


Bhutanese Passport

Sure i have passport.

I'd love to see that passport

The new Brazilian one is ugly as sin

It's nice isn't it?

I've always wanted a customs job just so I can go through passports to see visas and stamps from around the world and also see all the hipster small country passports

do you collect money

Nope, why? I only have some money from places I've visited

India is pretty baller



This one is nice

a fucking elephant


AND palm trees

Shit is so cash

the big fat "AUSTRALIA" ruins it 2bh

Story? Why are you in Mexico?

>thought this game
>was kicked out of uni
>they uni can't return my money until I prove that I studied there and give them papers that prove that I need money

a kangaroo and an Emu.Is this freaking real

yeah we formed an alliance with them after the great emu war haha

how white are you? can you speak danish? I know many german colombians who look very shitskin and can't speak their language for shit


Why are you still here?

Because I am rich and comfy? why would I move, I barely speak any Italian

Isn't Brazil dangerous for the rich especially?

You might get kidnapped and held for ransom

>believing the memes
It is just dangerous in certain locations.Sao paulo has a murder rate lower than New York for example

I'm talking about corruption with the police and your government. I've heard stories of the wealthy in Brazil being held for ransom and the police wouldn't do much because they're paid off.

well it never happened to me or anyone I know.But then, I am not that rich.I think they go after billionaires or multi digit millionaires.They wont try to ramson some randon single digit millionaire like me.

le rampant corrupted south american country meme man

With just our bff in the map, the rest is shit

Thanks greatest ally.We also love you

>telling me South American corruption is a meme


lel wut?

you entire electoral system is rigged mate

I must have shitty Brazilian friends who over exaggerate

He told me stories of never stopping at red lights because you will lose your car, he told me when ever a cop pulls you over you have the option to pay him always, he told me there's organized crime that's pretty much unstoppable in some states because of their resources

Send more bundas and bolo milho pls

I know m8
Every cunt is corrupt to an extent

But some SA cunts take it to a new level familia

the passport of dream puedo land.

>that antarctica thing

kek, this is cringeworthy

As soon as Brasil gets its shit together, I still won't be banking in that dough.

>puedo land

wtf are you doing in this SHITHOOOOOOOLE


Wanted to join the military for a year so get a load of my mind and life in general.

Couldn't join, was released immediately. So I found and started to do a course as a flight attendant. Doing that and most likely will be flying within the next month or so with either an American or Brazilian airline.

International pays good money.

>he is under 180cm

You might have dual citizenship but at least I'm not a manlet

uh nicely done I guess? I'm 180 something CM :3


uh oh

fuck it all

You heard it here first: Giga-Satan is not a manlet

quints of truth


Only $250k

That's like saying
>You might get your dick sucked but at least I can suck dick.

why so much?

almost every fucking country has this