What happens here?
What happens here?
Not sex, that's for sure. xD
Speeding tickets. It is a rite of passage.
Carrier's naval Base, also near Washington DC
government workers and liberals in the north east near DC, niggers in the south east, baptist hicks and confederate memorials every where else
Northern VA: Rich, preppy, assholes
Southeastern VA: Nogs as far the eye can see. Also big ass naval base
Everywhere else: Bascially WV (nothing)
Are radar detectors still illegal there?
its a pit stop to DC
Yes and LIDAR jammers as well.
Niggers raping/murdering ugly college students
Asians shooting up schools
Chain gangs
Speeding tickets
Butthurt West Virginians
i85 is a slaughterhouse. They cops hide in the goddamn trees and you don't see them until it is too late. My dad got a flat there and joked about how he just saved $200 due to the doughnut limiting his speed.
>small nig population != shithole
this is one of the most based states in the union
but everyone pisses on it because muh slavery make nigapop
>based virgina
I've heard the ticket for running a radar detector is less than the ticket for speeding. I'd just use a radar detector anyway, to be safe. Especially if you have something like the Redline which is immune to radar detector detectors like the Spectre Elite.
I never said Virginia was a shit state
tfw i live in the black belt
Government work in NoVA along with the old blue bloods that want the south to rise again. It's comfy if you have the money.
The coast is vacationers and the navy
Panhandle is VTech and the Blue Ridge. Beautiful scenery. Bretty cozy.
Inland and the piedmont are all about rural communities, farming, and Jesus. Not so bad if you like guns and christfags.
plz send us muh ded niga postcard
va best state
I don't know if Virginia suffers the same cognitive dissonance prevalent in the Deep South of hating terrorists for being "un-American" and yet still waving the flag of the failed traitorous rebellion that killed more Americans than any other war in order to keep slaves toiling the fields.
t. got triggered by some conservashits and needed to let that out there.
Yeah, Virginia is nice if you like American history and politics. There are also beaches. It is where Jaws was filmed I believe.
Not a whole lot of events seem to happen here. Maybe I just don't get out enough.