Ur cunt

>ur cunt
>was runescape ever popular in ur cunt
>tell us runescape story

>Be noob
>Play on french server because I don't want to speak to anyone,
>Make friend who peaks very poor english but is trying to learn
>We spend hours playing together and talking about life, girls, our families, school and our problems so on
>Make plans to visit him in france
>One day in the wildly with him and he gets risky and brings all his best stuff with him
>He gets a skull after we narrowly beat some dood,
>His health is low
>Temptation is too much
>Kill my friend
>Take his stuff
>Block him
>Run out of the widly while crying irl

Other urls found in this thread:




I remember botting to good stats then pking retards lmao

If you actually grinded you're a fucking idiot lmao


>free trimming

poor frog :(

yeah it was popular here. We always pk'd together, and beat up those who backstabbed

I played it for about a month 13-14 years ago

I can only recall stealing retarded friends passwords and taking all their gold


Never played it.

Ultima Online, Lineage 2 and Ragnarok Online were the most popular ones if I remember correctly. At least that's what I played and loved.

Fucking fuck, why won't anyone just copy UO and slightly upgrade graphics?

Literally why?

runescape was the poorfag game for people who's parents wouldn't buy them world of warcraft game time cards

This describes me.

>TFW asked parents if i could play WoW and they said that any game with "World of War" in its name couldn't be good news and it's too expensive anyway.



I quit Runescape before World of Warcraft even came out. It was pretty popular in Finland.

>big bro always playing
>Like watching
>He keeps begging our mom for RS membership
>Finally gets it
>Going well for some month
>Rich af because of flax farming
>Suddenly stranger whispers him
>"This is blabla speaking from RS HQ, we need your password to fix something"
>Warn him
>"Don't worry, user, you can trust people on the internet"
>Following day his account was gone

>be me, 11
>also be retarded
>a guy is advertising free shit so long as I follow him
>follow him to the wildy, deep enough where he can finally attack me
>he starts hitting me, I ask why
>it's part of the process user, I have to keep doing it
>ok but don't kill me
>getting closer and closer to death
>please don't kill me, be careful
>don't worry user
>he fucking kills me
>his haul: probably a few hundred coins

In retrospect, I don't know why I was so retarded.

It wasnt really popular around here but my cousins introduced me to that game by 2007-2008. I could say I learned english thanks to that.

I wasted so much time on this shit

But it got me from 0 WPM to 100 WPM, good shit

Now imagine this in real life.

Lmao now that's a dick move.

Perfidious Albion

I was 9 in 2006.

I remember having hour long conversations with bots repeating the same 4 sentences while cutting Yew trees.

WoW wasn't popular until a little after runescape Newfag.

who /got banned all the time/ here

fucking fagex nazis


>being such a faggot you got banned

In the Wildy meltdown protests of 2007, a ton of people got banned, including me.

Runescape pretty much died after they killed the Wildy.

I used to be a retarded little shit as a kid and swore 24/7

Fuck I even remember making swastikas with eggs and fireplaces

>tfw i still play it

>Start new character in 9th grade
>Play 10 hours/day on school days, 16-20 hours/day on weekends and holidays
>Get maxed stats after 4 years
>Get IP-range muted

At least I quit before RS turned to shit ~4 years ago.

That was me. Mom wasn't willing to shell out 100$+ initially with 15$/month afterwards.

I have never played WoW and it's too late now, and has been too late for about a decade now.

Runescape is cool i still play. I have a really high crafting level so if anybody needs their armour trimmed in game pm me and i can do it for free ;)

>tfw I pretended to be an Australian on Runescape and ended up making a best friend who is actually Australian and he believed I was Australian for the 3 years until he got suspicious at the end

He tried and wanted to meet we even dated grills on rs. I feel kinda bad.

Thanks int, you did this to me

>RS turned to shit ~4 years ago.
You're off by a few years

I made jokes about Islam (circa 2006) and ran around Al Kharid praising Allah and dropping nitroglycerin on myself. Got a few mutes because of that

Imagine how fast Jagex would call the Shariah police on me if I did that now

I started playing in 2006 but didn't really start playing until 2007 so I was part of the Gen 4 RS players - the post wildy.

I fucking lost, dude

They permaban players who dress up as the KKK

Does anybody play osrs? I have no friends on it and i want some. Preferably a finnish person but anybody will do really

I didn't curse much because I would get muted.

But I did broadcast Islamic propaganda in Al-Kharid daily and continously praise Mohammed, blessed be his name.

I started playing around 2004ish and stopped about 2008 (just after the Grand Exchange was introduced, I think).

From what I remember, it was very popular in Finland for some reason (there were tons of Finns on RuneScape, they even got their own servers eventually).

yeah that was a recent drama thing I heard

I think they should have just changed the model

>this much of a newfag

RS turned to shit after the Wildy got killed in late 2007.

Player count fell in half.

I was zezima


Jagex were such SJW fucks.

I saw Zezima in Catherby once.

I said hi, but he didn't say hi back.

Who had /rsgf/ here?

>Play WoW free trial
>Shitty computer takes 2 days to download it
>Finally log in, make a Night Elf Priest named PaedoPope
>Get loads of angry whispers from butthurt Catholics
>Get to level 10 before I finally get banned for "exploits" (I managed to slingshot across Kalimdor via fucking with how the boats worked)
>Never pick up that shit again.

Given how shitty the game turned out to be, I'm glad.

People were getting banned in the last week for following a streamer around in game. The only reason they got banned is because the streamer is a girl and all the jagex staff are virgins

Finns like weird niche games and the proceed to overpopulate them. Habit of being indoors most of the year.

