Brazil is the USA of South America but instead of one Mexico we got ten.
Brazil is the USA of South America but instead of one Mexico we got ten
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I'm 20cm taller than northerners
Argentina is the Canada of South America: better climate, culture, and whiter than USA/Brazil, less insane government, and similar quality of posters.
t. alberto barbosa
>less insane government
hahahahahah no
Have you look at the new Argentinian President?
have you looked at his popularity? Also when did we have 5 impeachments in a week? But yeah Macri is white, non-commie, USA cuck, supported by the South American media therefore he is good
Only commies are allowed to run South America?
Fuck that.
I had a look in his popularity, he have 67% of "thumbs up". Not that bad when you get a complete ruined country and try to fix it.
So only non-commies are allowed to run South America?
>So only non-commies are allowed to run South America?
Yes, communists aren't fit to run even a hot dog stand.
Yes, everyone knows how communism ends.
Also, El Pais? seriously?
It's like believe in datafolha in brazil.
so therefore elections mean nothing right, also non-commies can do whatever they want right, because they are the right ideology. Therefore corruption shouldn't apply to them also, because they are the greater good, I mean it was clearly illegitimate why they deposed Dilma but it was for the greater good!
it's chile niga
3rd richist american country whit fuckall peeps
You can put whatever words you want in my mouth to try and discredit me, I never mentioned anything about corruption being justifiable. It still won't change the fact that communism is naturally anti-democratic and only leads to disaster.
>chile is best
top kek to mazx kekman mex
>any country in South America
Communist is a buzzword used by right wingers to try discrediting anyone they disagree with.
>communism is naturally anti-democratic and only leads to disaster.
so the worker's party being elected for 16 years means they are anti-democratic? But yeah the impeachment is much more democratic, the deputies represent us!
Then who is the Russia of South America?
Well, at less i don't take a shot in the back of my head for disagree...
And here come the Bernie supporter. How much weed have you smoked this week?
The deputies were democratically elected to be the representatives of the people, because we live in a representative democracy.
So yeah, they represent us. Now shut up.
>implying this is happening anywhere in South America
>implying right wing wetdream dictators like Fujimori, helicopter man, and Brazil's CIA dictatorship didn't shoot left wingers in the head for disagreeing
how does a country get this buthurt over a polished shithole
>they've been in recession for 20 years
Oh yes Bernie Sanders from Vermont represents the people of Texas.
>implying I'm not a Trump supporter who hates this same shit argument being used against my peers
yes they represent our ideals HAHAHAHA, they clearly don't represent themselves, they clearly weren't scared due to corruption, even the population agrees with your statement that they sure represent us!
m8, we surpassed the UK in GDP back in 2010
Except for Venezuela, where the opposition sometimes get arrested or die mysteriously.
>75% of the government under investigation for corruption, or corrupt, or in jail
>they represent us
You weren't kidding.
Bernie Sanders from Vermont represents the state of Vermont, retard.
Senators =/= deputies.
Your graphic doesn't mean shit. It just proves that people don't trust the politicians which they elected.
>Except for Venezuela, where the opposition sometimes get arrested or die mysteriously.
Any evidence of the government actively killing dissidents?
It's a shithole gone bad. But they aren't shooting the opposition and ending elections, yet.
Not for the killings, but there are still the arrests. Still very suspicious.
Using the
>le representative democracy is representative
argument for a third world shithole, is like saying Russia is a representative democracy because the majority support Putin.
Yes, it doesn't prove shit, brazilians sure trust their leaders! Especially Temer now, he sure has nothing to do with corruption! His minister didn't clearly state how he wanted to impeach Dilma to save themselves and everybody behind the process, Temer will sure bring the hammer of justice to everybody, especially his allies!
In our case it literally isn't a buzzword, PT is quite openly communist and there's plenty of pro-commie anti-capitalism propaganda in our media and education.
Someone post those textbook pics with the stupid commie x capitalism comparisons.
Yes and in comparison to Brazil or Argentina or Bolivia's leftism, it is hellish.
