>le France is Germanic meme
Le France is Germanic meme
They are le unique special snowflake mix of latin celt germanic and atlantis, how can you be so ignorant user? Oh mon dieu, stupid thread
>OP has just discovered these terrible meme maps
We're all mixed Sardinians
>it's another "WE ARE RELEVANT, WE HAVE FRANCE WITH US !!!" thread
When, vineae having been brought up . . . they observed that a tower also was being built at a distance, they at first began to mock the Romans from their wall, and to taunt them with the following speeches. "For what purpose was so vast a machine constructed at so great a distance?" "With what hands," or "with what strength did they, especially [as they were] men of such very small stature" (for our shortness of stature, in comparison with the great size of their bodies, is generally a subject of much contempt to the men of Gaul), "trust to place against their walls a tower of such great weight."
What did he mean by this?
>implying I'm a med
>F-France is 100% Germanic I swear. It's not just a tiny part of our country!
Light mixed hair and light eyes
Stop invading us with your shitty med genetics, tho
We are all Meds anyway.
Nordics are actually just depigmented meds.
according to racialists, France is more alpine than nordic.
Is it white ?
Let me explains this clearly, All europeans are mixed with three types: Dolichocephalic, Mesocephalic and Brachycephalic.
Meds and Nordics are Dolichocephalic races, because they are literally the same shit, Brachycephalics are natives europeans mixed with Neanderthaloids types but still with sapiens predominance, and Mesocephalic are a mix of the twos.
Nordics in fact are just mongrels from Corded type and Danubian type, who are themselves depigmented mediterraneans.
After that nordics race-mixed with Brachycephalics and Mongoloids for creating various ethnical people on eastern and northern europe.
and also at various degree with other mediterraneans and alpine brachyzephalics on the west and the south.
They are all white anyway.
You cuck. Original french were dark haired with dark eyes
I'm an "original French"
>light eyes
I've never understood what this picture is supposed to convey
You hate mediterraneans only because they remind you north africans.
but you know actually they were white in the first place, infortunately when muslims invaded them, they started to import black slaves from subsaharan africa and were BLACKED during centuries to now, that's explains their weird features.
They're pretty much purely Continental Celts (Gauls), neither Germanic nor Itlaic genetic influence is high there otherwise, except for Bretagne (Insular Celts resettled), South (Basque and Greek-Levantine-Italic genes), French Flanders (pred. Germanic) and their North-East (Celto-Germanic mutts, pretty much same as us SW Germans)
North Africans mixed with SSAs already millennia ago though, that also goes for meme ethnicities like Riffians and Kabylians
Original "french" were franks from germany...
Mediterranean admixture is found in germans as well, it's a descendent of the original EEF admixture who are ancestors of all europeans some just have a higher percentage of it.The French having slightly higher Mediterranean admixture than germans means absolutely nothing. Not to mention France is the second least genetically homogeneous country in Europe, it's hard to group them all in one cluster because it doesnt work
Pretty much this
This is hate speech
>born in the ''Centre"
Feels good pêh
Look at Valls, Frogs look like Moors.
Isn't he an Iberber though?
So were the inhabitants of the British Isles at one point. But over the centuries and millennia blue and light eyes have become dominate because they're more attractive.
his dad is Catalan and his mom is Swiss Italian
No, he lives and works in France so he's French.
fockin masterrace
You just lack ANE, so you're the people most removed genetically from Mongols (Han Chinese, Japanese...) but then again, your very high ENF (70%) makes you closer to Arabs (and blacks)
>muh Napoleon is French but Valls isn't
>closer to Arabs (and blacks)
I'm pretty sure that the Mediterranean component is slightly further from the SSA one than the more northerly European one
modern arabs are a clusterfuck of all sorts of groups
la France*
Light-haired and light-eyed =\= Germanic
Genghis had red hair and grey eyes
Well, the Alps are indeed an extremely strong genetic barrier. While you can find a lot of overlap between let's say us and the French (it's a smooth transition), people north of the Alps generally look very different than south of them. Even North Italians (also when they're blonde and blue-eyed) have very different faces (in Anthroautism terms: Dinaro-Med) compared to our southernmost peoples like Bavarians, Swabians etc., barely any overlap
Nah, on most PCAs, high-ENF people cluster more "South", i.e. closer to SSAs
North Italians are the master race.
>Nah, on most PCAs, high-ENF people cluster more "South", i.e. closer to SSAs
lol, maybe if you only look at Euros or west eurasians
look at the whole picture though
>French isn't a sui generis people
I guess in your PCA, Sandis are dragged down the Y-axis because they often have Sami/Finnic (therefore some East Asian) admixture (even native Swedes are 7% N1c1 for example which implies balnda upp with Lapps/Finns)
How are Celtiberians that up.
If you look at things globally things change, it's fundamentally a multidimensional thing. Looking at west Eurasians the principal components are roughly west-east and north-south and I guess it makes sense considering how Europe got populated.
But globally there's too much shit going on I think.
Consider that the ENF are more heavy on the Basal Eurasian component.