I played until about mid 2008. GE started making the whole marketplace retarded. Selling in the banks ended and all the spamming and dropping got regulated.

Game was great 2005-2007. Unregulated. Full of assholes and thieves. Glitchy as fuck. And Jagex weren't SJW yet.

>it's been 10 years since The Old Nite died

They still are. A dude got recently permed for firemaking a swastika

I remember seeing him get killed when the massacre happened lmao. Good times.

Jagex is /r9k/ if it was SJW brits.

Also, playing RS in 2016 is simply retarded.

Lmao you shouldn't still be playing RS.

I meant that Jagex when I played 2005-2008 were SJW faggots. The first time I encountered such people considering I'm from South Texas.

I had a strange encounter with him
Usually he's got tons of people following him around right?

He randomly appeared in lumby swamp when I was killing rats or something, this was early days on a new account
He was there for a while, walking around by himself

>tfw I was law running for 6 months straight to get the money for a whip and Santa hat

Friends got me to play in middle school, we used to run around, go wildy and kill stuff.
We stopped playing like two years later.
When we get bored on summer we log in and check out what's happening.

>got quest cape last summer
>mfw more new quests

who /old Tibia/ here?

I play i just dont talk to anybody because everybody acts like theyre on reddit

The first offense was from ages ago and was a forum post I made.

Second and third offense doesn't even have evidence attached to them.

Jagex eventually IP muted me and now every time I make an account it gets auto muted lol.

>manual permanent mute
wew lad

I can only use Quick Chat.

Lmao you got BTFO

Could never understand why people played this game desu, must've just been because they were kids with nothing better to play.

>Makes option demanding to see the evidence
>Lol evidence was too naughty we can't show you xD

Fucking faggex.

What really pisses me off is the 5 minute response to every single appeal that is literally just copypastad.

I log on occasionally and I'm surprised the game still exists.

Pic related is the world population as of this post time.

There was something cosy about the game
It was an integral part of my childhood tb.h

I tried to play it recently, both the old school and the new one, and they were both shit, oh well

>tfw bot on months end and never got banned

you got to cheat the system breh

It was one of the better MMORPGs at the time, also it was just fun and had a really nice soundtrack.


I abandoned that shit when they introduced the WoW combat system

It had objectively the best Quests in any MMO. There was a shitton of things to do and for a time it seemed like it could only get better.
Then Wildy happened and it all went downhill form there.

>tfw skipping school to play Castle Wars all day with your Finnish NEET friend who used ancient magicks

>Bought dragon claws for 45 MILLION GOLD PIECES
>Quit for a year
>Come back after WoW combat
>D claws are now 3k because they got rid of special attacks because Jagex loves cock.

I probably would've had a better time with it if the community weren't all rats, doesn't help that the graphics were shit too.

Pay to play MMOs were way better than Runescape desu.

The quests were all memey as fuck and there were hardly any though.

>The quests were all memey as fuck
Confirmed for never playing any of them you memeloving fuck.

>Pay to play MMOs were way better than Runescape desu.
RuneScape was p2p if you wanted any of the cool stuff though.

They were pretty long and they were pretty roundabouty to complete.

nigga you cannot deny RS quests were arguably the best quests in any MMO. They actually had story to them instead of the generic collect 5 things. They had charm.

runescape was THE game to play in my childhood, everyone in elementary school was competing who had the best account

i remember when we went to the school internet room in 2004-2006 and instead of doing the assigned school shit everyone just played runescape

i remember when we lads went to the wildy once and there was this autistic kid on our class so we lured him to the wildy too and killed him for his mithril shit

he cried to teachers and we never got to play runescape in school again, that fucking faggot

Runescape quests are great and different to every other game

Most MMOs before WoW had interesting quests back when they weren't the main way to level.

I tried playing Runescape once because one of my friends wanted me to try it. I didn't like the graphics, and I got stuck in some mines on tutorial island or wherever and didn't play it again. I just stuck with WoW.

And how many were there? 40? 50?

>there were tons of Finns on RuneScape, they even got their own servers eventually
Yeah, I remember finding that really weird too. Finland to me back then was like Timbucktu or something, I wasn't even sure it was a real place, but then suddenly like every fifth person on RuneScape seemed to be from there.

And they always spoke in their ancient moon language to each other.

There were about 130 in 2007/8

Anybody else cyber in lumby w1/2/3?

Good times.

There also were a shitton of Dutchies and Swedes for some reason

i remember when i tried runescape for the first time i got stuck on the tutorial island and ragequitted

returned 6 months later with my brother and finally got out of that place. then i continue to play runescape from 2003 all the way to 2012 until i quit and RWT'd all my shit for 1200€

mfw i checked the partyhat prices and they're now close to 10B all

>tfw only one on my server (at least of the freebies) who was in the cooking guild and had special access to the locked cooking house
I did so much irrelevant shit

100 by 2006 and 150 by 2009.

I'm talking about early Runescape

>while cutting Yew trees.
ffs those memories, i wish i could never remember those hours i wasted

Nigga Cooking guild was like level 30 unless your server was full of perma-noobs there's no way you were the only one with access

>ages 9-11 in 2002-2004
>Play lots of RS with my spergbros
>make character named Woodpad
>Woodpad always wears priest robes, hood, and Holy symbol
>All he does is cut trees and craft Holy symbols

2007 is early runescape its like 9 years ago

I think on 2003 they reached 50

Runescape came out in 2001 lad

No one pracitced cooking skills


So you want to judge runescapes quests by what they were like in 2001?

Oh. Well RSC had already hit the 50 mark.

I never played RSC though.

Yes because that's when I played it.

Anybody want to buy some official Runescape® merchandise from the Jagex™ Runestore©