syrain refuge here
why the fuck canada so cold instead europe?
syrain refuge here
why the fuck canada so cold instead europe?
Other urls found in this thread:
ocean currents shape climate. europe has very tame weather considering it's location.
Gulf Stream delivers a massive amount of heat to Europe, just compare Greenland to Norway, and they aren't too far.
ocean currents bring take warm water from the caribbean and bring it to europe
they even cuck us meteorologically
What makes the gulf stream?
There's actually Portuguese villages north of some Canadian land!!!!! And look at this
Are you an Australian behind a Canadian proxy?
Same latitude, opposite sides of the Atlantic, both coastal
the cold water at the north pole sort of pulls warm water towards it. look it up on youtube, i'm sure someone can explain it better.
op could be a grill since we only accept women and young families
gulf stream is also what makes it rain an absolute depressing shit tonne in Ireland
Oceanic streams pretty much follow the patterns of atmospheric circulation, limited by current land mass disposition obvs.
it has japanese captions
i actually learned something on here, i mildly wondered about this a few times
could climate change plunge europe into an ice age?
let's hope
Don't know exactly, but the balance of salinity and temperature differences that allow the existence and range od ocean streams it's pretty delicate.
Gulf Stream
do you study meteorology? i almost went for that degree.
If the Gulf Stream stops,absolutely.
I think I read some aritlce once, that the Gulf Stream wasn't as powerful as before, it's been slowing down.
THIS IS SOME GOD DAMN BULLSHIT. Is this why I'm wearing a winter jacket still in fucking june?? fuck this gay earth.
Geography, there's a lot of discussion about the human effect in climate change, different predictive models etc. What is sure thanks to ice samples is the amount of carbon di0xide that we're pumping since the industrial revolution.
The constant shitposting here can be used as an infinite source of energy fueling a meme powered turbine linked to your mother's bathtub.
Learn to love the cold. Embrace it. Eventually it'll reach your heart
>A Coruña
Wtf Portugal
How mad is Ireland about this?
Now this is a show I remember from my childhood. Just like Tommy the Train.