But it isn't North Korea, China 1966, or Africa.
Right wing neoliberal governments are getting fucked by oil's collapse as well.
>PT is quite openly communist
You're quite literally wrong.
Also, they are in coalition.
Yes, PT has destroyed private property and nationalized all foreign multinationals and abolished the private-ownership of companies, also most capitalists didn't gain any money from the PT government, also we didn't go from like 15th economy in the world to 8th, because of the dictatorship of the proletariat
How is this when we're already the America of South America because all the immigrants are coming here anyways?
>shoot left wingers in the head for disagreeing
No, we torture them. Back in time, you guys teach us.
In 20 years of "Iron fist dictatorship" 357 people die, or went missing. IN FUCKING 20 YEARS!!!
Almost all of our highways where build in that time. Almost all hydroelectric where build in that time. All our good ports where build (or at less, made great) in that time.
What 14 years of the PT (Workers Party) bring to us? New ports in Cuba, new hydro power plants in Venezuela, huge amount of money to communist Africa. A SHIT LOAD OF HAITIANS IN EVERY SOUTH BRAZILIAN TOWN!!!
Do you know how much my state receive back in taxes last year? 22%! And do you know what the ex president told us? YOU GUYS ALREADY HAVE GOOD INFRASTRUCTURE.
why even say that retarded shit it's so pathetic
>idz not tru coz i sed zo coz muh factdz sayz for reel bro u fag
Cmon, it was just a stupid joke thread.
Bolivia's leftism is getting pretty darn close to Venezuela's standards.
>Someone post those textbook pics with the stupid commie x capitalism comparisons.
Ministry of Education sanctioned textbook
>"we work for him, the owner of the factory"
>private property: real state, mines, factories, banks and companies in general belong to the bourgeoisie
>the workers work for the bourgeoisie
>the objective of the economy are the profits of the bourgeoisie
>the economy is based on the market
>"this factory belongs to all society, we work for ourselves."
>collective property: the working people are now the owners of everything (socialization)
>the workers work for society
>the objective of the economy is the welfare of the community
>the economy is planned by society
I bring a huge amount of facts. And your best reply was call me racist?
Guest what. Fuck niggers. Fuck your welfare state that destroyed our country. Stop leach my kind and get a fucking job. Oh wait, we are in the middle of a crises. There is no jobs for a pot smoking that support communism.
you are pathetic britbong
>huge ammount of facts
>literally Sup Forums subjectivity muh feels, muh black people, i am cuck
yes I am a stupid pot head
It's in portuguese but it explains how PT wants a China-style communist dictatorship.
Brazil have a continental land mass. We can grow shit the entire year because our soil don't froze. And you dare to compare it to a tiny and frost island?
Consider suicide.
you are fucking stupid, have you even read what he has posted?
That tiny island ruled the world and is now richer than Brazil in absolute terms again.
They had a headstart, not fair.
I get the number of "millions and millions who die in that period", i bring the infrastructure fact. And you still believe that is owning this discussion?
Yes. I did. Try to compare a single Brazilian state from the size of UK.
That is my point. Just because we caught them in GDP, don't make us better.
Ah yes very impressive
a country with tons of natural resources and a huge popular has a larger gdp than a country with little natural resources and small population
No you didn't you stupid fuck >they've been in recession for 20 years
USA had a better headstart than Brazil?
Fuck sake, the Portuguese imperial family come to Brazil and come science, libraries, churches, man power, culture. Mean while USA was being colonization by a bunch of criminals and peasants.
We are no different from Africa. We spoil what was given to us.
I'm clearly not the person who said that
I just wanted to shit on your country :^)
I was just being cheeky tbqh, I don't think there's any sane person who doesn't realize our rampant corruption and stupidity severely slowed down our progress.
>rampant corruption and stupidity severely slowed down our progress.
This is how this discussion start. I accuse the communists and leftists that rule this country for the last 20 years of ruin the country. You deny that and change the subject.
Not the same person hue.
made me laugh, good one hermano
I wonder which one matters more.
