Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners? Are they really that fat and stupid to understand how to open a window?
Is that the same reason why they drive automatics?
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners? Are they really that fat and stupid to understand how to open a window?
Is that the same reason why they drive automatics?
We can afford them
news flash: not everybody can freeze water by going outside with a filled icetray
A bite every time.
t. Never experimented 35+ºC temperatures
shit quints desu
nice quints
>how to open a window?
>when its 30ºC+ outside
bad post
terrible post
air conditioners have the highest cost efficiency as a heat source though.
leaf me alone
I want to dedicate this set of numbers to our beloved president Juan Orlando Hernandez, may God bless him.
ebin thread, pekka
Why are yuropoors incapable of putting bug screens on their windows?
Do they enjoy mosquitoes and flies entering their homes?
I am tbqhwymf
pic related
Doesn't happen most of the time, it's too cold for them, another reason out of the already existing thousands why cold weather is better than warm.
*jots it down on the list*
YES! beat France...... again.
>Are they really that fat and stupid to understand how to open a window?
they'd get shot by a roving band of sambos if they opened it
yes we have. it even was 32C earlier today
Woke up one day to find out it was 48ºC. In Melbourne.
Which window was I meant to open, OP?
i have one too, but it's different you have it on the flood
im not even using it, it's pretty new, haven't used it all because i can handle the heat witha fan
anybody interested in buying it? im serious
If it's significantly hotter outside than inside, opening a window doesn't help.
>only one week until "winter"
>darwin is 34 degrees, needs cooling
>hobart is 4 degrees, needs heating
Those are extremes compared to other cities, but the yearly temperature ranges means most cities need both heating in winter and cooling in summer. Reverse cycle air conditioners are the cheapest way to do this.