance, while I've read elsewhere that neither party understands jack shit.

I guess it depends on your proximity to portuguese speaking people?

For me at least it depends on the country and the accent of the spanish speaker.
For example I can understand the average spanish from Colombia quite well, but I have a little bit of trouble with spanish from Tucuman Argentina.

Damn, that's really fucking good, better than the gutter slang garbage that Cruz and Rubio spewed that one time.

never met a foreigner who could speak arabic an arabic dialect properly (fusha does NOT count lol). if i did it would be weird as fuck but really cool and i would be impressed with their dedication.

And yeah Cruz doesn't know spanish


The fuck is fusha?
Also, no shit no foreigner speaks perfect Arabic because you have to live there to speak it and moving to Saudi Arabia isn't exactly the best idea nowadays.

it's cool they try ;^)

i've never met a foreigner who speaks nahuatl

local language, your mean singlish lah?

Daily reminder that spanish is not your language

I would respond in English

I don't

Everytime they make a mistake I feel like i'm getting hit with electricity or something. In general, I feel really uncomfortable. But if he speaks fluently it's okay. Never met a foreigner speaking fluent russian. There always was shit tone of mistakes.

Don't bother, I can't say the r properly either. If it sounds okay, you're good.

Why is it almost an impossibility that Spanish speakers hit English consonants correctly? The start of a word is usually fine, but any after that it's almost like they're trying to ignore them.

What do you recommend me to learn English?

I never met a foreigner speaking russian IRL.
On the internets they're only trying to swear or/and insult, sounds annoying.

Oh shut the fuck up. Why do you think that is? Because your retarded countrymen flood every videogame server known to exist and you don't hear anything from them but CYKA and other trashtalking.


That something you do as well in spanish... and you add diphthongs everywhere for some reason.

>retarded countrymen
I feel sorry for them.

No we don't

>community game where you can make server
>still keep coming to foreign server
Y u guys make tf2 pub so annoying

Yeah sure

The only foreigners who speak Slovene to an extent are immigrants. They speak a mongrelised version that doesn't even qualify as a language. All I think is when they are going to fuck off back home.

It's mostly vowels we fuck up since yours are very short. English vowels can be long and almost like two sounds, so it's difficult to break old habits.