Ohh, okay. The leftist probably close his browser and declare victory in his pro Dilma facebook account.
Sorry m8.
>In 20 years of "Iron fist dictatorship" 357 people die, or went missing. IN FUCKING 20 YEARS!!!
yeah, just 400 people died because they thought different! It's not a problem!!!!! HAHAHA NATIONAL SECURITY IS A MUST!!!!!!
>New ports in Cuba, new hydro power plants in Venezuela, huge amount of money to communist Africa.
yes, yes it didn't generated any money toward us, because you know no BR company was involved in all of this, it obviously didn't generate profits to our companies because our Government is a commie government all he did was spending this money towards the poor and not me, ESPECIALLY IN BRINGING HAITIANS, IT'S MY MONEY TO POOR BLACK PEOPLE OUR COUNTRY IS SHIT WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING ANYTHING INTERNATIONAL TOWARDS OTHER COUNTRIES!!!!111
>Do you know how much my state receive back in taxes last year? 22%!
have you actually really gone to other places in Brazil? to the northeast, north and other shit? to know what the hell you are talking about m8, also we are a country m8, if you want our country to develop altogether, instead of one state dominate the rest we need this m8, BUT NO THEY ARE CORRUPT AND STEAL ALL OUR MONIES WE NEED A RIGHT-WING GOVERNMENT TO END CORRUPTION uhm wait
>Mean while USA was being colonization by a bunch of criminals and peasants.
Holy fuck this meme is amazingly wrong.
Second of all, America recieved amazing amounts of cultural and economic connections with the world superpower of Britain 1600-1800.
Third, we conquered everyone else and have access to more land, two coasts, and not a giant fucking rainforest full of abos.
Soon Latin America will unite as one country and the world will pay.
>I blame the Communists and leftists that ruled this country for the last 20 years of ruin the country.
Then you're fucking retarded.
>they thought different!
Bomb buses and libraries is "think different"?
Also, any country that became communist, lose not less than 5k people just to starvation. Not to mention the buses filled with dissidents that where bring to the forests and shot.
Just to meme your shitty ideology. Half of those people, simple die in Berlin Wall trying to scape your heaven.
>money toward us
Do you call a 200Bilions a money toward us? All those foreign buildings didn't inject half a billion back in the country. (Do you really think that those countries will pay us back?)
And again. Fuck niggers. Haitians don't belong here.
>to the northeast, north and other shit
Now you are kidding me.
Those regions will never develop if we keep trowing sub existence money to them. They don't work because will lost his precious welfare. No jobs, no production. No production, no taxes. No taxes? take more money from the whites.
Northeast is a shithole because the communists have ruled that place for decades. They literally buy their votes with our taxes.
What's your opinion about Jair Bolsonaro?
I'm an American and I agree with the op
He is a great Leader who will destroy communism once and for all.
>giant fucking rainforest full of abos
You guys are smart. You killed your abos.
Also. More land? Without Hawaii USA is smaller than Brazil.
And what you call a "giant fucking rainforest" is one of the most rich soils in the world. We can produce food the entire year. Not a single flock of snow to ruin our crops.
You can't compare a few ships coming from england with books and stuff. We receive the entire Imperial family treasure. For a time, Brazil was the capital of the Portuguese empire.
The first American university was build in 1636, mean while, Brazil already have one back in 1549!
What statistic do you want?
Literal reactionary meme, only cares about irrelevant social bullshit.
What we need now is a leader with a strong economical plan, and Bolsomeme doesn't have that.
People who like him are stuck in cold war-era "us vs them" spook mentality.
He has a good economy plan. But the media keep pushing the topics like faggots and niggers.
Then why are you the ones emigrating to other countries like argentina, Chile and even mine. (I'm starting to see lots of brazilians lately).
Pls explain.
To exploit your land and jobs and bring the money back to Brazil.
Hmm. Dude they're settling down and paying taxes in the countries I just mentioned. Maybe they also send some remittances and declare taxes back home as well, so you're partially right.
on the upside you have a border with france
Marvelous post buddy, we love Canada