Invited: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanatu, Fiji, Tonga...

Invited: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanatu, Fiji, Tonga, Wallis and Futuna, Tuvalu, Samoa, Tokelau, Niue, Cook Islands, American Samoa, French Polynesia, Pitcairn Islands, Chile (Rapa Nui), Equador, (Galapagos), Clipperton Island birds, Kribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Micronesia, Palau, Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, Japan, South Korea, (Jeju) Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, USA (Hawaii), and finally


/balt/ + /ausnz/

so... /ausnz/?


That's a big list.

uy uy galapagos

could've just said Polynesia or something

For you

/pacif/ ?
Pacific is more accurate

>inviting south-east asians

>you will never live in Hawaii

so when do the super RARE flags appear

why not? is it expensive?

lol I was scared you were a US minor islands

Empire when lads?

It's retarded

Too big of a change. Also it IS expensive.

Tokelau is my favourite island

Well you have to set long term goals for yourself.

Me, I want to move to the Pacific sometime in my life, maybe New Zealand or Pitcairn Islands. Of course I can't afford it right now but never say never

you want to willingly live in the end of the world?


this is now a pacific general

lol what do you expect there? It's complete boredom

Sure sounds comfy
>Tfw on one of these with nothing around for miles but ocean




If I lived on the Pitcairn Islands for example, I'd probably spend much of the day fishing, farming and stuff like that. During time off I'd interact with other islanders or play vidya, since there's still electricity at the end of the world

Doesn't seem boring to me

It would be awesome to spend a couple of months there. Longer it might get boring.
Sitting at the beach with only the sound of the sea reading a good book must be amazing

it is because we live in the modern world with a thousand of different things to do

you will want kill yourself very quickly

NZ and USA are alike among nations, in that we each possess a number of far-flung, uninhabited islands around the pacific (along with a few parcels with tiny populations which are in some significant sense, apart from our respective homelands).

There were brief flirtations with the settlement of each, but these were always interrupted by war, or resource depletion. More recently, we've used one of ours as the dumping-ground of choice for hazardous chemical/nuclear/all the bad shit ever waste.

Meanwhile you nicely erected stowaway shacks on yours, knowing that people get marooned out there.

>live in northern Europe
>densely populated
>invading muslims

yeah nah, I'll take Pacific islands over this any day

okay guys
what do you think of the trans-pacific partnership?

t. murican farmer


Actually, there are active military facilities at Wake and Midway last I checked, so in principle it's feasible that a legit post or two originated from there.

Fun fact: Amelia Earhart is thought to have gone down in the area of Howland Island. Among the USOIs, often the only extant structure is an old lighthouse-rubble.

hahaha the grass sure is always greener, that's the human being

I would beg for having dark days and cold in my city if I could, forever

>northern Europe
>densely populated
I'd say "pick one" but its sweden so...
Have fun in your dense populated faggothole

>Howland Island
christ, what a barren shithole. bretty bad place to die tbqh familia

>New Zealand across the date line from its associated states
Why is this allowed?

i want to live in the pacific

They've found bones and plane parts in Kiribati IIRC

desu the cold is what I thrive in at the moment because tha'ts what I'm used to, but I'm sure after a while I could get used to a tropical climate

the darkness really sucks though, it saps all energy from you and makes you depressed. And this is coming from a Nordic person, I can't imagine how a Brazilian would fare up here

i'm so jealous of all that darkness you got. twilight for six months out of the year? atmospheric as fuck. sign me up. this is coming from a new yorker who has experienced actual winter before

I get pretty happy on cloudy days because I know I won't die from heat today and I'll be comfy

Learn Chinese and move to Hongcouver
PNW is amazing mane I'd go there if I were you

>t. murican farmer

hey jose

grass is greener on the other side I guess