Could i pass as local in you're country?

Could i pass as local in you're country?

hey, sexy ;)

literally anyone can with the right clothes

could I?

¿Eres un Árabe?

ew :/

You could pass as a local on /soc/

Soy un mexicano guey

well, thatso fuckin rude???

Really rude t b h

Could i pass as local in you're country?

No. Too white.

People will think you're a wog

not as rude as you posting your frog-lookin ass on here

Kevin James is bulgaria

Yes. There are many dark Croats. Pic related.


jokin, bud


nigga, ur all shirskins lmao

No. Too white.

Goce Delčev/10

you took it too far ...

Could i pass as local in you are country?

Yeah actually. There are people who look like you here.

Any Irish genes in your past?

Very ugly, but I could see this being a local in some remote northern town
These 2 men too
Aside from the hair, yes.

I doubt it senpai, mostly spaniard and ameri indian

could I?

Could I?

you can pass as local in my bed

ayy papi