Why is Israel in a majority Islamic area so far away from where most Jews are...

Why is Israel in a majority Islamic area so far away from where most Jews are? Wouldn't it make more sense for Israel to be in a Jew-dominant section of Europe?

because that is the land G-d gave them

Anglos confirmed for gods

Great Britain and dominions?

Yeah, that didn't work out too well last time.

the whole world would have been much better if the kikes never existed

The main reason I agree with this statement is because it means the Christians and Muslims would never have existed.

There is no Jew dominated section of anywhere outside of Israel. There are only ~16 million Jews in the entire world.


Why is London in a majority Islamic area so far away from where most whites are? Wouldn't it make more sense for London to be in a white-dominant section of Europe?

I'm not an atheist, just Hindu. From a country ruined by Muslims and Christians.

There are no Jew dominant areas in Europe. Outside of Israel, Jews are always a minority.

Only 1 million or so of the London population is Muslim, so about 13%

Meanwhile 25% of Israel's population is Arab, many of whom are Muslims

Putting an industrious ethnocentric nation anywhere in europe would be asking for genocide. Levant niggers are too dumb and cuck to do the same.
Really though, they should have gone to south america.


Hindus ran your shit country in the ground, it was better under the Mughals (muslims) and British (christians).

if you're vaishnavi then you're basically christian in denial

At least Christian countries know where to poo.

>taking my post seriously
Israel is where it is because that's where Israel was. Is that really a hard concept to grasp?

Sorry I'm autistic and have a hard time discerning what is satire and what isn't

Do you poo in loo though?

I honestly can't tell if your post is humor or if you're legit medically autistic. Shit, maybe I'm autistic too.

>Jew-dominant section of Europe

Which one? The ashtrays?

They should have just showed them all in Bosnia, add in some protestants as well


>Jew-dominant section of Europe
the fuck are you smoking kike?
Nobody gives a fuck about israel, it's their diaspora that cause stupid shit and moan.
fuck jews outside israel tbqh

>hurr durr why don't we just put it somewhere else

I forgot the part where G-d mentions Madagascar as the holy land

Why do people care about an area that can literally fit inside of Florida?

>without the golan heights

jews live there
arabs are butthurt about jews
americans are cucks to jews
iran wants middle-east for itself
as such fuck israel?

oh yeah they also have no remorse in killing children and shit because muh subhuman goyim or something