
cara edition

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hows gf2016 going?

id let cara take a shit IN my mouth if you catch my drift

i swear i've seen this exact same thread before

better thread this

ugly dog

fucks sake why make threads if you dont know how


probably is the same guy as this morning

honestly not sure about this brexit thing lads
on one hand you get sovereignty and stop being cucked by the eu and its shit politicians
on the other hand you start getting cucked by your shit politicians who don't seem any better
on the fence if i'm being honest

also dual threads is not optimal

ah yes

alt right journalism is literally just clickbait, e-celeb drama and youtube comment tier shitflinging and it should be banned from Sup Forums.


How fucking sad are you that something like that matters so much to you.

The Neanderthal need not reply because we all know how sad that cunt is.


because then people can't find it in the catalog you fucking newfag

It means it won't turn up in the search, dick head

well yeah, there's clickbait on both sides.
the fact that Sup Forums worships breitbart is absolutely disgusting

force me to listen to jap girls talking i'd spill every state secret i knew


as good as gf2015 eh

Posted in the other thread but that ones dead now it seems.

Beginning to think I should go back to my doctor

My dog was the runt of its litter if im honest desu

daily reminder that the world is going to shit and we are powerless against the tidal waves of negative change

>actually calls people a newfag

can't stop binge eating

Anyone got that picture of that skinhead girl at a march??

asking again bc u ignored me desu, link to this site?

do you want to talk about it

is this how our ancestors felt i wonder

>actually is one

I promised myself I wouldn't buy this game because of what they did to Tracer's arse, but I ended up buying it anyway, haha.

*Checks flag*
No surprise fatty

Stefan Molyneux's hatred of single mothers, the nanny state and obsession with DEFOOing (separating yourself from your family of origin) stems from his mummy issues. His parents divorced when he was young. And his mum was abusive towards him. She threw him against a metal door when he was a child. He moved out when he was 15 years old.

Stefan went on to study at University in Toronto during a time where tuition was heavily subsidised by the Ontario government. He then moved back home to live with his mum even though she was an abusive bitch because he was financially desperate. His mum gave him a daily allowance of only one dollar. After going back to university to escape his mother and completing his heavily subsidised masters. His estranged older brother got him a job at his IT firm and got him involved in a pump-n-dump scheme during the time of the 90's IT boom.

Molyneux is a classic example of what happens when you are raised in an abusive family. It's not the fault of single mums, his mum just happened to be an abusive cunt. It's a tragedy that no one reported Stefan's mum to children's aid and got him put in foster care.

bought it when i wasnt a neet yet, doing a regret now as i could've spend that money on better things

probably, but with all those wars it probably only seemed that the world was becoming worst
now the world is becoming peaceful in an incredibly vicious, all controlling and oppressive way
thoughtpolice soon

I definetly don't think they'd employ me wth littlemizz.trouble

I've been on and off Sup Forums since 2006.

Only supreme autists and actual newfags call people newfags anymore.

Sorry lad here u are psychologytoday.tests.psychtests.com/take_test.php?idRegTest=3885

I stopped seeing that word when i migrated from Sup Forums


o shi

Not sure about this BREXIT shit lads
On the one hand we get cucked by the EU
On the other hand we get arsefucked by Davey C and his mates like a dead pig

Seems like a lose/lose situation

>ears feeling blocked up
>figure it's wax build up
>buy some ear drops
>put them in
>wait 5 minutes
>wipe away excess
>even worse than before
>have lost about 40% of my hearing




I'm closer than I've ever been in my life.
Chatting with some girl on whatsapp, and got a date set up for Friday..

So yeah, pretty damn good.

Yeah. Sup Forums is Sup Forums. It should be contained and not allowed to spill over into the rest of the internet and that is why you have to be a massive faggot to call people newfags outside of it.

i used to spam him everyday on Sup Forums, then i got bored of it now it seems like there's always a stefan thread every time i go there

reminder that upon leaving the EU you will lose the sense of sight and at least one leg


exam in 8 hours

ah yes

>does anyone smell cheese, lads?


this is what happens when you masturbate too much

what i s it about

go to bed

Media Studies

holy shit, thank you. I was looking for this Molyneux webm

theoretical physics
it's an awful module and the lecturer is a deluded moron

make me

Please say you aren't spending £9k a year to study it at uni...


batter him in theory then after the exam

Good song x


why? I am, but why is that an issue to you?

Why are you still awake?

I'm normally in bed by now but I'm on nights tomorrow so I like to go to bed later and wake up later so that I'm not tired as fuck like I would be if I got up at, say, 9am and stayed awake for almost 24 hours.

I get by on very little sleep

umm cuz I fukin want to be awake???????

very sneaky lad

like being a part of the reddit flag club ngl

stellar taste lad

Poleaboo is always awake

what degree are you getting

I haven't gone to bed before 2 in months


i am awake because i am no slave to my base nature
what would want me to slumber and toss around
tortured by the unseen possibilities lurking in folds of my mind
there's a storm brewing, maybe, of blood and it is seething
it is seething

"don't leeeave the EU"

Media studies and theoretical physics

>Speaking during a recording of Mastertapes for BBC Radio 4, McCartney referred to West as a "monster" and "a crazy guy who comes up with great stuff so he inspires me".

That was me when I was a NEET. I used to go to bed at lie 4-5 am every night (morning) but since I've started working my sleep pattern has become more normal.

feminist studies

ahh yes steam is down again
why do we even pay our licence fees

what the fedora are you blabbering about

He's gone loopy in his old age

Shame really, Ringo still rocks out at least

>been trying to find a certain sweater for months
>finally find one, brand new, my size
>ask to buy it
>his name is Chad

keep it down or you'll blow the lid off the whole operation

technical willy management

What kind of sweater has a name?

arent they down every week this time more or less for maintenance or whatever feel like it used to be earlier in the evening though

ty i laughed

Going to find the person mainly responsible for Captcha and tie him to a chair and then have him look at pictures of buildings and tell me whether it's a store front or not. Then when he gets one wrong smash his kneecaps with a sledgehammer

Tbh he is actually a complete weirdo cult leader, I don't agree with his meme an-cap philosophy or half the shit he does but his vids on the migrant crisis and the ones about race and IQ are pretty redpilled.

Thanks lad. Trying to find the LP of Baby Pop and I'm having an absolute Weston

Where can I sell my Steam account?

It has £3000 worth of games.



let me guess. Pullover?

Lol you silly bugger I obviously meant the person selling it ;) x

Ta for the chuckle though, haha bless your heart x

Yes every tuesday

kek steam says my account is worth £800 and my newest game is like 3 years old don't trust that shit

What? It's called a jumper you spastic.

They're called jumpers in England, slip of the old fingers calling it a sweater, sorry x