>tfw no royal family
Tfw no royal family
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make a new one, start with trump
Good, you backstabbers don't deserve one.
bu america does have royalty only they rule the world
Fuck royal families.
We're not cucks to a crown
How about no, Ahmed?
You have no idea how much I want this.
But you have one.
Go to Canada you fucking traitors.
You're a vile little cuck. The "Dutch" King is mostly of German descent. He has more Russian blood than Dutch blood (if he has any Dutch blood at all). Now his new wife is some Argentinian mutt of Spanish-Basque descent. Can't even give "our" German King a son. So have fun with your German-Basque-Spanish-Russian royal family.
>jewish royal family in one generation
>tfw there's no more Royal family
Reminder that the filthy commies killed this angel.
Tsarist restauration when?
I don't want any kangz and shit in this country 2bh
Would be pretty good, honestly. If Trump was born in medieval Europe he probably would have started a dynasty up there with the Bourbons, Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, and Jagiellons. I don't agree with everything he says but he would probably be a pretty good king, and so would Eric and Donald Jr.
U jelly?
A constitutional monarchy like England would probably be pretty good for most Eastern European countries, honestly.
Incompetence running the country and brutality again the people aside, you Royal family was pretty cool.
>tfw you will never have Nicholas II's beard
I agree. But I don't like it
>>tfw you will never have Nicholas II's beard
I didn't need to be reminded of this.
I want Tsar back.
Why not? It gives us a tie to our old traditions before communism, checks the power of corrupt elected officials, and makes tourism money.
God save her
Who gives a fuck, the house of orange-nassau symbolizes our strugle against the spanish and our independence, i don't give a shit.
rip sweet sultan
I was honestly kind of disgusted when Beatrix resigned. If you're going to live the life of a monarch without the responsibilities of governing you should at least serve until death. I like the new king though.
at least this qt is alive
>your royal daughters will never caress you magnificent royal beard
Would current Ottomans be better than Sultan Erdogan?
Such a good beard.
If Trump was born in medieval times by the age of 7 he'd get small pox and by 12 he'd be a sex slave for some robber knight after ransacking his estate.
Does the queen have a palace in Canada? I don't know why she mostly stays in UK when she's also queen of so many other countries.
i know we are cucks for having a german king but the ottoman sultans have fucked so many slavs that they've essentially become slavs themselves
Who is that ?
ertuğrul looks pretty much turkic tbqh, but the girl is mixed as fuck(she is descendant of hürrem)
Ottomans fucked their way to whiteness.
>hating on the leaders of the Dutch independence war
kill yourself
Actually she is sister of granddaughter of grandaughter of ii. abdulhamit
depends on who are they descended from
>Does the queen have a palace in Canada?
Yup. Rideau Hall
The Governor General (Queen's Representative) lives there, but it's the Queen's residence and she stays there when she does visit.
This is what it looks like (My internet is being fucky and won't let me post pictures ): upload.wikimedia.org
she travels around quite a bit, some Canadian band people preformed on TV for her and she attended and some Kiwis and Aussies. she travels a bit but not much cause of her age, she used to a lot when she was young, now it's Harry and Will travelling.
How many members and branches are there?
>putting Jagiellons in same tier as Habsburgs
lmao Jagiellons were subhuman slavshits nowhere near as great as Habsburgs
Fairly good considering she's not there that often. What is weedman's stance on the monarchy?
It's cool to hear that. How likely is it that Charles won't take the throne once she dies? William seems like a top lad.
Which of the girls were lobotomized?
>t. sisterfucker pro
Go to sleep, Krakow.
t. wannabe German
Those who fought in the independence war all long gone. Death, buried, their corpses have fully decomposed. Nothing but skeletons remain of them. Their blood has been diluted to the point of non-existence. Idolizing people because they can trace their lineage to Willem van Oranje is inane.
You don't want any, user. trust me. It's a curse.
>What is weedman's stance on the monarchy?
Very Positive, surprisingly. No political party in Canada is against the Monarchy anyway.
But your royal lolis are qt af
yeah, fuck our collective history and shared heritage xd and why do we even have borders lmao????
I can't fuck them. I don't care if they are cute if I can't fuck them.
gib some fat ass latinas pls
William will get it.
I think you replied to the wrong post. In any case, it doesn't surprise me that you hold such stupid opinions, since you also support the ""Royal""" family.
Harry > William
the feel when i will one day be ruled by this fat faced smug cunt
First born gets the throne you new world savage. You were given a perfectly good Habsburg who even loved your country and you murdered him, your opinion does not matter.
>tfw Gommies killed our Lolis
It matters when Harry is a top lad.
Worthiest should get the throne.
Nice opinion mate, but the ROYAL family is here to stay, and if god wills it one day in the vision of Aristoteles with absolute power.
Wanna live in yet another boring republic? There are plenty of places in the world where you can enjoy such a life, please, don't hesitate to leave. I mean, our nation history and identity don't seem important to you anyway.
Fuck Commies tBh
No inbred Germans ruling over you. That's terrible.
better than regular inbreds in your case oi oi oi.
Will never forgive them desu.
What they lookin at?
Most likely a camera
anna anderson
No idea but I want to know.
Monarchies predate nationalism and early nationalists hates monarchs (see: France) for being traitors to the nation/national identity because they had no allegiance to it. There's a very good reason monarchs claimed their right to rule came from God/religion instead of from the nation, they cared much more about their religious identity than their national one. The only reason monarchies are seen as nationalist today is because they've been neutered by nationalists so that they have no power.
based Sadam
loyalist scum
>royal family
Sorry, I can't comment on that.
haha even we have one
>Wanting to be ruled by Lizardmen
long life the queen
why the hell would you want that failure of a leader back?
Fuck off
What happened to your's?
>What happened to your's?
their heads fell off
it's not the same. it would feel artificial
Long live the queen, I'd rather have some inbred toff with their hands on the lever of power than some money grubbing kike the turnbull who jewed and backstabbed his way to the top
it always started artificially
Royal families are worthless, you dope. They're not the same as they were in antiquity where royal blood meant higher intellect or innate capability. There's absolute nothing they can do to prove that their blood is better than the average person's today. You'll find more worthy people as average American Jews.
>They're not the same as they were in antiquity where royal blood meant higher intellect or innate capability.
pledge allegiance to your queen, colonial scum
Straya bro is right in this one.
That's a terrible argument. People ascended to aristocracy for many reasons. Often consolidated protection rackets. In Europe, after social disparities grew, this came to be justified by divine mandate.
>being american
>wanting some resemblance of a monarchy in society
you're not a true american get off your proxy faggot
> Mexican Empire
> control half of usa and central america
> now republic
> unstable country
>queen Ivanka in one generation
Muh dik
>implying the commies were wrong
t. Benstein