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>he fell for the "sikhs are bro tier" meme

Sikhs are bro tier

its like they wake up and they think "how can we push the issue further today?".

if this keeps going in 5 years time people like trudeou will be doing something like this

>You will live to see Canada formally apologise to the US for burning down the White House


Not Canadian ones who are prone to crime, terrorist attacks, gangs, ethnic cronyism and political pressure groups. Sikhs need to apologize to us.

tbf he's no different from harper in the apologizing for irrelevant shit department

Pain tolerance.

Slavs squat, Canadians do this.

Pic related is his Dad, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Can't wait

>S-sorry Mr. Trump

Is he in a gang?

I am still waiting.

>ethnic cronyism and political pressure groups.
That's basically all of East Asians, Southeast Asians, South Asians, Africans, Arabs, Jews, etc.

You know we had a leader that liked to play dress-up too

Is this when his wife was fucking Mick Jagger?

Except he actually was a pilot in the Air National Guard. Trudeau is not a Sikh.

Sikhs are bro tier

That's not Trudeau, that's Prison Justin

>Not Canadian ones who are prone to crime, terrorist attacks, gangs, ethnic cronyism and political pressure groups. Sikhs need to apologize to us.

They don't do that though.



Wow what an unbiased source of information! what next, you'll link Stormfront threads to prove the international jewish conspiracy?

Why would he apologize to Trump when Hillary is going to be president?

He looks like a fruity swashbuckler

Oh even better he can apologize while Hilary blasts him in the ass with a strapon on live tv

Meanwhile, Obama visits Hiroshima and refuses to apologize for the nukes.

Are Canadians even humans?

Was he also Chinese?

holy shit i thought david foster wallace killed himself

Why are they wearing rugs?

Pic related

Actually he's sort of similar to his French Canadian ancestors.

russian culture

Who could forget this glorious moment in American history?

Maybe you should have started with that for your dress up show then.

Do you have the GIF? Otherwise it's not really the same.


I gotchu, senpai


Putin and Bush love to play dressup together

Holy shit

reparations when

I want Harper back.

I can't take this shit anymore. Why does Trudeau have to be such a beta fag

He does speak Spanglish

Estrogen in the water supply

Harper already did it why is this cunt wasting everyone's time?

oh boy mr. current year does it again. god i wish trudeau was shot by "tolerant" muslims for not having a beard

bush to me is such a strange man. i feel like he's that really cool neighbor who has bbqs on the weekends and is silly and shit, but when i see his face i just think 9/11 and saddam.

It's a fucking doo-rag. Weedman is appropriating African-American culture.

Stop appropriating my overly PC apologist culture, Scandinigger scum!

>the dude standing behind him
Dude seriously I bet trudeau can feel the top of his penis poking between has ass cheeks like fuck off dude

The 9/11 terrorists came through from Canada. Ipso facto the immigrants coming into Canada pose a serious threat to America. Ergo anex Canada, seal it off from the world.

Vis-a-vis this stance on Canada's immigrants, consider that Americans comprise 4-6% of Canadian immigrants (huge... for a somewhat-white, non-refugee-jettisoning country) any given year.

>it's an australia and his minion trying to shitpost episode

God Bless America.

>regurgitating that mccain meme

>On September 14, three days after the attacks, the FBI announced the names of 19 persons.[29] After a controversy about an earlier remark, U.S. Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano stated in May 2009 that the 9/11 Commission found that none of the hijackers entered the United States through Canada.[34]

>So inept you have to rely on divine intervention to win


Going against the military superpower of that time, and managing to Status quo ante bellum.

Also, it's not like you guys had anything to do with the burning of washington.

>Also, it's not like you guys had anything to do with the burning of washington.

Not like you had anything to do with winning either if a tornado solved the problem.

>Muh god

Unrelated coast

I was just memeing.
You guys literally believe that you had something to do with the burning of washington.

How do you k ow about do rags all the way overin Sweden??

Yea, hath African American culture travelled so far?

So America also had their "kamikaze".

Are you still mad we did that?

taking credit for the brits.

indian am here the muh white man is real until he's making deals to buy our computers. ridiculous shit. america is a little more moderate but the ethnic cronyism shit definitely is a thing


Then it seems that Canada itself is the problem.

i bet your military doesn't even have a meme magick division


I would probably legit be willing to fuck Trudeau.

pitching or catching?

>dat covered glass

Did Trudeau try to date-rape Obama?

Reading too much DFW

Probs just so dust and shit doesn't fall in.
Also it might react to some poisons.

Porque no los dos?

>Herr Justin and his Leafmacht will never annex us

Just kill me now lads


>mfw Mohammed Atta lived in germany
>nobody stopped him
>I now realized we already let several hundred IS terrorists in and the departement for tolerance will prevent anything that might harm the reputation of the terrorists here

Prepare your Anus

Kek, no they didn't. Amerifat incompetence knows no limit