Thank you, Austrians, for electing Sascha

Thank you, Austrians, for electing Sascha.

It's been a long time since an election result made me genuinely happy.

He will be a great president :)

Other urls found in this thread:,_2018#Poll_results

fuck off antifa slovak

Inshallah the kalifat will start soon

2020 man. fucking gommies will get btfo

Terms of the President of Austria last 6 years :^)

whatever 2022
therell be a war in europe by then anyway

Why are you so negative? I'm sure that doesn't make you happy

I thought it was Lavrov in the pic.

im actually a kaczynskist so i dont care about election results.

but the Austrian president has almost no actual power


He does look a bit like him desu

I know

He can be a moral guidance, and represent Austria on the world stage and in Europe

It's nice that a candidate from the New Left can beat the odds in a current political climate

wait is it a meme position like the irish president
if so lol why is everyone pissing their pants


Yes, it is, but there's still hope

I bet you're the bomb at parties

but is the Austrian president even the primary foreign representative of Austria? He might be I'm genuinely curious.

Also I'm not sure if I would call the election representative of "the current political climate". The election was definitely an exception, because there wasn't a single centrist establishment candidate and instead it was "new left" versus "new right", and "the current political climate" is quite centrist in nature. But perhaps it's a foreshadowing of the kind of political climate we can come to expect more and more in the future.

beats me

He literally cheated to win the election. It's confirmed it was election fraud and we'll see where it goes.

Got sources on the fraud?
Hillary Clinton's only chance at beating Trump in November 2016 is going to be fraud, I promise you

>"the current political climate" is quite centrist in nature
lmao people are (on the right) radicalised as shit you dumb leaf
ever heard of trump? AfD? sweden democrats? front national?

>got in when he shouldn't have been able to


He's a power pretender. IA smart man only recognizes one legitimate force. The Habsburgs. God save the Emperor

The current political climate as in the rise of the far-right.

Van der Bellen isn't centrist, he wasn't supported by the centrist political elite and that's why he won.

People are fed up with centre-left and centre-right. They want authentic politics.

Hofer disagrees with you

I recognize these dumb whores so well, we have the exact same type here at university. I want to rape them to death for even voicing their stupid ass opinions. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, useless fucking cunts.

>ever heard of trump?
according to the polls I've seen, he'll probably lose against Hillary (a mainstream centrist), or at the very least if he manages to win it'll be a very difficult win

they've lost everything so far. Specifically, they've been losing against mainstream centrists. Sure, they've made gains, but they're still losing against the centrists.

same as above, they're still losing against the mainstream Swedish parties, they haven't actually won anything yet

same as above, the best they can hope for is 1st-round wins but so far they always get stomped by the mainstream parties come the second round.

The question is, how long is the centrist consensus going to hold?

People, and especially working class, are frightened by globalisation and want to retreat to the safety of nation states that wouldn't work in Europe anymore.

That's why they need a left-wing alternative.

>according to the polls I've seen, he'll probably lose against Hillary
the polls have changed since then
>they've lost everything so far. Specifically, they've been losing against mainstream centrists. Sure, they've made gains, but they're still losing against the centrists.
they made huge gains in south germany recently
theye only going to get bigger from here
most popular party in sweden right now. next election theyre gonna be massive.
they lost the regionals because the socialists/those other guys teamed up against le racism >:))))))) and pulled their candidates out when they realised theyd lose if they didnt. now shut your mouth leafposter.
fuck off commie

Now that's not very Swedish of you. Dmitriy, is that you?

>obama shirt
what the fuck?

I don't know, maybe I'm naive but to me this seems like more of the same.

For example, during the 1960's the 1970's, the French communist party was in a very similar place to where the FN is today. They were a party driven by young people, who were different from mainstream politics, were considered "radical" and were for people who were "frightened by globalisation". And, much like the FN today, it actually became quite a relevant party. And they were exactly the same in so far as their supporters always claimed "momentum". They were always thrilled to see how they were "growing", much like the new right today. Basically, they all said "at this rate, it's only a matter of time!". But in the end, nothing ever happened. They never won anything, and now the French communist party is all but dead. There's no point in obsessing over hype and "muh gains" when you never actually win anything. The French communists never won, and as a result now they're completely irrelevant, weren't even able to leave a lasting mark and now most people are barely even aware that they existed at some point.

It's not about right or left or globalization or the economy or whatever political word you're talking about. It's about men and women being scared for their lives as muslims shoot up stadiums, girls as young as 10 get gangraped and large mobs of immigrants destroy their cities. This is why people vote for the "extreme right", not for some complicated structural bullshit reason.

This is the problem with you intellectual zizek leftists, you're so disconnected from the people you can't even understand them.

Back to your question about whether he can represent Austria abroad. Constitution grants him more powers than what would be usual in other parliamentary democracies (he can dismiss government, chose who will get an opportunity to form a government etc.).

It's up to him if he's going to use them.

>the polls have changed since then
Sure, but even if he wins, it's far from an easy win.

>they made huge gains in south germany recently
they still haven't won

>most popular party in sweden right now. next election theyre gonna be massive.
1) No, they're not:,_2018#Poll_results
2) Even if they win a plurality, they'll never come to power because you need a coalition to govern, every party has categorically stated that it will never enter a coalition with SD. Instead, they'll just continue the same coalition as they have right now, or some similar version, and thus they'll still win.

>they lost the regionals because the socialists/those other guys teamed up against le racism >:))))))) and pulled their candidates out when they realised theyd lose if they didnt. now shut your mouth leafposter.
Which just goes to show that the only reason they made it that far is that the centrist vote is split into many parties. As soon as the second round comes about (i.e. when there's no more splitting of the centrist vote) they always get completely crushed.

stop calling leftists centrists. theyre called socialists for a reason

they're center-left, and very mainstream

Ahmed Mohammed get out of sweden pls

He's right though, women are the majority voters for leftist and PC partys. Women really are leading the west to destruction

dont respond to antifa slovak pls thx

Women tend to more compassionate.

That's good though

Far-right completely destroyed Europe already

That's another Slovak poster