/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

days of /cum/'s past-edition

Other urls found in this thread:


2 more nights of work then my off week begins


Should I take the shitty paying job where I can learn or try for a higher paying one where I won't learn shit?

Who /lovebigblackcock/


>Syrians coming in from Canada
>Mexicans coming in from Mexico
Why can't we catch a break?

why y'all so gay

>Sweden asks why We're gay

Look at yourself in the mirror familia.

Latvia does not deserve special status in /cum/ desu.

guess I have to filter sweden again

t. Rapeugee

Big strong American with a puny Canacuck

Could use some help desu

>it's a "Haitian Swede goes apeshit" episode


please respond


#feelthebern :DDDDD


Good night friends


>going to bed at 7:30

Use this picture for the next thread

Canada yes!

>No friends and am depressed

pretty sure that's britain

Who /Newmarket Ontario/ here?

>Norbert Hofer lost the election

I'm not sure who is from there. We're all anonymous ITT.

literally who fucking cares

are you Austrian?
do you even speak German?
are you even a citizen of any European country?

Higher paying. You can stay in a shitty job forever, man. It is a trap.

El Chicano de mierda edition

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

I attach myself to the politics and happenings of other countries and people completely unrelated to me to make up for my lack of value and influence in the world.

t. Australia

the sheep people?



>go to chicago on tour
>nigs rush your stage
>cops can't do a single thing
lmao historian btfo

Time to go return some mexican video tapes

delet this

Hows the western front, my australian friend?
Is the war as tough as I imagine it is for you guys?

Should have looked at the rally that trump did to figure out this was going to happen.


I pee'd the bed a little desu


Sup Canadian and American buddies

i hate milo yiannopoulos and his fangirls

In due time we'll dispose of them


>warcraft movie is getting btfo



who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea. Forget pandering to blizzdrones, the concept is retarded


thicc in the wrong places


Just think.
What if that fat went to her tits, ass, and thighs, instead?


delete this

wasted potential

Cute face but should really consider losing weight.

>Are you currently attending or have you attended high school?

how the fuck am I supposed to answer this. If I say no, theyll think I dropped out, but if I say yes, theyll think Im still enrolled

>visit some bumfuck country in the middle of nowhere
>always make sure to post in /cum/ so the lads get the rareflag

"Yes" is the expected answer

Though I agree the question is stupidly formulated

Did you go to high school?

yes. Then my life went down the shitter

what is your profession?

the question is did you attend high school (didnt even have to graduate)

Go be tolerant somewhere else, Captain Sweden.

do i look cool with a cigarrete?

He probably works for the CIA

Student, but I've been to some out of the way places for studying.

If you were black, you'd look exactly like a monkey

Lads, I havne't showered in 3 days. I was boozing it and playing sports on sunday, had massive dumps all day yesterday and have been doing nothing but laying in bed all day today. I stink like sweat, shit and piss. but I really need to go buy cigarettes and candy but I'm too high to get out of bed. I'm fiending lads .

I think I have problems.

wow rude

Why do you smell like piss and shit?

do i look cool with a cigarrete?

very cool haha would love to see more do you have kik or something

I hate his obnoxious fanbase too, but his sjw bashing is funny.

>Justin Bieber

stop making fun of me :c

Is that a Natural Selection t-shirt?
You gonna shoot up a school or something?

livin the dream senpai

nope haha

i've been practicing my telepathy
do you homies get the vibrations i'm sending you?

Can you send them a bit lower?

so you are gay?


You are all bunch of faggots, and no im not drunk

i think i gotta practice more


is she ok?

I can feel them in my benis :DDDDD

just go sit in the shower or something fuck

taking a bath is comfy Tbh

I will immediately terminate the Mexican people