Now we know little about this component and where the fuck did it suddenly pop out from but it's supposedly an early divergent one. It's possible that it managed to drift away from the SSA component more than the western one in its unknown refuge, which perhaps explains this drift in Mediterraneans.
"Ibero-Insular" are also not supposed to be Celtiberians but just Gracile meds.
How are Iranians so close to populations of the Caucasus? I thought they were their own race.
Yes, 20 to 30% that's right. And 1/3rd Germanic and 1/3rd Celtic. Exactly, that's like the 1000th times we repeat it and you still don't get it but okay. Can't exepect italians to be smart.
all those pale skinned people and people with blonde hair?
they are all germanic
I guess the right categories on this map are:
Nordic = Keltic nordid type
Sub-Nordic = Sub-Nordid type (mix of nordid breed and alpine)
Alpine = Alpine type
Dinaric = Dinaric type
Ibero-Insular = Probably Atlantic or Atlanto-Med type.
Littoral = Gracile Meds???
Basque = Baskoid type? this type is a meme?
>not a cataloñochicanos
Then why are you so dark haired? Literally only Normandy has the same hair color as the majority of regions of Germany.
so if someone doesnt look germanic then he is arab?
you germanics are so fucking special
what now?
you are the orignal native of those lands?
fucking die already
>Genghis had red hair and grey eyes
he was a mongoloid
>Light-haired and light-eyed =\= Germanic
if he is from europe then he is germanic
there wasnt people with those feature before the germanic migration
Yes. Germanics countries like Spain, Portugal and Italy need to stick together to get rid of the Frog menace.
The French are gallo-sandniggers who were ruled by German barbarian dynasties. So many retards like to complicate something that's so simple.
those countries have germanic people but they arent germanic
all those subhuman germanics must go to germanic countries like NL, norway or germany
He's a master race Piemontese. They're the most attractive people in Italy.
t. totally not from Piemonte.
>those countries have germanic people but they arent germanic
Look at the pic again. I don't see any non blonde people in those countries.
he is obviously germanic
deja de relajar, eres un germanico verdad?
como se siente saber que tus ancestros eran una plaga?
como se siente saber que tu eres una plaga?
lolwat. He looks med as fuck. Light eyes =/= Germanic.
he isnt full germanic but he obviously have germanic genes
he is more than 70% germanic
>Light eyes =/= Germanic.
no people in those land had light eyes
in the south you have greeks and in the middle and north you have latin people
i always dream about the non germanics in italy rebelling against germanics and killing/kicking them all
it would be so good see rome growing up again
>no people in those land had light eyes
Celts. Light eyes isn't a german specific trait. Also, believe it or not, the blue eyes mutation began on the north-western bank of the Black Sea.
it doesnt matter
all those people still are germanic or have germanic genes
germanic tribes raped all those people and get what happened after germanics settled?
europe dark ages
germanics like to blame christianity to hide the fact that they are the ones who brought the dark ages
You are an idiot. He belongs to the Atlanto-Med phenotype as featured in this pic. Eye color doesn't change this. While Romans were predominantly brown eyed, they also had varying eye colors as well before the Germanic invasions.
>the blue eyes mutation began on the north-western bank of the Black Sea.
False. The biggest concentration of blue eyed people is in Eastern Finland, and that's where they also originated.
your pic was created by germanics
>He belongs to the Atlanto-Med phenotype as featured in this pic.
there isnt such thing, he clearly have germanic genes
it doesnt matter too much his eyes
just look at his features
in no way ancient people in those lands looked like that
its funny and sad at the same time how germanics call those non germanics in those lands arab and other semitics
they dont like the fact that those people are the natives and were the ones that gave them civilization
>According to a study published in 2008, everyone with blue eyes has the exact same ancestor from over 7 thousand years ago, who was born somewhere in the black sea region with the mutation.
Don't bother. He trolls everybody. You actually taking the bait of some nigger sitting in mosquito infested, humid, dark room in Dominican Republic?
mad pigskin subhuman germanic
Why is there no Benelux/kaliningrad?
Do you have any definitive proof? Besides empty claims?
A ~14000 years old hunter gatherer from Villabruna, Italy, had blue eyes, so you are definitely wrong.
Also, other hunter gatherers who cluster close to this individual also had blue eyes, like this Spaniard one.
La Brana is closest to Finns genetically. :^)
Where is the fucking legend?
Yeah the did move around a lot, I'm fairly sure Lithuanians and Estonians beat you to it though. But anyway, those WHGs were really drifted away.
This is also the reason why Finns look kinda Asian. Many of those hunter gatherers like La Brãna were proto-mongoloid people who came from Siberia.
top kek there was some ANE affinity in WHGs but they definitely didn't come from Siberia lmao
The ones that arrived in Finland and Scandinavia did mostly.
Yeah they had more affinity than the western ones but saying they "came from" Siberia is just wrong. The ANE component is indeed based on some Siberian remains but those people weren't native there, they were likely following some game like Mammoths from west to east.
Keep in mind the ANE component split from WHGs after the split from east non-africans so there is less drift from actual asians who went their own way anyway from there.