Is your country genetically diverse?

Is your country genetically diverse?

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Yes. The most diverse.

Yeah, there's this study that people descended from different indigenous groups showed a lot of genetic difference. Apparently some groups are as different from each other as Germans from Japs.


Yeah. I'm part Greek myself



You look like chinks though.

you have to go

theres nothing european about that southern guy. I guess you guys didnt finish the reconquista.

desu those living in the Ardennes look pretty swarthy for Belgian standards. Otherwise we looks all the same

More than yours.


In the North there's the Frisians. They tend to be tall and fair, curly haired and have sharp noses.
In the East there's the Saxons. They tend to be of medium height and generally have fair brown hair and light eyes.
In the South there's the Franks. They tend to be short and stout, and generally get swarthier and swarthier up to Wallonia, where they become basically French. They generally have brown to black hair (though blonde and red are definitely not uncommon) and dark eyes.
In the West live a mixture of all three, mostly they're genetically Frisian but culturally Franks.

Bad lighting, he looks pretty aryan if you ask me

Like Spain but inverted. North Chileans look like Southern Spaniards, Central the same and Southern Chileans look like Northern Spaniards

wena nido

Guess so


Suprisingly, yes. There's bigger genetical diversity between Eastern and Western Finland than between Anglos and krauts


We're all blonde as fuck, also.

Are those the south brazilians everybody's talking about ?

More than the rest of Europe combined. Southern Spaniards are more closely related to Danes than people of Kainuu are to the people of Southern Finland

You forgot the niggers and sand people seeping in from Sweden going about raping your women.

>More than the rest of Europe combined

Well, come on, only if you include chinks. Finns on their own aren't that diverse.

Their hair looks like a shag rug that has been sitting in a old persons home for the last 30 years.

china is a fairly diverse country

Sure, plenty of different ethnic groups. I don't know how diverse Han are though.

hey lithuania, do you know why your country is so homogenic genetically?

why do spanish so different?

Arr rook same

That pic is about average girl next door looks, but I can cherrypick stuff to make us look both Nordic and North African.

Han identity is a myth.

Catalonia is a country, is not spain.

Ummm catalan People dont look like the north guy. Unless you consider them to be eastern

>and North-African

You don't have to cherrypick for that

Visca catalunya!!!


Germany is probably the most diverse country in europe. The north is a mix of Scandis, Frisians and Saxons. The East is Slavic and the South is a mix of French, Germans and Mediterranean (they are the shortest and swarthiest). That is why there really is no distinct German look

>mfw i will come to Australia this autumn.
>mfw i dont plan to go back to Greece anytime soon
Feels good man

>That is why there really is no distinct German look

There used to be



Yes we are, you literally can't tell if we are French, Spanish, German etc..

No we're all inbrit

post mexican qts, amigo senpai

All flavor available

Normandie = Blond girls
Bretagne = Freckles girls
South = Dark haired semen demon girl
North = Aryan blue eyed grils
Alsace = Germanic curvy girls
And with muslim invasion, we also have north-african metis dark hair&green eyes semen muslim demon

French-arab girls are the best
A good taste of diversity

OK. :3

Here is one, do you like her? Or you prefer them with dark skin?

oh dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I'm half Spanish. Notice my beady eyes.

>I'm half Spanish
you are not, faggot

you are the typical anglo dude


post your surnames ....."spanish"



if you are half spanish you have moorish heritage , haha fuck u


*cough* totally not in love with yourself *cough*


I'm half Korean, so yes

Depends a lot, like the rest of Spain. Also, remember the immigration waves of 1960. Half of Andalusia settled in Catalonia for work.

no, everyone is a mix of anglo-saxon and celtic

Yet he's whiter than the shitskins posted in the OP.

You should either grow stubble or learn to shave correctly.

Other than that, would fug.

Genetically, economically, developmentally and culturally different in all regions. Nobody really clings to the "Italian identity" here contrary to popular belief. We are very regionalistic.

torres torres torres torres torres torres

Yes, this is a racially diverse cunt.

-24 million mestizo / castizos
-18 million whites
-5 million niggas
-1 million natives

Main ancestries: Spanish, Native American, African, Italian, French, Lebanese, Syrian, some Germans,


>Nobody really clings to the "Italian identity"
this is a paesant thing

>another cherrypicking thread

Torres is half galician.


nigga pls

Yes, Israelis have Jewish grandparents from all over the world.

we arr rook the same

lel kill yourself almanci

district wars are a things for stupid fags, are you one of them?

Anglos and Frenchmen*

> Germanic girls
> curvy

When I was in Brindisi, everybody was harassing me because I looked like a northern Italian.

Stay mad, Mario.

>Italians acting rude with a tourist
sounds strange, we are friendly with them

not as much as you would expect

there's no jews, muslins or real africans here

No, there wasn't.

Yes, possibly he most diverse in Europe:

The distribution of the pairwise Fst distances between all population pairs is shown in Supplementary Table S3. The genetic distance between Southern and Northern Italians (Fst=0.0013) is comparable to that between individuals living in different political units (ie, Iberians-Romanians Fst=0.0011; British-French Fst=0.0007), and, interestingly, in >50% of all the possible pairwise comparisons within Europe (Supplementary Figure S7).

They all looked somewhat mixed

not really

If you asked people to describe typical german it would be blonde+blue eyes

Noticeably above average.


no surprise the catalan is the ugliest.

where are the latinas alberto

THATS african?

>implying every person is campanilistic in Italy
I'm sorry my Tuscan friend, not everyone are so.


In Europe, the most genetically diverse peoples are those of the big states of Western Europe (Spaniards, Italians, French, Germans) and formerly very geographically expansive populations that lost territory and had their populations condensed (Greeks, Germans etc.).

PS: phenotypical diversity doesn't necessarily map to genetic diversity since only a few alleles are necessary for the former

Lets roll, pls not 15


>not a single blonde girl

Forgot to add that number 5 is pretty tho

israel is very diverse. im in a hurry so i had no idea who to pick for north african jews, iraqi jews, romanian jews, hungarian jews, etc. etc.

also there are circassians